Friday, July 10, 2020

Free Advice For Anti-Whitmer Honest Licensed Businesses

I recommend you do the following to avoid being drawn into a courtroom by a honest customer.

1. Ask people desiring to assist your business as customers if they, the customers, are not wearing a mask because of medical reasons.

2. If they claim they have a medical reason NOT to wear a mask, allow them into your business as you would allow an masked customer into your business.

3. Make sure you interrogate/question/ 'jack up' customers who are wearing a mask in order to avoid becoming so pro-mask that you don't think unmasked people matter and start harassing innocent saints in progress.

 $: How about starting a terrific 5th amendment shirt which says more than you can say typically out loud such as  a  t-shirt imprinted with ' Unmasked People Matter' ot 'If You Don't Like Me, Go To Lucifer' or ' Ottawa Blacks and Colored Pucks Matter More To Me Than Biden's Anti-Whyte Blacks.'

For instance, maybe the JW.ORG people want to practice 'role playing' and here is the short teaching lesson:

Plan J:
Business owner or intelligently trained employee asks:

"Why are you wearing a mask?' to a masked person. If the masked person says they are afraid of catching a virus, RECOMMEND THAT THEY LEAVE  and suggest they order their non-emergency needs online or send a non-fearful healthy friend to do their shopping, but let them in if they appear to be as healthy as Jeffrey Dahmer was before he went to prison.

 Business owner or intelligently trained anti-Whitmer employee asks: ' Do you have a real medical condition that requires NO MASK? ' If they say yes, you do not have enough probable cause to suspect they are dangerously ill with a contagious disease and thus you should NOT turn away their business.  You should let them in as if they are as healthy as you are especially if there are no signs of contagious disease such as AIDS, venereal disease, smallpox, etc. and they are not naked, vomiting, bleeding profusely, spitting,  or behaving as though they are your enemy desiring to deceive you.

Used cars get rated by their condition from bad to excellent, with fair and good in the middle. This people also have medical conditions from bad to excellent, and the person in excellent medical condition shouldn't be pressured to ruin their health by wearing a mask over their face.

Does a person without a broken leg ask for a cast? Does a person with 20/20 vision ask to get contact lessons to diminish their vision capabilities?  If  Gretchen Whitmer wasn't so wicked and unemployed like many of the people who voted for her , she would be mentally and physically suited to be a  cake-faced circus clown guarding  Jumbo the Elephant in Port Stanley, Ontario but not good enough to find a good, decent honorable job in  housekeeping, good aw enforcement or food industries based on her obvious lack of proper education in house of Gd keeping and her intentional refusal to get an education in clean  Kosher or Halal food preparation and biblical prophesy.


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