Adam Fink slipped, like most who 'add on' Hanukkah do. When Yeshua showed up in what may have been the end of the 9th month to witness what 'dedication' was occurring in the 9th month in Jerusalem, he plainly stated that the men gathering then and there WERE NOT HIS SHEEP!!! How does telling a group of 9th month partiers that they are NOT his sheep put a stamp of approval on their 'add on' festivities? In my opinion, Yeshua showed up in Jerusalem 'in winter' to make it clear that what the corrupted local Jewish assembly was doing was NOT what his sheepfold would be doing, since the 8-day 7th month dedication would have been completed in the 7th month. Consider how much MONEY is wasted while drawn in by the Hannukah promoters to areas such as Jerusalem. Y-hw-h didn't establish, approve of nor order Hannukah parties nor the marketing of Hannukah trinkets and the increased financial burdens caused by not only Christmas but also Hannukah's contrived 'gift-exchange' sessions.
2nd Chronicles 7 refers to 7th month activities as 'dedication time. The Kislev 25th partiers are doing what they are doing 'in the dark', that is, in the darkness of the lunar cycle, not scheduled in the time of the light of theu full moon as the 2 holy weeks established by Yah through Moshe Ben Amram. It is probable that the 1000 who were martyred during the Maccabean revolt actually decided to flee to the wilderness rather than 'hang around' with the Talmud brood who were told they were NOT Yeshua's sheep in Gospel John chapter 10, and therefore did what was right in the sight of Y-hw-h.
As I listened to Adam Fink's December 20th, 2019 production, teaming up with the berded Mr. Hannukah, I noticed he reverted and spoke using 'God' rather than Yahuah… double-minded and unstable while refusing to close the door on the Talmud brood of December surfeiters, stuffing their faces with jelly-filled donuts and high calories fried foods. The Roman empire desired to entrap the people under in their palms with an order to 'party' at what most people now refer to as December near the time of December 25th, while a remnant will remember the 12th month, 25th day when the King of Judah was released by Evil-Meradoch, as documented in the book of Jeremiah.
Mr. Fink and his verbal companion claimed that the temple was dedicated in the 9th month so many times that they might believe that claim, even though it clearly contradicts 2nd Chronicles Chapter 7. I won't be the judge of the Hanukkah trinket toss-up and Hanukkah surfeiting scenes that mimic Christmas partiers, but I will be reminding myself and those who have ears to hear that Yeshua told the winter 'dedication' assembly men that they were not his SHEEP and he was actually testifying against their activities, not approving of them. The USA military does produce many spiritual goats and pork dinners, who toss up Christmas wreaths in Winston Churchill fashion like the Japanese tossed up Zero A6M airplanes that Dusty Kleisser tried to counter without his friend from 137 Roosevelt Avenue in Pocatello, Idaho. Likewise, many get their feet stuck on Hanukkah and Christmas traditions after aligning with leaders who refuse to believe Moshe Ben Amram, and thus they don't believe Yeshua's words denouncing the non-sheep Talmud gang that was playing alternate church-style 'dedication' ceremonies in Jerusalem in winter.
Hanukkah's jelly-filled donuts are like the Japanese submarine that sunk the Yorktown; the damage approaches quietly from the yeast like a beast that rises out of a warm liquid sea. Hanukkah's not in Leviticus 23, and Adam Fink does not yet want to understand that fact yet so he can dapple in lukewarm waters of dreidel games and chocolate 'coin' gambling. Landing on 'Gimel' means 'nothing happens'? What happens when I, also known as Nothing But Difficult rather than as Jesus, shows up with 'Operation Ball' instead of 'Operation Cue' while contemplating a #22 flywheel problem that redirects her back to Toyota building plans?
I am thankful that Y-hw-h allowed me to realize that Yeshua openly told those participating in Hannukah activities were NOT his sheep. When pro-Christmas spouses spar against pro-Hanukkah people, they actually are very much alike in their mutual refusal to trust Moshe Ben Amram and Y-hw-h. The Gentiles tossing their swine onto an altar area already corrupted and obviously taken over by anti-Y-hw-h sect was not miraculously prevented because Y-hw-h's NAME ( authority) had been evicted from that site by the Talmud mob that corrupted themselves and their 'building'. It seems that a few people in 1 holy family prevented swine from entering their bodies ( and were then martyred according to Maccabean writings) and at least one man didn't want to play 'pretend your kosher meat is pork' with his cowardly wicked neighbors during an unholy winter Roman club assembly.
1st Kings chapter 8 ( NASB even the KJV!) also clearly establishes when the proper time of 'dedication' was supposed to be, namely during the 7th month, not during the Talmud tough viper brood's 9th month when Yeshua clearly did not label the Hanukkah people as part of his flock of YShra-l. ' Lively stone' Esaac Israel does NOT observe Hanukkah, nor is he distracted with chat lines alongside of his electronic presentations. When Adam Fink evades his wife's Christmas assembly, it seems that act would be comparable to Vashti evading her unholy king's heathen assembly and ideally Vashti searched for and found El Elyon's way to safety and salvation. rather than taking part in unholy Purim parties.
As I pondered the 10th chapter of the John's gospel, verses 22 through 39 indicate that the Hannukah gangs are contrary to the Messiah, especially after being warned of their non-sheep status. Leaving the man-made porch on Jerusalem temple of doom actually extended Yeshua's anti-Talmud ministry, and therefore exiting from Hanukkah activities after betraying ( revealing) anti-Y-hw-h assemblymen is fully authorized as a good escape plan away from 9th month Jerusalem evil-doers by according Yeshua of Nazareth.
Study the texts of 1st Kings 8, 2nd Kings 7 and John 10 to test your own gift of discernment now that winter is officially started.
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