My truest friend passed information to me that showed that the mem at the end of EL-HYM is set in 9th place when it comes to it's first appearance. As I watched a silent video of the eclipse seen in Asia, it was like watching a variation of the mem or even the samekh get formed with fiery flames framing the moon. Did you lie to your children again or to your audience about 'Santa Claus' supposedly being able to spy on everyone at the same time to determine their behavior prior to his annual Zeus-fest trip to houses that rejected Sukkot and Yom Teruah?? Did you fix 'stupid' within yourself and tell them about the agility of the ZERO A6M or the practical uses for a Lexus straight 6 engine?
While my Wisconsin housing project is undergoing expensive repairs, I am not able to forgive corrupt judges who ordered me to live in a my Wisconsin Toyota housing project, my company vehicle, while they allowed my last remaining employee to steal all my other equipment AFTER HE TESTIFIED THAT HE QUIT HIS JOB rather than behave as actual 'Chritians' should behave. Even Hurtis Heating and Air Conditioning would be vexed if his employees also were allowed to steal from him after they QUIT.
The 10th letter to appear in the scriptures is a waw, not an X. If Barack Obama believes the earth is a sphere, I'll believe it is flat as a beef patty tucked between buns with a surface as fragile as Swiss cheese not as tough as a hockey puck. There will come a day when the works of Jay Cutler are judged as carefully as the words of Bobby Bassen in chapter 6 of a unusual book. After looking at 1st Cotinthians 13:5, I realized how WRONG the translation is that reads ' Love keeps no record of wrongs' when in fact 'refuses to turn away from Yahweh' would be a better translation defining the ability to keep Yahweh's laws within our living body rather than letting it be overtaken with deception and carnal, heathen doctrines of religious and political brute beasts.
The moon was quite bright if you were able to view it from the sun during the eclipse. It's the bottom of the 9th toward the top of the 10th month for the remnant who respects Yahweh's calender, so the 10th month is like the short center fielder in a softball game who is on defense again. Very people study the Waw, which only starts out 9 biblical words, but many will compare the works of Jay Cutler to the lifestyle of Troy Aikman, with both of them having equal opportunity to repent of their past sins and start behaving like living saints rather than as the depraved owner of the Dallas Cowboys.
Is the blue kangaroo depicted in Monte Python drawings more like Bobby Bassen the 28th in numbers or Jay Cutler, the 28th in passing yards or more like a chemistry specialist who understands Sudbury nickel front coverage as much as she tries to understand the Europeon edge of Satan's nickel back coverage of Yeshua?
What leaves Santa Claus, Indiana is as important as a used Titleist temporarily in a Soufriere golf hole. The Cutler statue in Wausau, Wisconsin is safer than the swine the Marathon County deputies and Stuart Rottier's gang of heathen attorneys put into their bellies.
I wonder what happened to David Yoder of Ohio after Nehemiah Gordon revealed that barley checking was not important enough to discuss publicly with me. in the 10th month, let the remnant of Yshral remember Zebulon, Levy's carbuncle, the Yod which starts Y-hw-h and the waw which is shaped like a pitching wedge from a golf bag. All carnal people who are attempting to behave like St. Paul's Christians rather than as the elect of Y-hw-h can try praying to a neon light bulb, stare at their dime backs, dime fronts, real 1/2 sheckels, Gritty the Flyer mascot and $10.00 bills if they want to avoid staring at a strumpets as wicked as the typical NFL cheerleaders.
I suppose I might reckoning time as though it were the 825th day after Yom Teruah of 2017 in order to be cautious in June of 2021, which will be about 1290 days after the 'sign' many people wondered about in the skies. 2021 is another year when the Talmud brood preset their pesach to occur in March, but I suspect Yeshua's flock is going to hold off the 'new year' until after the spring equinox.
Arnold, the Green Acres pig, would be a better neighbor than the evil-spirited Michigan people who are so ill-bred and have had such horrible parenting that they haven't even been trained to put their anti-Yahweh signs, namely nasty chewing gum and cigarette butts, into their own garbage containers; such ill-bred people of lawlessness deserve a plague that I, as a properly trained Wisconsin Badger, wouldn't want to prevent.
In order to prevent hoarding electronic space, I will now quit delivering my thoughts, opinions and suggestions on this site unless an human crisis or an angelic emergency arises and output from me is required again.
Infants cry when they exit the safety of their mother's womb for a reason; they also don't really put together sentences until they are about 2 years old. Mastering a flippant style is much better than being an evil fake blonde tagging along with Larry Hagman to the 'First National Bank of Mecca' and pretending to have magical powers.
If you could read my mind, you never needed to see all the I information I freely shared in writing.
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