Is Victor Venus going to claim he is the morning star dispatched by Greek 'Jesus' to testify about the bruises he received when he fell to Cudahy cemetery occupant Fred Bengert or the church of Loran Livingston on Charlotte's Sardis non-sardius road? It was Saint Francis coppers, not Cudahy, who showed me mercy and grace when the hirelings of Thomas More High School couldn't answer any questions about Thomas More because they used their time foolishly propping up their Carrie Underwood Fisher 'American Idol' images. So far, Rhinelander, Wisconsin and Charlotte, North Carolina police departments have really seen the depths of 'trusting in firearms' depravity that goes on between Loran Livingston and Larry Mizewski's anti-Zebulun ways of attacking my method of operation, but I suppose Mizewski and Livingston are more like Richard Gayan and Richard Belmore in their non-hockey endeavors. Gayan is very similar to the Hebrew word 'gimel aleph yod vav noon' which means haughty, a description that actually matched up to Ricky Gayan and Cameo Barbian-Gayan's modus operandus. Does Steve Polka want to recheck his badge number or is Tom Hubred now more likely to buy a Butterfinger rather than toss 3 Musketeers to Jimmy Ortiz?
The proof of Luciferian worship teams isn't found in Yorkshire Pudding, but Isaiah 14:12-14 clearly links Lucifer to a body or image of the "Morning". Is Linda Morning of Chippewa Falls now representing the son of the Morning by marriage or birth? Examining the lyrics to 'Beautiful Savior' by Stuart Townend, it is extremely probable it is a Luciferian tune and now it is time to beware of the person wearing a 'Champion' shirt. The exact phrase used to describe a fallen angel in typical English translations of the book of Isaiah, chapter 14 is also used by Stuart Townend in "Beautiful Savior'' and that tune has lured many musicians TO what is described as a fallen angel. The man Christianity refers to a 'Jesus Christ' fell at least 3 times according to various reports - is he a fallen angel too?
May I be the one to remind you that the offspring of D-w-d is so diverse that it excludes other siblings produced by his father Yesse? The unnamed child of Bathsheba who was spared through infant death is innocent; Gregory thr XIIIth, former king Solomon the taxation tyrant and Billy Joel surely aren't innocent men!
I admit that 'Beautiful Savior' used to be one of my favorite songs before I the spirit of Y-hw-h was revealed to me. The paper-trail words to that Luciferian song were 'kept' as part of the booty that Shane David Hendrikson and his protestant party people kept and now I too have to pulverize the memory of that song to get a victory against a wicked deceiving system of anti-Y-hw-h governments.
'Xavier Riddle', like all cartoons, is a cartoon that won't pull you out of a a trench of err and unless I am out of the pit of deceivers, I can't help others get out of the same pit I had been in. When my memory ejects recollection of Stuart's Luciferian tune, I must have a scripture prepared to override it, and that might be found in Esaac Israel's presentation of ' The Many Aspects of Christmas' such as Jeremiah7:18-19 which reminds those who bake up their leaven will bring confusion to themselves.
Billions of non-innocent children are trapped in snares set by their parents, grandparents and relatives who didn't think it was important to study and believe the writings of the martyr Saint Isaiah nor the writings of the sorrowful Saint Jeremiah and chose to intentionally deceive themselves and others with December folly. I did try to remove my son from the snare of Christmas season lies, but he was pulled back in by Germans, Irishmen and Norwegian spirits more wicked and dangerous than a shot of Scottish McCallen whiskey.
It isn't proper to laugh when Lucifer falls into your neighbors or your grandchildren's household. When you are unwilling to lift up the name 'Yod Hey Waw Hey' you become a target of every wicked deceiving spirit that has set their sight on you after being ejected from the zone coverage they that was attempted and failed against Y-hw-h's elect. If you don't get the Yod right, you won't get the Hey left of the Yod where the Hey belongs.
The Stewarton Bible School might be where you decide to prepare your 'touchback' position against Stuart types, whether the wicked Stuart you face is a Rottier, Townend or a minion designed to distract you with unrealistic expectations. A child, no matter how old, that ignores or rebels against the parent or who trusts in Y-hw-h is as full of lawlessness and self-destructive arrogance as the hockey, football, basketball or baseball player who ignores the referee of the competition he is in; the player who ignores or willfully attacks the enforcer of the rules of the competition he is in gets ejected from the hockey, football, basketball or baseball game.
Expose the merry gentleman who war against Yahweh
The prophets of Yehovah wrote to warn those gone astray
It's those set like a flint that say 'Don't chase the blues away'
Pure power's set in lapis stone not toys … beware of toys
Pure power is not ever found in toys
Although we are not all parents, we also are clearly not all children of Gd nor all children of his brother Asher who's agate ( flint is a form of agate) might be the window that helps you in 3rd down foundations or 4th seal situations. 1 year old male sheep, as tough as they are, were never meant to be worshipped which is exactly why Moshe instructed those he desired to protect slaughter a sheep rather than get their fishy taxidermy sections mounted on some WALL that isn't part of Guy Gadowsky's living cat-skilled hockey team.
Isaiah 50:7 is part of the writings that the Hebrew Ysraelite Benjamite Paul told others could be used to rebuke and teach those who are not ashamed nor afraid to be considered as brothers and sisters of 12,000 Hebrew Ysraelite Benjamites who get sealed 12th, not 1st. Tim Gleason the former Carolina Hurricane is certainly not Karen Peterson Gleason the Krueger ivy room woman of Wittenberg, Wisconsin.
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