Sunday, December 15, 2019

Who Is Goat Herding?

To whosoever is goatherding Richard Isaiah Hendrikson.,

I am extremely concerned about possible blindness which has impaired my son's vision. It has been several weeks since I sent some very sincere gmails to him and his family in area code 73440 and I have not received any good nor bad news from him nor his family members. Typically, a good shepherd would have checked on him in person by now to find out what his problem really is and how it can be rectified with proper biblical retraining.

Since the name of Richard's 'Jesus Christ' seems to be hanging in Catholic limbo somewhere, I think it best that the azazel scapegoat unit rethink the lack of commandment observances that typically occurs when people turn their flesh over to 'Jesus Christ' and that better behavioral correction might come from a person subjected to the synagogue of Satan until they repent, since that is where St. Paul sent people for blasphemy prevention.

There is a serious problem with my son's spiritual condition and unless that non-sheep condition is corrected, he will cause more injury to both of us than my good shepherd Yeshua desires. Although this open letter to the person who is improperly ruling and reigning over my son seems flippant, it seems to be a better 'toss up' attempt than a 'Hail Mary' would be at this time in history when lack of etiquette abounds from my son toward me. Although I suspect demonic spirits are contributing to his apathy toward my attempts to receive honest answers and somewhat regular communications from him to improve our mother and son relationship, I am not close enough to determine if what I suspect is true. Since my son does believe in the spiritual realm, he should know that demonic possession is trouble if it is 90% of the laws he is abiding by and he is only respecting 10% of Yahweh's code of conduct toward fellow human beings which include his actual living parents as well as his children.

This open letter should not be an uncatchable forward pass; I suspect someone will 'catch' this letter sooner than another pinecone ends up under Julie Andrews' sphincter in an MGM movie full of fake nuns.   I do wonder and often sadly contempate how the people who are closest to my son can lack so much concern over the mental trauma he is subjecting his mother to by his haughty frequent ' no genuine graceful response' toward me while they gather around Audrey Schilka's computer screen players.  What has happened in a Stevens Point coffee house was an example of how Christianity has increased his lack of interest in becoming part  of 12,000 in a certain tribe which have an associated gemstone designated such as agate.  Who needs an open reminder to others that spending 10 minutes a year with your non-incarcerated non-missing mother is not going to be considered adequate in the eyes of a true and just pro-family judge?

When private pressure does not improve my son's reaction time, it is not folly to try public pressure that hurts less than a paintball shot at his lower spine at close range. In good deed , I did send non-electronic mail to my grandchildren care of their mother Rachel, so I am doing as much as an unwanted ( no wants, no warrants) mother-in-law and actual grandmother can legally do in this extremely discouraging situation.

 A former neighbor of Philip Wehse

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