Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Anti-Depravity Part 5: Depraved Minds Must Be Challenged

It does not help a person with a depraved mind to approve of their state of mind.

If your system of government wastes time, money, manpower and effort trying to rescue people who go mountain climbing (or any other high risk stupid choice of activity in remote locations) for entertainment, fun or exercise, your government leaders are depraved,void of understanding and lack common fiscal sense. The person who endangered their own life in a voluntary reckless act beyond reasonable sporting challenges is depraved, not a good athlete and certainly not a good role model. A football game or a bicycle trip is a reasonable sporting challenge, not mountain climbing to dangerous elevations, remote downhill skiing or rock climbing.

It is more cruel to let a sinner keep on sinning than try to convince them to stop sinning.

It is hazardous to humans to forgive people who have not repented, since the unrepentant person is still depraved and dangerous.

It s better to advise a depraved person that they sinned against you than to let them think their behaviors do not have any negative consequences, even if it the serious consequence is  as 'loss of a potential holy  and sealed Israelite as a friend'.

There is no forgiveness without proper repentance.

 Muddling your way through the 'day of atonement' is still a form of proper repentance and decent gesture toward Yehovah when busy people have not bothered to formally advise you of the entire list of charges (sins)  they want to fling against you eventually.

A depraved person should not expect to be justified if they lack the faith to accept the necessary disciplines to continue through the proper sanctification process.

The body of the Messiah will  become ( or might already be) 144,000 sealed and sanctified strong VOLUNTARY living Israelites before foolish trinitarian belief systems and 'rapture theories' will ever be proven wrong.

 The people who actually know that the Lord of the 144,000 is ONE undivided deity who might or might not also be in contact with Abaddon's bunch, and they are wise enough to dump the trinitarian concept associated with vague hireling who prefer vague systems rather than properly handling reality.

Becoming and REMAINING as an obedient Israelite requires voluntary acts of faith needed to obey  the rules for Israelites, therefore it is not a robotic genetic occurrence.

The pope  of the Catholic Vatican system is NOT an Israelite, due to lack of faith in Moses and the 'I Am' initiatives that were deployed at Mt. Sinai.

'I Am' will be what the body of the God of Israel has claimed as a description, and that means that He exists.  It does not mean He has no opponents, and Easter leaders, 'Kris Kringle', Freemasons and 'Santa Claus' types are  opponents of 'I Am' since they do not sanctify others with their actions even though they might APPEASE the desires of unholy minds for a season.

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