Thursday, December 5, 2019

Think Like Elisha's Bear Team, Not Bare And In Kent Snyder's Depraved $ Line

Writing is a sober way of clearing toxins out the system when you are feeling burdened or grieved in spirit. Psalm 40 and 41 was not written to be hidden, even if the writings of King David were often greatly flawed in perspective or expectations of what the LORD would do for him after his streak of ungodly, unholy decisions.

An acquaintance of mine is very sick, either physically or spiritually or both, and there is nothing he wants me to do to try to reverse his illness that SPREADS like a green bay tree. I used to know that acquaintance as a friend closer than a brother, but he has evactuated that role in my life,  A current friend responds to questions; a current of Yahweh makes clear the reason why correspondence or a friendly connection has changed.  Was I spiritually sick when after almost a decade of no interest, no concern and no willingness to bear any of my burdens, Mrs. Robert Holman wrote to me  and I decided not to try to rebuild a relationship that at one time had been excellent?

Yahweh would be angry with me if I totally ignored him for years and then only dropped a bit of lukewarm interest into my attempted contact with me.  A dog who has been by the same human rather try to bite the person that injured her rather than trust and be tricked again. so it would take MANY attempts by a person who has repented of hurting a dog before the dog MIGHT allow the owner to get close enough to touch him. Yes, even a dog rather run far away to strangers than stay confined to a household where so much injury has occurred to her that she never walked the same.

My sick acquaintance has a name, and it is now Hendrikson, not Xavier . He is unresponsive to repeated attempts to revive his spirit and he SEEMS to constantly reject any discussion of Yehovah's instructions for family members which is a sign of demonic possession.  If people believe there is a spiritual world, they must believe their are demons who desire to control and corrupt their mind against Yehovah's instructions.

'Bear ye one another's burden.....'   This instruction means we are to relate to one another, share what is troubling us, and ideally the person desiring to obey the rules of living sainthood will try to console, correct or assist the person who is having trouble with their burdens. NO RESPONSE is worse than an angry response, even when calling upon Yahweh's name, since an angry response indicates that a line of communication IS STILL OPEN to Yahweh.  Once the justified anger is passed and an offender has responded properly to discipline, the communications between the deity of your choice or an estranged family member is supposed to improve and healing of past wounds can BEGIN, (Hebrew 'rison'). not happen instantaneously.  Mrs. Robert Holman thought there would be some instantaneous healing, and when an honest response came to her, she withdrew from a rebuilding battle because her desire for a relationship with me again was very shallow.

(Esaac Israel is not an idol; he did respond appropriately to the burdens I shared with him and in turn, he expressed some of his burdens to me and others.)

Too many self-proclaimed Bible readers are baring their physical assets in shameful ways, even when claiming their Christmas routines are all about their Jesus while rocking around despicable BeyoncĂ© or Robert Krafft's bunch of sideline skanks.  A brief viewing of an old movie included a scene depicting King Herod Antipas as being a depraved man interesting in seeing his much younger family members dancing sensually in public.  I realized by seeing that movie that parents who raise up their daughters or step-daughters to be sultry dancers with 'sexy' outfits have a spirit as demonic as King Herod.  Any parent or family member who encourages their women to put on dance squad shows similar to the what nastiness of flesh NFL cheerleaders display has the spirit of KING HEROD the depraved!!! THINK before you push or approve of the females in your family becoming sultry, provocative chow girls trying to attract the attention of strangers while their lustful fathers applaud the moves their mother is no longer able to compete with.  The spirit of John the baptizer was hated by common, wealthy dancing women and that hatred has spread like a Playboy magazine at a lesbian convention.

I don't know if there will ever be a night or day when my acquaintance Richard ever will be willing to bear up some of my burdens again, since bearing one another's burden is a often a choice. Some people get paid to lift burdens from others, and those people, listed as medical doctors, lawyers and entertainers  profit  financially every time a family system is crushed by apathy toward one another and they seek another to bear their burdens they cannot bear alone. Physical sickness occurs when there are not enough LOVING burden bearers in a child's life or in an adult's life; do not be deceived thinking that sickness is some sort of random coincidence in a household. John Fuch's became a burden bearer when former Chief Phil Arreola refused to care for his tribe at the same time he was watching his cigarette company stocks increase his temporary wealth.  Real medical doctors become  expensive burden bearers to people who refused to believe what Yahweh FREELY explained about the results of consumption of unclean flesh.

In closing, I recall hearing that accepting gifts corrupts a king.  What has been given as a reward for good works is not a actually a free gift. Thus, rethink who you pass belongings or treasure to, making sure that they deserve the reward which was purchased with a price. In hindsight, I suppose handing out thousands of Bibles on the island of St. Lucia corrupted more people than it helped, since taking and rejecting a perfect plan of action is far worse than never having received that plan at all and struggling with various trials which result in a  combination of success and error.

Elizabeth Cummings of Milwaukee did not hand out A's to people who did not study; D's and F's also were earned by the receivers of those grades and best efforts might have occurred to attain a D in a typical parochial grade school 50 years ago. I suppose being taught English by a person who declared themselves to be a 'nun' is not the same as having a police report corrected by Ronald Quackenbush, but it is city employees like Ronald Quackenbush or even formerly single men such as Lester Hutchins, Daniel Bell or Daniel Teske that are more likely to be able to bear another person's burden than a child who has rejected the commandments of Yahweh repeatedly after being improperly trained by religious authorities who fed them lies rather than teaching them how to align with Yahweh.

I rather weep with the saints than laugh with the sinners. Do not believe the lies of 'Billy Joel', who plans to come into Detroit as wickedly as Aretha Franklin stayed in Detroit.  A good mother does weep for her children when they have been overcome by disease, demonic spirits and idolatry and they no longer want to see or hear their mother's goodness which might have the effect of charcoal in their stomach lining to counter the FALSO REPORTS about their mother of her jacinth-based Gd that have poisoned the contents of their brain.

False reports destroy the person that believes the false report, since Yahweh knows how to vindicate the person who is falsely accused and trusts in Yahweh's name.  Don't bare up..... bear up or bear down and try to help those injured by liars.  Many liars have claimed that a marriage was irretrievably broken, when they should have stated ' My marriage is broken and I do not value my own marriage day testimony enough to try to repair it, even though my spouse is willing.'

Charcoal works better than Nexium. Writing is a better choice than buying firearms to use against a wicked opponent who might properly utilize a last chance to correct his or her wickedness. Beware of the GOMER in people such as John Michael Montgomery, Elizabeth Montgomery, Jim Montgomery and David Montgomery.

Is there anyone who thinks that Nelson Emerson is a pink dog radio?

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