Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Nathan Thompson: Flat Earth Listening Session

If the earth is flat, the fear of a changing AXIS should eradicate. The phrase 'love keeps no record of wrongs', however, most people have been totally misled to think that Yahweh keeps no record of sins. Here is an example of not keeping a record of wrongs:

A wrong person writes to another person or states: Marie Hendrikson has a boyfriend in Charlotte and is buying a house with him SO Shane Hendrikson has a good reason to file for divorce." Since the statement of the wrong person untrue and therefor WRONG, Yahweh does away with that WRONG record of information, but the person who does not LOVE properly hangs onto wrong records. A computer site I viewed wrongly claimed that I am related to Cheryl Hendrikson, but I am not related to Cheryl Hendrikson and those people keeping WRONG, inaccurate records do not represent the LOVE and justice system that Y-hw-h's keeping of CORRECT records  represents.  Nathan Thompson might claim that the TORAH scrolls should be done away with because there is records of people's habitual sins in it's contents, but a correction of Nathan Thompson would have to include him understanding that keeping of  accurate, correct records is part of what LOVE demands,

My field training officer in Milwaukee on Squad 50 also did not want me to produce any record of wrongs. When a wrote a truthful report of information we had gathered and believed to be true and if I then erred in the writing and got a name or location wrong, the entire report AKA record was disposed of and I was expected to start a new record,  AKA report , that was NOT WRONG but was CORRECT.

Yahweh's library is not going to be filled up with novels dispensing wrong information or reports of events that have not and will not occur. An accurate, non-wrong record-keeping system will be without ERRORS, which means if you committed adultery, Yahweh's non-records will reveal that in your history. If you lie and try to deceive a person that is trying to judge you fairly, you add another sin to your ACCURATE ( non-wrong) record.  When police departments keep reports that claim someone didn't want to press charges and the victim made it clear they DID want to press charges, the police departments are keepers of wrong records.  If I reported an embezzlement that I know occurred and Marathon County Wisconsin deputies keep records claiming it did not occur, then they are liars and KEEPING records of their own wrongs at the same time they are refusing to cooperate with what real love is all about, namely precise and accurate record keeping to divide the good from the evil and base future judgment calls on accurate, non-wrong records.

Go ahead and try to eradicate your mind of every report you have heard that is INCORRECT, that is, wrong, whether it is about yourself or about another person.  If a medical report filed about you is incorrect, the typical doctor will not humble himself and dispose of the inaccurate, wrong record he kept but the loving doctor who wants only TRUTHFUL correct information in your file THAT IS VIEWED BY MANY OTHERS will not keep the wrong records.

I have kept a record of information that includes a written statement from Shane David Hendrikson stating he is 'anti-commandment man' and that record is an accurate description of him, so it is not a wrong record even though he openly chose to be aligned against Yahweh's position with his own 'record'.  We as humans also should start disposing of records which we know are wrong, including Billy Joel's claim that he is an innocent man or, if you are convinced that the earth could be flat, set your globe at the curbside.

When you are in a PGA event, will they accept a wrong record from you? NO, because theu love their sport's reputation. If I see a report that states I had 4 goals and 15 assists playing hockey for an NHL team, that would be a wrong record and I would need to dispose of it to prevent misleading another person.  When a Muslim hands you the Qu'ran and you ask them if that is an  record of what THEY believe, you can keep it to compare it to records you believe are correct such as the reports from Moshe but eventually if there is a dispute, the perfect Elohim will dispose of what he knows is inaccurate or worse, intentionally loaded with deceptions and therefore, VERY WRONG and not a dependable correct record.

Peace be to your accurate record keeping system. If a person that you wrote a report on delivers prove that your records about him or her were wrong, ge ahead and try to NOT KEEP those records but make sure you retain the correct records for or against the person asking you to be accurate.

Surprisingly, a Muslim man said 'Merry Khris Miss' to me and I said " I rather get typhoid fever than repeat that phrase to you." I suppose I got tested twice and it wasn't until about 1:34 PM that a group of U.S.A. Santa Claus clones entered the Muslim business and ruined the regular Wednesday atmosphere that had been clean and bright, soft and Reggie H. White. I decided to leave rather than observe the wicked deceptive jovial Jesuit plan of spiritual attack that entered in unholy family formations into one of the few businesses courageous enough to be open for business as usual during the middle of the week.

Male E. Cole of  (Erik) isn't female G. Cole of Milwaukee who had as tough a time running an indoor mile as I did in 1987. I took notice of the time the Jesuits came in in the same manner I took notice of Claude Boucher's 42105513 French military serial number. When at Howard University of the 388th Forbes division, you are not at Calvin College's 266th division. Howard Caine school and the Stalag 13 Theatre is very different than Howard Borden school at apartment 525.

When Adam-12 starts their Malloy and Reed revised Four15 in progress reviews in January on MeTV, does April 15th, 1974 in Angarsk  or April 15th, 1956 in Milwaukee ring real family trouble signals ?At least the MIlwaukee Bucks were allowed to work today rather than being forced into contemporary Christianity by local government orders. Maybe Union college at the intersection of Forbes and Bettis at #389 is a lot different than Georgia's Covenant college at 387.

Does the dust bunny stay closest to the bed it developed around or does it have it's own center of gravity that causes it to grow?

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