Wednesday, July 1, 2020

2020 Armada Tigers Err At George Strait!

What goes wrong in small towns is often the root of improper understanding of the role of a K as in King.  I was surprised but not shocked to see that the entire Armada class of 2020 chose to align with George Strait rather than with a more reputable leader such as George Baldus, former LA Kings such as Paul D. Coffey,  Jack Campbell, Dave Taylor  or Sean G. Whyte, the LA King of Sudbury.

Now that I noticed that some businesses in Armada, Michigan are promoting rather than demoting George Strait. I have to tarry toward Richmond or Romeo for my business endeavors will conducting non-nuclear tests that involve numerology, Scriptural references, chemistry table talk and the effect of Hebrew words during calm and stressful times.

English common translation: Since 'Caleb' is from Esau, he might actually be the true lion of the tribe of Judah who's historic leadership is well documented.  Depraved companies such as 'Walt Disney' mocked rather than respected biblical warnings and true virtuous holy women do NOT look like nor behave like mermaids in South Haven,Michigan.

  I now have probable cause to beieve that the first seal of the tribe of Judah is going be tied to Caleb, not  to a crucifix symbol.

Steer away from George Strait to avoid Mark Osborne stupidity and repetition of past errors.

Only 13 colonies will be starting their 244th year when Canada is starting their 153rd year. Zucker and Marleau moved to Pittsburgh at a very odd time in my opinion, thankfully, ,  Pittsburgh PA is nothing like Las Vegas.

Now,' Freeport' will be playing music in Armada on Canada Day, a name which reminds me of a unique bridge area in Pennsylvania.  I'm not the only person sifting through 'possibilities' to try to establish probablities and predict the next moves of the enemies of  יהוה    .

Gretchen Whitmer is an enemy of   יהוה ; even blind people on Charlotte NC's  Hebron road should be aware of the music industry split at 'Freeport' connections such as the following ROB split:

1. Deer
2. Andringa
3. McGaver
4. Petrie

Q: Which of the above 4 is the 'dummy hand'?
A: #4 Petrie, the television fake father figure

Dusk 807 post-historic note: Thomas Hendricks and Thomas Leonard, both Milwaukee Public school graduates, were not created equal even though they both understand weight lifting.

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