Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Does Leo and Scorpio Combination Cast Out Revelation 9 Fear?

Some people refer to Scorpio as the 10th house, but common knowledge has declared that the sun will be moving toward Leo starting today (July 22, 2020) and that will move through the 10th house of Scorpio.  I don't believe in the Tarot card crap nor the generic predictions, but Book of Revelation readers have put huge emphasis on the 'woman' with 12 stars and might not have noticed the subtle teeth of Leo mixing up with the tail of Scorpio.    When the army of locusts move, they have 'teeth like lions and tails like scorpions' which is a curiousity when Scorpio is mixing up with Leo this month......hmmmmmm.

I never desire to see the sphinx system of Egypt, but some wicked children  have chosen to visit the lifeless sphinx lines in Egypt and afterward, as if compelled by evil and not love, those children  eventuallly refused to  connect with their actual maternal line respectfully and properly since they fulfilled their desire to see Egyptian idols.

Scorpions are real and quite lively when provoked. I've always admired the words to the Russian national anthem because they mention 'mother' and my grandmother received her first beef meal from a Russian soldier during WWI, but pork came from the Jesuit Catholic Huns who intentionally pass the pig meat toward  people who won't believe Moshe Ben Amram and as a result they  knowingly defile human temples.

In my school, the sealed 10th house is Zebulun until the stone of Levy gets set down as the 10th foundation, and so it is that I counter horoscope nut cases. What if the 18 locker room holes at the Troy Sports arena are like the stars in Scorpio?   I usually went into the 8th hole. Architecture is intriguing but can be quite a trap sometimes.

ESPN has Viktor Koslov at 477, but Panini has Sidney Crosby at 477, which leads to a Elisha Manning question in his 10th house jersey.

What happens when you remove the ו  from H3016    יגור   ?  You get H3025, not H2467.

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