There are many signs of social illness, but the causes of social illness can be any or all of the following:
A) Lack of faith in a God who expects you to behave properly
B) Lack of proper training by parental or 'godhead' figures
C) Intentional misuse of your mental and physical capabilities
D) Intentional desires to start or prolong a war or eliminate peace between neighbors
E) Lack of a desire to be a peacemaker
If you start thinking of your private property as a country with borderlines, you neighbors should start being viewed as either resident diplomats, a potential friend or a potential enemy. I try to give at least 3 choices now for those who are want to avoid becoming 'bi-polar'.
1. The best neighbor you can have is a 'resident diplomat', especially if you prefer peace to wars. The resident diplomat does there best with the assets they have to maintain their property but does not try to interfere with the reasonable and legal choices their neighbor makes. The resident diplomat does not only hear compliments from their potential friend but also listens when their potential enemy speaks. When their potential enemy voices a complaint that exhibits social illness, they used their potential energy to become an enemy. When a potential friend voices a concern or complaint, it is brought up politely and with a willingness to provide help in a time of need in order to keep a peacemaker spirit alive.
2. A potential friend is a neighbor who might be very unlike you, but who speaks kindly and is truthful to their neighbor EXCEPT WHEN INTENTIONALLY THREATENED. When a potential friend is intentionally threatened, a person who is not socially ill gathers defenses and becomes the enemy of the person who threatened them. There often is a huge difference in 'style' between two potential friends who happen to be neighbors, just as there is a huge difference between Mexico and the United States. I have neighbors directly to the west of me who have gone from potential friends to 'enemy' due to the following course of events:
a) When I bought the lot to the east of them, they told me they did not like trees because of the leaf problems. I agreed, and I did not plant any trees.
b) We had remained somewhat 'pleasant' and even though our lifestyles are very different, I do not try and interfere with their legal choices, such as their consumption of pork or their hatred of dandelions in their rather unnatural lawn. Because I am a resident diplomat at mind, I remove dandelions from my lawn but because I am a gardener, I also want natural grasses and natural wildflowers to survive on my lot, which still happens to be a healthy and very legal option in the United States.
c) I do appreciate the fact that the head of the household, Joseph, has a good working knowledge of gardening and he is not lazy, so I still will try to be a diplomat with Joseph. However, just as it had been with Ahab, an unwise wife such as Carmela can cause troubles for her household due to her spiritual depravity and social illness.
d) Carmela's other neighbors to their east (and my socially healthy neighbors to the north) put up a large swing set which is potentially dangerous to a unsupervised toddler and even dangerous to a supervised toddler if they fall off of the open ladder. As parents or young children, they seem to understand reasonable risk. We communicated early on about some choices and I was told they did not want a fence between us, so I kept the boundary lines as low as possible and and pleasing to the eye as possible with the BUDGET that I have. I view my neighbors to the north as potential friends and as resident diplomats, even though we sis not start off perfectly.
e) Carmela seems to think that my small, legal aluminum fence is dangerous to her toddler grandson who is there when his parents choose to earn money rather than raise their own children. When the children from the adjoining lots started running around in my yard rather than respecting legal boundaries, I made a defensive move to mark the boundary with a rope fence in the past and then upgraded to a very visible short metal decorative border. I don't want any child to get i njured on my property, but accidents do happen. There are plenty of hazards in Carmela's yard and even in the Revere yard if humans aren't careful, but Carmela only decided to complain about my choice of property defense. The Revere's claimed it looked fine, and it does prevent their children from heading toward the dangerous '25 mile Road'. Carmela has no fence on her property to prevent her
grandchildren from heading toward 25 Mile Road, and she said if her grandchild got hurt while trespassing on MY property, she was going to pull out my fencing, which was a threat to me, not a helpful suggestion.
f) With reasonable respect for the Revere's family, it is sometimes more dangerous to have a fully enclosed rear yard if you are trying to escape from a danger that entered your yard, such as a violent burglar, a rapist or a vicious animal. A smaller fence is easier and safer to get over in an emergency than a higher fence. An 'Invisible Fence' typical for dogs would do no good on my property if I want the neighbor's children to remain safely in their yard except by invitation to my yard.
