Friday, December 13, 2019

The Purple Triangle and 6 Point Yellow Star World War II Questions

I actually had a very interesting dream in which my maternal grandmother Mary  was about 50 years old and was in net as a hockey goalie and doing an excellent job to my amazement. That same  Mary  also had picked strawberries in Poland on Saturdays between WWI and WWII with her Talmud-keeping elementary school classmate BUT her classmate stooped down and sank her lips to the plant rather than lift up a strawberry and break the Stuarday rules her Polish rabbi contrived and taught her to observe.

I took me many years before I realized what I was told to memorize as a child to recite in a Catholic confessional was beyond stupidity. What we should have been taught to say is " Discipline me _________ for I have sinned."  Discipline is only a blessing if it done according to a just system that does not show unreasonable favoritism and is according to what discipline the teacher or parent you are repenting toward is allowed to do by the law they abide by. Far too many people get financially rewarded rather than disciplined for sinning, and that is a worldwide shame.

I reconsidered a serious problem with 2 sets of people attacked, held and subjected to magnified suffering during World War II. Here are the questions that occurred as I reconsidered:

?) Has the group that refers to themselves as the Jehovah's Witnesses ever taught their body to obey the rules that Yehovah delivered via Moshe Ben Amram, including the keeping of Yahweh's feasts that are a SIGN of trusting the authority of Yehovah?
A) Jehovah Witnesses as a religion subtracted rules and regulations from  Yehovah's instructions that HWHY's people were to abide by as a sign, and seemingly lost protection from Yehovah when they became the purple triangle people. 

?) Did the European Jewish people predominantly follow the teachings of the Talmud rather than the teachings delivered by Moshe Ben Amram on behalf of Yehovah?
A) Most European Jewish people, by following the Talmud, significantly added many rules and regulations and altered laws delivered from Yehovah and seemingly lost protection from Yehovah when they became the yellow star people.

When the leaders of a particular religion or political party do not discipline their own people, their people misbehave, become religious hypocrites and are subject to loss of innocence as well as loss of trustworthy religious and political leaders. Please consider the cause and the consequence of taking Yehovah's name in vain and consider the fact that the Vatican does not want it's Catholics to use the name of Yehovah because the Vatican is similar to the Talmud teachers in it's approach to being openly anti-Yahweh/Yehovah/ Y-hu-h.

Electing elders in Sunday service churched means the elders are politicians and a 2-headed type of mammal.  Since Hebrew word 2074 happens to be connected to Zebulunites, I thought a beryl minded person might try to have some people rethink why THEIR group of people lost protection nd why Martin Luther King, Jr. plan has always been contrary to Yehovah's Hebrew Israelite plan.

Did anyone sing 'Happy Birthday' to Sergei Fedorov today?

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