Saturday, July 4, 2020

Check #345499: Don't Be In A Rush To Open gmail

Security systems often fail when people don't meet face to face.  I was blessed to be able to eat a wonderful shabbat meal as I thought about the roles of several  people named 'Caleb' . What some people might be calling a BUCK moon in reference to Pearl S. lines, others might be calling a Valentine White Blossom Moon shine.

It is getting more and more difficult to maintain a proper outlook on a regular sabbath. Cape Fear isn't Cape Cod, yet who has known that the church that George Washington attended had  יהוה   's name within it, even if they had gotten confused about sabbath-keeping due to Protestant mixtures more confusing than vegetarian grape leaves from the Sahara that weren' consumed by locusts.

Opening an email from a person who has refused to trust you could actually spread a virus within your frugal computer lines that are monitored by more than a fly swatter. If the sender of an email hasn't been reliable, I recommend that you ship that email into a storage file smaller than a POD of furniture until that person tries to make more NATURAL contact with you.  If the sender of a message really cares, they SHOULD try other methods to contact you  such as paper mail or telephone, which can prevent confusing information possibly sent by a spouse who is trying to sabotage much more than a Tom Welch traffic jam problem.

Here's a 4 Caleb split that does not need Cabela's $ in their life:

1. Guilliams, world traveler, son of Tom and closest to the Buck White shadow of FedEx husbands ( my XX son is familiar with Guilliams and maybe Joseph at 4, but not with 2 or 3. 2 and 3 are true friends of mine who have listened to me, welcomed me into their family dwelling and demonstrated actual GOOD WORKS. Shane Hernandez, Keith Hernandez. Eulalio Hernandez and Aaron Hernandez are now Marine City variables in a test  of wills.
2. Mendoza, most helpful private servant who is more important in a community than the St. Louis Cathedral of Paris or Ottawa
3. Rushing, best trained young man I know that is courageous and bold while rebuking of unclean practices
4. Joseph, the 98th Minnesota Viking XX male man who does not look like Olivia DeHaviland's XY factor  next to Leo Genn

As I observed the dish communications from one of the most magnificent places in Michigan to start a sabbath evening at. I took a longer look at the garlic fluff that reminded me of the cloud that was a daytime indicator for those in Moshe Ben Amram's wandering flock. I don't know who Jeffrey Barton was ( pronounced dead according to 1-800-815-3557 reports), but I do know that Kim Barton, former USA Navy man, took the time to listen about the relevant stone assignments in the breastplate of Aaron.

I'm not in a Red Cross blood line nor together in any system with George Strait.  I appreciate what George and Martha Washington accomplished, and I don't intend to stop any conflicts between Hell's Angels and ANTIFA. I'm not worried about wars between Denzel Valentine and Kenneth Hess and have studied Kenneth Washington vs. Ivan Dixon more times than some people have studied O, B and A blood types.

Make fewer offenses toward and be willing to defend your parents and family members who have tried to turn you toward the writings of the prophets including Moshe Ban Amram and Ezequiel, although making no mistakes is almost impossible on earth.  If you have been confused by some of my posts, it may be because I actually do use a lot of codes for a strong safety reason.   Highways 12 and 13 sometimes lead to Eliat and the Red Sea, not always to Madison and Marshfield in  Wisconsin.

When you take a penalty shot, 1 good Ferndale vodka shot is better than a needle in your arm filled with Portage County Wisconsin toxic chemicals. Weeping is what occurs when a woman has struggled to bring forth her child, only to discover that even her best efforts resulted in sudden death.

I is like Isaiah Thomas; there are some real men in Michigan who have adjusted their outerwear to indicate the calendar system of   יהוה.  There has been a sealing process going on that has been overt, not covert.

345499 is a Damien Rhodes goalie trailer mix led by Seth Jones at 3 with Cujo in the middle.. Dusty Kleiss was opposed to Hartwig Kleiss according to Dequesne spy ring reports that oddly mentioned a Stigler who resembles Thomas Stigler not Thomas Klusman.

Here's the turtle ear twister: this post is still more logical than buying fireworks or being cruel to a person struggling to believe in the works of biblical archangels, even if it seems 'flighty' as a conflict between Dusty Kleiss and Hartwig Kleiss.

Even I didn't expect to close this battle with a breaking ball..... ⚾

A small g  is not a G as in ג.

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