Saturday, May 6, 2017

Day 1843: Dalet Ayin= Math Class of 74

I intend to do a series to contrast the routes between purity and total depravity, so consider this an introduction to the power of cobra venom.

The thoughts and intents of humans are often called 'ideas'. In Hebrew, the male version of 'intent' is Dalet Ayin, which looks like the threshold to to vision and is sometimes spelled 'dea'. The female version of thought and intent has an additional 'hey' after the  ayin, gets a total of '79' and if you only trust some vague topics like  'chakra' rather than an authority figure at the 'hey', the female 'deah' is unreliable.

Examples of troubling speech: Rico Cortes claims Adam was made a king of the earth and that Yahweh is also a king. I would have used the word 'steward' or 'officer' for Adam to avoid eternal chess game mythology between King Kong  and King Adam who actually was like a bad soccer goalie who couldn't keep Satan out of his turf.  By the Cortes 'model' 2 different kings actually leads to a divided kingdom right from the start, and Satan became a king of Eve because she believed Satan not the creator who installed plants into the gardens for her. For some reason, Cortes even thinks Noah was 'kinged' and he called Paul McCartney a 'Lord'. I'm not going to call Paul McCartney a 'Lord'.

Anyway, after  getting past special soccer 'K 'Adam,  Satan openly points out Joshua's lack of proper attire and actually helps Joshua in his process toward purity in the role of high priest.  as a result, there is a sequence of power and access to power:

Satan  ...... Joshua ..... God of Israel

Any educated Israelite will admit that Satan is not the name of their God, but they also acknowledge his existence of competitors just as there were competitors with great swelling words (described in the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 19) praising the useless goddess of trinkets known as 'Diana of Ephasus' or the equally foolish traditions of gambling on horse racing rather than using the horses to plow fields or carry mounted officers through communities needing more manure for their city gardeners, taller police presence and less motor vehicle emissions. An Olympic medal is a useless trinket, but a natural beryl or natural jacinth is not a useless trinket since it is not a human-made object.  Indeed, many activities entertain evil angels and good angels have to be more selective in what they refer to as wise to watch, even if it is not fun to watch.  Sometimes it is wise to watch the enemy but NOT DO AS THEY DO. Other times it is better to watch what the good angels do to learn how to improve and escape the label 'totally depraved'.  The owners of 'Always Dreaming' are most like totally depraved and not wise at spiritual or real defense even though they might have accumulated enough money to keep the skunk line obvious on the obviously 'fake blonde' game girls. 'Always Dreaming' is not an example of what the Hebrew H= 'Hey' looks like as part of the name of HVHY. The horse 'Always Dreaming' would look better on a $5 bill than Abraham Lincoln or the extremely carnal  owners of 'Always Dreaming'. The more millionaires that show up at a live event, the less likely a real  living saint would be drawn to it except in the case of  gaining necessary inside information or to deliver a prophetic warning in person.  Actually, the people at the Kentucky Derby look more ridiculous than the typical MIlwaukee trick or treater in the 1970's. Horse racing is not even good enough to be part of the kingdom of Gad!

Troubling method of operation: Part of a speech by Ryan White on a Hebrew Roots network that I heard cause for concern. The speaker asked if Yeshua was in out midst, would we change our behavior and he said he would, but I would continue to be just as I am on a regular basis and if I needed correction, Yeshua would correct me. If someone suggests their normal routine would change in the presence of their 'God', they have a daily behavior problem that they know would be unacceptable to their 'God'. Do they really think that putting on a temporary show in the presence of their God is going to fool the God who supposedly knows what they are doing on a daily basis when they don't see Him face to face? When it comes to 'breaking the law', if we know people are not in covenant with the God of Israel and it is their interest to provide nutritional services to the people of the God of Israel on the sabbath, is there any covenant broken with an Israelite servant in the process of letting the people of another deity serve us and then give them a reasonable offering?

