Monday, December 9, 2019

The Cher Ami Messaging Attempt

Since I am not getting any response by electronic mail from a Christian missionary in Pontault-Combault, a paper-maker pass is going to be attempted from St. Clair, Michigan to Pontault-Combault. About 20 years ago,  Protestant Christians such as Karen and Roland Hendrikson did not believe the letters I sent to my step-children were good enough for them to receive.   The father of Eric and Ashley Hendrikson had stopped trying to communicate with his children since he never got any response from them, but I tried more often than he did to write to them, maybe because I cared enough about them to have them be covered under my City of Milwaukee health care insurance but more likely because I was worried about them and their father's temperament got worse toward me every year that his parents and his ex-wife prevented proper visitation.

Proper visitation includes children being expected to behave and be honest in the household that is sheltering them. I wonder what teachers such as Sarah Fadness or Teamsters union men like Dan Alexander do when they have had an impasse in communications?

As a frontline check, here are the special bible verses I want my grandchildren to get by mail and want them to study to the point that they understand and believe these biblical excepts:

 My grandson Levi  : Psalm 119" vs  105, sent along with a picture of Gull Rocks lighthouse

My granddaughter Havalah: Deuteronomy 32: verses 3 and 4, sent along with a picture of the Thunder Bay lighthouse

My granddaughter Autumn-Rayne:  Isaiah 10:20, sent along with a picture of Stannard Rock lighthouse.

Men like Fred Bengert and Virgil Smith had some influence on their grandchildren, but did not influence their children grandchildren to read and believe the Scriptures.  I had the opportunity to shed tears for Fred, but the death of Virgil Smith is of no concern to me even though at one time I had gone out of my way to let HIS words get out to the public on a Wausau television station.

There is no doubt I have injuries because of the family and work battles I have been through, but I am still trying to communicate to my grandchildren and their parents with a SUSPICIOUS lack of mutual cooperation by their parents.  Do all Protestants and Catholics refuse to acknowledge the letters 'Yod Hey Vav Hey' as being more true and an accurate identifying name that is much better than LORD or only the inaccurate lukewarm who want to blend in with Lord Elgin, Lord Byron, Lord of the Rings and Lord of the Flies?

Isaiah 10:20 has a beautiful and reliable plan, namely not to trust the man who defeated them by refusing to correct, discipline and protected them as HWHY had done, and it specifically indicated that there is a remnant that escapes Jacob rather than trusting in Jacob's multiple wife system of carnality.   'a way of escape...…..'  is a phrase used by Yeshua that only Berean-types will connect to Isaiah 10:20.  The unjust, who by adulterous enticement or enmity with Yahweh encourage a man or woman  to file for divorce hastily,  have defeated the original married couple and ought not be trusted again by the demolished family that remains after the divorce has occurred.

'What's your Ten 20?' was a question posed toward Milwaukee police officers to find out their location, and lying to the questioner would have been improper and a sign of a deceiving spirit. Isaiah 10:20 is extremely important in and out of courtrooms in an era that the most honest, lawful people are often publicly defeated and humiliated by lying lips of attorneys and false witnesses brought against them.

I suggested by non-electronic letter that I am trying to rebuild my real family connections, and explained to a 10 year that to rebuild is to 'SAVE' rather than destroy.  Evil opponents  prefer that truthful family lines of justified communication get tampered with or disconnected, and such actually are enemies of my entire family, not only me and my beloved HWHY plan.

Wealthy Garth Brooks decided he wanted to love whoever he wanted and lusedt for  MissYearwood instead of loving and nurturing the mother of his children as he had been capable but unwilling to do; Garth Brooks brought a curse to his entire household in his process of freeing himself from the good written laws  that Yeshua and Moshe Ben Amram taught while in their earthly skins and thus making Garth Brooks equal to a dog and whoremonger.  Garth Brooks desired worship from people rather than submitting to the laws of Yahweh and his type are not part of the 144,000 elect.  Television often tries to deceive the viewer rather than reminding people that Yahweh will in no way acquit the guilty even if they freed themselves from a marriage that produced actual children over the course of 14 years.

Would you prefer Austin Kelly UWSP trivia? "Pickles Conway' isn't really the wife of Morey Amsterdam and Richard Deacon might be known as ' Mr. Yuch' based on his televised speeches.

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