g) Joseph and Carmelo can install a fence along the east side of the boundary to eliminate safety concers for their grandchildren, who aren't supposed to be left unsupervised and thus should not be running into my non-barbed metal fence, which happens to look better than the fencing around the Macomb Correctional Facility on 26 mile. "Flippant' is truthful in a contrast situation when I choose to be a resident diplomat even though I have socially ill depraved neighbors who attack me in various ways rather than assist me.
h) Since I do not want to misuse my funds on a fence I do not need, so I purchased several larger shrubs to plant near the corner of my non-fenced border . The shrubs might slow down unattended toddlers before they trespass, the shrubs are non-toxic (unlike most lawn chemicals) and should blend in nicely with my desired naturalist look. Since I visit my family quite often ( part of having faith in a good God), I do not want to worry about keeping lawn grasses as short as a golf fairway. Mixing in varieties of taller grasses and perennial flowers with healthy grasses and wildflowers will make my socially healthy neighbors happier and only people who think like a dictator would want my property to look just like theirs.
i) Now that Carmela chose to threaten me if she fails to be a good babysitter and her grandchildren get hurt going where they shouldn't go, I do not even want her family members going onto my property to retrieve their basketball when they miss the bottomless pit. The basketball hoop system is ugly, but it is legal and I know enough to keep my hands off my neighbors property when there is no emergency. On occasion, I have been known to put my hands onto a neighbor's doorbell in an emergency, which often works better than calling '911', especially if you are stuck in Marathon County, Wisconsin or Macomb County Michigan.
3. A potential enemy is a neighbor with more unknowns than knowns. A potential enemy does not even try to discuss matters with a neighbor, is very secretive about their plans and intentions (obviously, I am not secretive about my plans or intentions) and forces their anti-healthy religion practices such as 'Christmas lights' into commonly held places which a resident diplomat would have kept neutral and natural. The typical homeowner has more potential enemies than potential friends in areas where socially ill people choose to complain about various forms of landscaping choices rather than be thankful their neighbor isn't isn't running a junk yard, isn't trying to rob them, isn't trying to molest their children and is actually studying the Bible to learn how to defend themselves against depraved, socially ill people.
I do not try to sell computer games to those people who are suffering because they have fierce and cruel neighbors rather than kind, resident diplomats for neighbors. I can only recommend you visit your local kind neighbors whenever you feel extremely sad or depresses, especially if your local kind neighbors are running a decent exercise facility or a diner that offers clean meats, healthy vegetables and a morally good environment. Visiting kind neighbors is a much better choice than the typical LAST resort of waiting a period of time and then paying to see a psychologist who might or might not give you holy advice.
Because I am not depraved, it is sad and discouraging to have a neighbor become my enemy by her choice, but my intentions have been good from the start here in Michigan. It is not possible to make peace with a person who is totally depraved or who has the spirit of an anti-commandmentist, so the suffering saint has to try other ways to exist next to their enemy. In a clump of 68 houses, including 2 to the west of my 'Lot 1', I appreciate the attitudes of Karen, 2 lots west of me on the other side of' Carmela and Joe', and I understand the attitudes of the reasonable families on Lot 66, Lot 65,lot 2, lot 3 and my friend Matilda to the north, even if I do not try to become exactly like them. There was a incident of moral concern when Carmela said I was' lucky to be single' and she foolishly envied my unmarried status. Her husband, a wise vegetable gardener and sometimes temperamental male was not around to hear the comments that were no better than what has come from the mouth of Linda Maria Costa in the past. Carmela's comments were disgraceful and if she believes in a god, a god heard her unloving comment as loudly as I heard it. What Carmela said wasn't quite as bad as finding Shane David Hendrikson's diary in my household with his hateful and dangerous desires, but I know my mother would NEVER have said she wished she was on her own because she appreciates and loves my father, even though he has a few flaws. I suppose this report of a domestic concern could have been filed earlier, but it late filing of a report is better than no filing of a report of a domestic offense against the head of a household.
There is no sense to write fiction, and terrible untrue reports have been filed in many USA family courts without ever getting corrected by uncaring hirelings or terrible, lazy unholy judges. It's time to start increasing my lot defense and install some more signs of intelligent diplomatic life, rather than bow down to a concrete statue or pray to Christmas tree lights.
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