Friday, December 27, 2019

1-214-396-0373 Can Go To ____________

People from Texas often do not understand the Maine, Wisconsin I-39 exit so I am going to make 15 suggestions of where the critter calling from 1-214-396-0373 can go to try and improve his social skills.  Flippant reactions to robots is better than trying to find out why Eastern Michigan's eagle wanted to go Sow (similar to the Minnesota Vikings need for  a Ham?) rather than going FAST when reaping is the reason for the  Yom Kippur agricultural season.

The critter who bothered me from Texas can go to:

1.  Gary Shuchuk and Bobby Cousy 14th Division Class
-.  Gary Steven Simons next sabbath assembly
2.  Maurice Ffrench's Double F Troop checking on Flouride =9 vs. F= Atlanta
1. Latrobe's Black Globe Anglers
4. Dimitri Douglas's next Eastern Michigan Eagle college football game
-  Operation 'Paper Clippers'  for a blood alcohol check (BAC) check
3. Seminole Highway and wait for the next Madison Bowey bus line
9. The Department of Ben Hogan Ministries
6. Scott Pavelski's next high school class reunion
-  Richard Todd's offenseive line but not to Paul Coffey's G team
0. Annie's Cheese Bunny Boxers
3. Mike Glass's Triple I formation, Minneapolis currency style
7. Mark Messier's " Operation Paper Ranger" to  avoid the arrogance of  'Operation Paper Clip'
3.  Terry O'Neill's Milwaukee Fog Pictorial Reasoning People
#. 37306934121 to see why Forbe's rated UW-Wisconsin 69th instead of 266th where Michigan's Calvin College was placed.
%.  Silver Stick assembly MIT1948757945

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