Troubling 'labels': If Bradford Scott claims God's people are stones and not bricks, and Mike Clayton has been labeled a 'brick', no one can be the first to cast Mike Clayton anywhere. I cast a stone toward Mike Clayton and he caught it, namely an iolite for his wife. If Mike Clayton is now without sin, he should have no problem casting it toward his wife without the intent to injure her.  I had picked out many stones of the tribe of Israel for myself, but until another saint chose one for ME and cast it my way, I did not really know for sure that I was sealed into a tribe properly. When I received a BERYL, the 8th foundation in prophesy, from a family of living saints, I consider that an honor greater than any Olympic medal, any athletic trophy, greater than any bouquet of roses and much better than a college degree or a diploma from some seminary. A beryl is a symbol of hope, the tribe of Zebulun, and a cornerstone in the original breastplate design. A modest uncut stone is not an unholy trinket; unholy trinkets include  replicas of a Roman crucifix, a method of torture that can neither align you with a tribe nor give you any grace or mercy since it is not part of the full armor of the God of Israel.


I am grieved to see some of the flooding in the Gatineau, Quebec area, a place where I was treated very kindly by people who never knew how many years of pain and loss I endured before I made it to my Gatineau and Ottawa goals during the feast of passover last year.  If their families remain intact during the natural disasters, they should praise Yehovah, and the letter tsaddi' is better legend to understand than a man as depraved as Dino Ciccarelli if you want to continue onto holiness after being justified by faith. The Ottawa area is beautiful in springtime, especially when compared to liberal, anti-Yehovah destinations such as the 'habitats for harlots' programs of Las Vegas, Nevada or the morally repulsive beaches of France.  An'African safari' is also not a good destination for a living saint unless you are such a horrible hunter that you could not hunt for, buy or provide clean animals in your own local 'turf'.

A tsaddi looks like the shins of a human body are on the earth, and that their knees are bent, two hands are lifted up as if in prayer, but there is not 'upper body' seen to differentiate between male and female. When the final form of tsaddi is shown, the body is upright and looks more like the beginning of a tree with a couple branches (hands reaching upward. Joshia was known as planting an oak tree, and he ends up upright.

I showed the 'tsaddi' to a Bengali man, and he then drew a picture of a similar but very anti-Yehovah form of a letter used as a mark in Hindu temples. We both agreed the Hindu symbol was an evil mark, not a good mark to take, and certainly not part of our 'end zone' goal. The Hindu letter looked like a slanted '3' with some sort of serpent trying to enter the center of an adult female breast. I agreed with my sabbath school group leader when he said he would never take any pig parts into his body to extend his life because we both know that swine parts are UNACCEPTABLE in the temple of the living God.  Men like Michael Rood have been swayed by advice that may have extended his carnal life but ruined his opportunity to enter the future tabernacle, even though he will get to the future judgment seat but won't be ON it.

If men were not meant to mate with animals, did it really need to be written down that the wise would reject having animals parts integrated into their  inner components of their bodily 'temple' other than through the mouth and directly into the stomach for nutrition?  A holy man I spoke with today knew his Creator would rather have him remain 'good' by original intelligent design than to let wealthy medical scientists experiment their animal 'replacement theology'  within him.

As a reminder to those who might be stuck at the wrong legend, Solomon is no the name of my God. I appreciate much more being called 'Hey' by my new friends rather than being called an 'asshole' by unjustified female former USA Army 'nurses' who lead many foolish men astray like the disgusting series 'MASH'.  'Hey' is LIKE 1st and 5 in some Penguin cases, and I am actually the 5th child of my father since my mother's  2 miscarriages matter to me. Very few ( if any) nurses have ever given me BIBLICAL advice and therefore I reject trivial concepts like 'nurses day'. I am counting the omer with the obedient, sealed saints of Yehovah who appreciate healthy grain production processes.

Greek word #1132 describes the total depravity of women such as 'Cher' and other  demonic spirits gumnotes. My next post will address other obvious signs of total depravity.

'Rust' in the middle of Erustus is not a good sign when compared to 'okra' in the middle either. Okra is a sign of life, and produces oxygen, but rust is a nuisance often as hard to control as George Harsh.

How, you may ask, has this been like the cobra's venom? Sometimes, the cobra has different approaches to an adversary, and if you get close to a cobra, you typically adjust your own behavior if you want the cobra to keep it's venom to itself.


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