Sunday, May 14, 2017

State Of Israel Starts the 70th year, Not the Church of Israelites

Tri 'Happy' does not describe me as a mother,  but at times I am a joyful saint.  If your role as a mother figure has been dishonored by your children or the father of your children is no longer part of your life, it is foolish to party on 'Mother's Day'.  It is better to mourn on 'Mother's Day' if your children, no matter how old they are, are not decent, hard-working law-abiding citizens who deliver real forms of love in ACTION to their parents.

If your children or the father of your children clearly does not love you and actually hates you, many days end up being a 'Sleepy Daughter Day'.  Daughters with good mothers often put on a smile to reassure their mother they appreciate their mother's skills and love delivered to them over the years. Exhaustion from trying to survive financially and physically after a divorce leaves many daughters hoping for some sort of spiritual miracle promised to them by their Israelite church religious leaders. Wise daughters know the political and state systems are like crumbling curtains that contain more criminals within them than holy God-fearing servants.

The Remnant Church of the Suffering Faithful Israelites is much older than 69 years and has no central building to work out of other than their brain and their domestic dwelling place which should be called a house of  daily worship not a 'den of thieves'. Many petitioners that have left their faithful or Israelite spouse went on to start a den of thieves with attorneys who are criminals by practice such as Stuart Rottier. If you, as an attorney, did not make sure the respondent got at least 50% of the total value of marital property, you are a loose criminal in Wisconsin not a good citizen.

Some people get caught and released, such as Sheldon Souray, Barabas or a spotless animal called an 'azazel'. What you do after you are 'loosed' matters, and often it is people who hate you that catch and 'release you'.  A person who loves you might have to let you go because love is never meant to be a one-way system or  misuse of emotional and physical forces. Can you imagine living in the same household with a person who refuses to speak with you? My Elohim(teacher) still speaks to me through his written word, and other members of my family speak to me by telephone or in person, even if we are sleepy, exhausted siblings with sleepy, exhausted parents.  Good and bad news still needs to be delivered.

Bad news: Cable television is as bad to have in a household as a magazine rack in  the typical gas station. Only a few living saints are extremely disciplined enough to resist sin and depraved media, and those few might be able to warn others what to avoid in their 'choice' process. Shame on Virginia and fools like Mike Signer for trying to eliminate confederate general images which are more decent than a 'Victoria's Secret' store and better than a 'Sports Illustrated' swimsuit model at mind. Yes, a concrete replica statue of a decently attired human is safer and better in content than a whorish woman who is morally depraved.  Reggie White people have the right to defend and protect their history as much as other anti-attorney people have the right to try and defend their wedding gowns at divorce time or their $5.00 bill with  Abraham Lincoln's terrible image on it before they exchange it for something useful  and beautiful such as organic carrot juice or a Schlitz beer.

Good news: I had good, decent holy jersey choices to wear today, and thankfully none of them were labeled 'Hendrikson' since 'Hendrikson' is only how legalists look at my past and current burden of legal paperwork.' Divorce' even happened to Rod Carew, but his '29' is an omer count reminder and a perfect cribbage hand reminder.  Divorce happened to  'Krivokrasov', but like the 17th hole in a golf course, it was  another 17th Hebrew letter 'pey' day in this second month.  'Byfuglein' because I still love the Minneapolis area, the number 245 is as cool as an 8th round locust, he's tough and has made me laugh many times.  I hate Halloween as much as Dustin byfuglein does, and I know my Adonai hates the behavior of terrible strumpet mothers such as Carrie Underwood,  hates the blasphemy of  wicked anti-Christ figures such as Tim McGraw, Anthony Wickersham's deputies, Sandra Marcus and any other anti-Righteousness system of anti-Israelite forms of power as much as I do.  It is good news when 'hate' means 'I reject you, I am prepared to defend myself against your type of wickedness and evil forces, I refuse to become unholy like you and I won't worship your false gods'.

Stevens Point trivia point: Jacob and Esau were twins, not Leah and Rachel. I also did not open my mail from 'Gyna Craigo', since that name means nothing to me.  Caution matters, especially in dark energy matters.

It does seem like its been about 1/2 hour since May of 1998 if a thousand years is like a day.  I hate what evil intentions Shane David Hendrikson had planned against me in the years after he 'caught me' , but evil men do not let you know in advance that they intend to break a covenant with their spouse or intend to commit felonies against  their neighbor.  Meanwhile, my first child is still named Qeseth Charise Swedowski and I have learned to love her as much as I love 'Yeshua' who I have never seen, but believe obeyed the commandments of his father to the best of his ability .

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