Often, humans put labels on other humans they did not originally have. Just as the contents of a can of Bumblebee Tuna doesn't change on the inside even if you change the label, humans don't change automatically just because you change their label. For instance, Arthur Jones is not Todd JOnes, even if you put a 'Speedo' signed by Theodore Jackson on Todd Jones and put a Pj. Stcok#42 Bruins jersey on Athur Jones. Roy Benford and I would be able be able to tell the difference between our fellow retired policeman Arthur Jones of MIlwaukee and Detroit Tigers oddballTodd Jones. Someone else might be able to tell the difference between Verbie Swanigan and Lynn Swann and really smart people can tell the difference between Benjamin Sheets and 'Hillary Clinton toilet paper' makers. Peter Gunn might be a Gunnite, be he isn't the scarecrow who ended up with 'fire arms' in the Wizard of Oz' foolish anti-reality productions devised to try to make children like witches rather than teaching them what a good Nun looks like..
There are 2 kinds of labels that humans have. Verbal labels are given, legal names and 'nicknames'. Since I listen to 'Joined To Hashem' to hear a perspective I might not have on a subject, Mr. Claytone won't mind me starting with him for an example of verbal labels. On the May 26,20017 'Living Torah' series, Clayton was talking about 'eyeballs'. If you worked for the city of MIlwaukee Police department at District 2, a typical human ( not a saint and unholy by conduct) with bad manners was labeled 'Jeffrey Mantz' on squad assignments and was called 'eyeballs' by co-workers. Jeffrey Mantz, like many typical humans, probably never wants other people to know every sin he has committed, and only those people he sinned in front of or with might be able to uncover what he is trying to hide. If his sins continue to be hidden from the public but he has gone from typical deptaved humasn to a saint in behavior, it was because HE chose to become more than a son of man and has chosen to become an spiritually adopted son of a good 'father' who teaches him how to behave like a saint instead of like a typical depraved human. I have nothing good to say about Jeffrey Mantz and Mantz probably has nothing good to say about me, but I am not part of the Mantz 'eyeballs' family for a good reason. Mantz's outer label would change from police uniform to labels that he chose off duty, but the outer clothing, a form of a label, did not change what Mantz was spiritually or physically. Labels only change what an ONLOOKER sees, even when looking in a mirror.
Mr. Clayton hasn't revealed his full name to his audience. so it is difficult to know what label to put on him. I don't think calling him a 'brick' seems proper, but based on his experience I verbally labeled him a 'Gun Knight' because he is more like a 'Gun Knight' by choice not by birth. Clayton likes telling people he is a firearm's instructor. Clayton is the son of a man, most likely not the son of an Israeli Gunnite', but the Gunnites were part of the Israelites mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures, unlike a Brickner or a brick. Audible perspective can change when 'eyeballs' that work properly see a WORD that more clearly defines the audible. Clayton used to have a USA Army label, but he no longer wants to wear that outer label for a reasonable spiritual reason, just as some other might never want to wear a shirt that says ' America's Team is Hitler's Train Remnant ' even though the Dallas Cowboy team is more like Hitler's disciples than disciples of a Good Shepherd who wants his flock to be perfect and holy.
Every time you cover yourself with clothing, you put labeling on yourself that changes how other people's eyeballs see you. As a child, many of us were forced to wear what we might not have picked out for ourselves if we had proper adult supervision overseeing our wardrobe. When I wore a 'Favre' label in front of Mr. Paul D. Coffey, Mr. Coffey called me 'Brett' not Marie because he did not know my name. 'Favre' was a communications opener, but before I left Bolton Toyota, Mr. Coffey knew what my legal 'label' was and still is. What Mr. Coffey doesn't know is that I am a natural Swedowski under my labels and the daughter of 'El Elohey Yisrael' by choice, so I am the daughter of Edwin Swedowski (man) and the daughter of El Elohey Yisrael (#415 in Strong's order), which means the mighty God of Israel........
The daughter or the son of father is a fleshly remnant of the original man, which is not the same as being a father even if many of our behavioral qualities are alike and acceptable in each other's sight and hearing range. The daughter or a son of 'God' is a chosen (elect) remnant of the God we worship by choice, but being part of the same piece of cloth means we are alike in content but not identical in appearance, since a remnant is a DIVISION of a piece of cloth.
Yes, there are reasonable arguments to say that the son of Joseph and Mary, Yeshua, is the son of God, behaves like God, has the qualities of God but isn't technically 'God the father'. Labels matter because they influence those with hearing and those with sight. if 'Truth is the Daughter of God', Truth is the product of a mother and a father and the mother and father must then be the 'Godhead' in Dryden's example, since a child is the product of 2 beings who are labeled the same by FAMILY names but who are not labeled the same in first names or attire for a reason.
I hope I jolted your 'ragdoll' theory or properly moved the direction your 'eyeballs' are going with the Gun Knight and Rico Cortes Spainish divisions. We must be careful, since I once had the label 'Elizabeth Squidbreaker' on a computer game but now prefer 'Cooler Locust' or 'Angel 1532' or 'Brunette Swede'. If you have a label choice, choose decently and wisely lest you end up like Tom Brady or Ezekiel Elliott, working for working evil,unholy bosses and working against( thereby becoming an enemy of) Yeshua and El Elhey Yisrael. Employment choices have consequences.
There should be a new moon tonight, it's the 30th day of the 2nd or 8th month depending on your Ramada and Ramadan Adams family perspective. It's also the 42nd day of the Omer count, and I no longer have a '42' to wear, since my first Sharper 42 jersey was stolen from me while I was jailed in Israel and my replacement theology jersey was left behind in a Steelers training camp in Latrobe.
Could it be 'Between the Sheets' day without a poker game ? Sure! I hate poker chips, but not good pitchers of fresh Shelby, Michigan water! Serious Dawn Nowak, daytime, dusk and night stick adjustments might have to be made at Tower Chicken and Tower of Power record spinners.
Try to live holy and keep learning, since the ark of the covenant has no wheels and trains called 'America' do have wheels.
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