Shabbat is here and without visitors, it's like being in a semi private assembly. Today I have very limited access to internet broadcasts I am able to listen to. At such times, it a reminder that is would make no sense to get angry because a system that I am not in control of and that I didn't create isn't working properly. To compensate for the lack of intake I usually listen to on Friday night, I will pour out some explanations to those who do not understand what their neighbor might be doing in times of loneliness, duress, brilliance or activites that involve faith in something or some one other than themselves.
A musical composer often sets alone as the look at a blank sheer of paper. The musician's head is filled with facts, tunes, knowledge and variables that might be able to START something they might or might not finish. The goal of the musician is sometimes only to entertain themselves and others OR to relay a message in a form that not everyone will understand. If they manage to 'finish' a musical composition, it is unknown if anyone other than them will ever appreciate the music or find it beneficial to their audible inputs, but the musician did exactly what the musician intended to do when a sheet of paper is filled with notes that actually do something to the composer and might mean something extremely important to someone who is a friend, an disciple, an adversary , an enemy or a competing entertainer of the musician. Often, the musician is interested in selling their composition.
I approach a hockey locker room board in the same way. I enter a room that is semi-private and usually look at a blank dry erase board. My mind is filled with facts,names, knowledge, history and prophetic variables that cause me to START a visual composition on a board but that might not come to a final note that day. My goal is to outwardly process inward information so I either have a thought plan for the day or points of reference to look back to, ponder as I might ponder a symphony, and usually to try to reveal areas of conflict, joy or reasonable outlooks on my past and days ahead without hurting myself or others physically. I know exactly why every part of what is on the board has been placed there, just as a musician knows exactly why every note and musical marking is on a musical composition.
When the victim of a unsolved or unresolved crime leaves a semi private room where they have been treated for trauma, it is common for some other expert to take the information they received from the victim and ideally help the real, sorrowful victim rectify an extremely sad and painful incident so that the victim obtains mercy and has an ability to go on offense against the criminal that caused him or her damage. The outpouring of past,present and future facts is a real way a person can defend their position, retain their ability to communicate and remain creative enough in how they deal with forms of pain and suffering that they never need to pop a dangerous pill that often leads to worse brain function. Ignoring what has happened in the past and refusing to consider various strategies to plan for future defensive tactics is NOT a good plan for a living human being that still patiently waits for the day or the year when all liars, thieves and habitual sinners will finally be properly punished for their deplorable acts of unrighteousness.
Semi trucks move along but do not always care about the cargo they are moving. I care about the information I choose to move along information in very old and reliable ways. I care about the people that receive my communication deliveries, and hope they someday understand why I have written and posted some very complicated compositions that are supposed to accomplish more than a polonaise or a minuet. My desire is that other angelic forces are somehow working with me, knowing that unrepentant anti-commandmentists are still working against me and I realize that might see a dangerous enemy much sooner than I see a holy hero face to face so I prepare my mindset accrdingly.
On a rare occasion, there is nothing but good news and optimism on one of my intricate locker room dry erase board scenes. I suppose that happens when I think another viewer of my semi private board scenes needs something to make them smile or laugh.
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