After hearing a commentary titled 'the expectations of Jeremiah', the mentioning of 2nd Chronicles 7:14 came to mind. Within that section is a prescription for healing that does not apply to all people.
Healing of specific land will occur "If the people who are called by my name will humble themselves, will pray, will turn to me, and will turn from their wicked ways....."
First of all, this prescription only applies to the people who are called by the name of Y-hw-h, not by the name of Uncle Sam's military ham cans, Martin Luther, the current Catholic papacy, Buddha or some of non-Y-hw-h authority figure.
Secondly, the people who are being called by Y-hw-h must pray TO Y-hw-h, not to some vague Jack of the Lord bunch or some lady of Lourdes.
Thirdly, the people who have been called by Y'hw-h's authority must then turn toward Y-hw-h's position, which include instructions for living contrary to wickedness, rather than turn away from Y-hw-h's words and instructions. Have you considered that a family leader who is caught and incarcerated for crimes they committed is less likely to do more damage to his entire family and household than the leader who is FREE (loosed) and willfully refuses to respond properly when called by Y-wh-h, since that man is neither humble and does not believe that Y-hw-h deserve honor and respect.
Fourthly, the people must then put into daily practice, rather than only see and hear, the instrcutions from the Y-hw-h they decided to turn to after being called. One of the most obvious signs of rebellion toward an entity trying to get your attention by calling you is to run and hide from that entity. When your mother called you home for a meal have you turned your back and ran away from her and dishonored her? When a good courtroom judge trying to esstablish the truth of a matter calls you to a witness stand, will you expect an improvement of your situation and future if turned and ran out of the courtroom rather than turn toward the judge?
Will a judge hear your plea if you don't appear at the time he scheduled for you? The 5th dimension of verse 14 is Y-hw-h finally being willing to HEAR the requests of Y-hw-h's OBEDIENT people. The 6th component is forgiveness of their rebellious sins that they have now openly repented of proven by their obedience to the instruction from Y-hw-h and the 7th component is the healing of their TURF, which might be smaller but just as nifty as a par-3 at Crane Meadows golf course occupied by a Molitor Ram or Greg Norman.
Y-hw-h's 3-fold response to those who trusted in a practical 4-step prescription to receive healing of a person's land, which does not include their neighbor's land, should mean there is lack of signs of disease on their land, even though their neighbor's household and family might be full of diseases and woes. If the people who are called by the name of Y-hw-h follow through with the above 4 step program, they shouldn't expect a miraculous healing throughout their entire city, state or nation since theoretically this formula should apply to specific people who are scattered across the face of the earth.
Clearly, Y-hw-h has instructed his people to abstain from erecting and decorating evergreens on their land, and this instruction is similar to a basic-training instruction that tests the attitude of those who have seen or heard Y-hw-h's desire. If a Marine sergeant expects you to be able to run a mile and you don't even try, will you remain as one of his Marine people? NO!!!! Neither will be considered Y-hw-h's people if you do not even try to meet Y-hw-h's expectations and study Yh's instructions, since Yh has sent his angel Y-hw-h to represent Yh. The variations of Yah could certainly include a visiual HY, starting with the Y and heading left, so the number of the authority figure of Y-hw-h is 15, a number highly esteemed in 1st and 7th month feast weeks, in cribbage and even a tennis step away from 'love=zero'.
I did notice that the household to my east opted out of outdoor 'Christmas lights' this year, as did the household to the north of me. A reduction of sugars can improve your health, and so to will weaning yourself from your unholy Christmas habits improve your household's condition. I truly hope that those people who intentionally had a reduction or elimination of the Christmas habits ( reduced their blatant opposition to Y-hw-h) improves their upcoming year and prevents them from becoming like non-humble Frank Finney or , the man so haughty he would not even consider the suggestions from the people who went toward Y-hw-h when called by Y-hw-h's authority.
There is far less disease in my household than there had been before, and healing typically is not instantaneous even if your empty your saving into the Mayo Clinic to get a second opinion on a brain function problem. If your household members are getting more diseased, which of the 4 steps listed in 2nd Chronicles 7:14 did you reject like a naughty child running away from his mother's call to a feast of tabernacles meal? 2nd Chronicles 7 mentions the son of King David doing the closing ceremonies of the Feast of Tabernacles on the 23rd of the 7th month rather than Winston Churchill's Church of England pork loins or John F. Kennedy's openly rebellious rejection of Yh's instruction for HIS people.
Resist the spirit of tattoo-taker Mike Holmes and the inappropriate dressing patterns of Mrs. Michael Holmes, Jr. , even if it means studying Ashley Cordray's method of public appearances. I also don't recommend becoming a person drawn toward Saudi Arabia's 'cave of Elijah' scene, since that had been a holy city in times of Moshe that might soon be trampled upon by many who are toying with that area as others have toyed with Dolly Parton's chest out of carnal curiousity.
Don't discard the number 15's association with Yod Hey, often seen as 'Yah', even though there is no aleph in the Yod Hey Waw Hey nor in Yod Hey. I cannot explain why Monte Judah refuses to use the name of Yahweh or Yehovah, but his household members did not receive healing from cancer. The 4 letters that make up LORD are not equal to the Hebrew name Yod Hey Waw Hey, and LORD becomes a vain repetition that Jacob even used toward Esau.
May the angel of Simeon guide and protect you, since you actually read through an entire serious anti-Alexa message that even Ronald&Karen Charles of Laborie, Tameka of Soufriere or Precious of East Pointe, Michigan might understand.
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