I don't need a tour guide to get around in MIlwaukee, but I didn't expect to get in a boxing round at MIlwaukee Thomas More and later have my battle wounds be repaired by a Muslim named Muhammed; what I didn't expect actually happened.
I tried to visit the sick, but got not return call from Trudy Groth so I was not able to visit her and her husband Robert who is a wounded veteran. I traveled through the Bay View area, saw a couple dogs in Humboldt Park similar to the shitzu 'Elmo' that had put a smile on my face for several years. I wondered if 442 Montana Street was the same house that 'Thor' the Mastiff lived and where I had halped my friend Thomas Hendricks improve his backyard with a small garden and I'm pretty sure it was but not positive. It seems Doug and Mary Zaworski have survived in marriage so I guess Doug had a better 'best man' than Robin m. Ortiz did to be accountable to. I met a kind woman who had many health issues and her brown bitch named 'Olive' who did not bite me. No battles occurred up to this point, but I was sad I did not get a call back from Trudy.
I was trying to find the historic house of Milwaukee Tech Trojan teacher Ron Adams, but instead ended up finding 'Milwaukee Thomas More HIgh School.' I had no reason to be an enemy of Thomas More and had many grade school classmates that went their, so I went inside hoping to find out some history of Thomas More the person the Catholic school. I parked near Delaware Street and was just going to pass some time before watching a 4:30 baseball game, and I asked the Thomas MOre Staff if they could tell me a bit about the history of Thomas MOre, and in particular what happened in 1532 AD. The staff, 2 females, were totally ignorant and I even asked them to 'google' Thomas More to fill me in on a bit of his history. The claimed they could not, so I asked if I could use their resttoom and then I intended to go watch the baseball game. I was extremely disgusted to see pictures promoting 'Carrie Underwood' inside the women's bathroom and I'm quite sure any other real saint would not have expected to see such immoral trash being 'lifted up' by an expensive Catholic school that I had previously thought was a decent school. Because I am not a spiritual coward, I said it was a shame that their school would decide to post Carrie Underwood pictures on the interior of their campus, and that the original Thomas More would have agreed with me. I then asked the two ignorant staff people if they could name a prophet from the old testament and neithr of them could. I left in a mood much worse than I entered the building because there was an unexpected spiritual attack on me from the inside, namely visual offense rather than biblical defense. As I was walking out of the parking lot, I delivered the 'Randy Moss' hamstring stretch to the sexurity cameras and went back onto the public sidewalk. Even the coach of St. Francis baseball team knew I was correct in being disgusted by the Carrie Underwood promotion within an expensive Catholic school that HAD a decent reputation in the past.
Spiritual battle over and I technically won because I told them the truth in order to help them reconsider their error and in return the staff called the police in a manner that might not have been much different than Larry MIzewski in Rhinelander after I delivered accurate spiritual pointers. FOUR, not 1, St. Francis squad cars surrounded me, and I told them that I know I did not commit any crimes. The asked me the usual questions, asked for my identification, did not force me to give them my phone number, found out I was 'not wanted' and once again I was told never to return to a site that I had entered with perfectly GOOD intentions. For some reason, the Thomas More staff was particularily offended by the Israel flag I waved in the air once off their semi-private property. The St. Francis police were professional and polite, just as the Charlotte police were before Loran Livingston's Central Church of God thugs decided they didn't want someone to notice just how much in the wrong direction they were going.
Once again, I cried alone after a spiritual battle I did not expect since crying in front of 'coppers' might have ruined their day. Maybe I wanted the coppers to know it is fine to be grouchy after observing such a high level of hypocrisy within a Catholic school. Was it my 'Mathieu Roy' 33 jersey that really was what scared the anti-saint women or their hatred for prophets and signs of Israel? Some Milwaukee Journal writer might want to do some follow up to let the community know that Thomas More HIgh School does NOT represent Yeshua of Naerath's point of view since he was anti-idol.
In order to protect myself, I switched int my 'MIchael Bennet' Viking jersey and went to the zone where I was once allowed to play music from 'The Messiah' by Handel rather than be forced to see posters of Dolly Parton, the immoral equivelent of Carrie Underwood. A few more tears, and I decided to get treated properly in a large diner called 'Anodyne' with a familiar 224 West Bruce address. I knew I did not want to take a sad or weakened spirit to my next place of visitation where I knew I would be treated kindly and welcomed with actual spirit of love.
Before I returned to my rental unit for the night, I stopped in a place where men of the Isalmic faith were gathered to lighten my burdens and try to allow my bruised spirit to be repaired. A kind and wise, God-fearing man named Muhammed served me chamomile tea after I reported I had an upset stomach and as he sat with me, I explained how I felt being a mother with a son who treats me as though I am dead. News that my son adopted a child seemed improbable but might be true, and I have no reason to expect I will ever hear any of my son's children call me 'Grandma' or 'G'. Although Muhammed agreed that a child who fears God must treat his parents decently, he seemed surprised that I said I dod not try to contact my son inFrance anymore. He said he will pray to God that my son returns to me and that I should hope for the best for my son. A bot more discussion and the final conclusion was that I should focus on my parents, obey the commandments and love them and ignore my son since he has already rejected my advice and my God repeatedly. Muhammed said I should make sure I take care of my own health and that drugs and pills are not the proper way to combat agony, and of course I agreed with his opinion. I left the assembly on 9th and Layton with a smile on my face, a reminder that I should keep the commandments of my God even if my son chooses not to and that I did not sin or commit any crimes in during the battles I faced in Wisconsin.
Muhammed became a trusted cupbearer and a burden bearer on the start of the 46th omer day and MilwaukeeThomas More HIgh School should be ashamed that chose to choose Carrie Underwood to be part of their unholy and historically ignorant campus. Thankfully, St. Francsi police did not fine my for have a car interior that appearred disorderly and they should suggest that Catholic school call the Swiss army if they need some force to keep more facts away from their ears and prophets away from their line of vision.
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