This is not going to be a 'keep it simple' plan of action. A talented cup-bearer named Pete, who also played football for the Marine City high school team, did not know what the '31 wedge' is but told me about his team's favorite play, the '41 wedge'. Unwise men like Greg Strasser might like things simple, but in the process of their simple-minded employee moves they end up offending their employer. I employed Greg Strasser of Wausau, but in the end he chose to offend me rather than defend me, so he is either like the butler or the baker that were servants of Pharaoh mentioned in the book of Genesis.
Only the butler lived long enough to be able to publically recall his fault of not remembering Joseph, and as a result, Joseph was finally raised to a position more proper for his skills. Keep in mind, Joseph was accurate in stating that he did nothing worthy of imprisonment, but false accusations of a lying female got him imprisoned by an Egyptian leader who believed the unfaithful wife's LIE. Joseph also filled the role of a jailer who might have behaved similar to Tommy Benford or Mark Vasquez when dealing with other humans in the jail setting.
I knew when I got a call from a very sad mother, Mary Windmiller, now reasonably safe in North Dakota, that I would have to be prepared to try and give her good advice in her battle against Nazi-type forces rooted int Wisconsin. She and I were both robbed by Stuart Rottier, Sandra Marcus and the men who hired Stuart Rottier, but too many people said they wouldn't help us recover what was taken unjustly by Nazi-type forces. The few who have been willing to help us included my mother and other compassionate people like Lorraine MIelke. Local cowards like Macomb Deputy Hoffman stand around and let us continue to be abused by anti-commandment systems of government and their reports do nothing to correct the 'Christmas criminals', making Democratic Sheriff Anthony Wickersham and Macomb Deputy Hoffman actually a party to an anti-contitution activity that establishes certain religion in government areas, contrary to the original intent of the United States of America. As a citizen of the United States, I must try to defend against establishment of 'Christmas forces' in government, and even my HOA (hoe owners association) is a form of government that might be as corrupt in the use of gathered tax funds as the condo boards in Toronto.
Mary Windmiller and I have an unseen enemy in common and that enemy robbed us, using corrupt attorney forces, of our family's assets. Unseen enemies rather hide or find another victim than confess their faults and repent.When people have chosen to be your enemy, do not be afraid to name them as your enemy, lest they wrongfully feel to comfortable in their current position. I explained to Mary Windmiller the systme that I use with the dry erase boards in the sight of both public and private security systems. A civil war actually describes combatting the natural elements from overwhelming you, such as building proper structures or maintaining safe water supplies. Divorce and any other judicial court battle is extremely uncivil and usually one or both parties in court are anti-Truth in behavior. When in a real uncivil war, it is important not to go bankrupt in the process, or you lose the advantage of food, clothing and shelter that at least prolong your ability to do good unto others and to protect your own flesh.
Today, I might have done what any typical victim of Nazi persecution might have done. I passed on information about my real enemies to my real friends without using a computer. It was not simple fighting the Nazi regime centered in Germany if you were in Russia or in England, and Michigan might be like Russia and North Dakota might be like England was in the 1940's, and both nationa decided to be anti-Nazi for a reason. The problem is that only a few people are still in active battles against anti-prophet anti-commandment regimes and that the majority of the world's population has decided to align with athiests, depraved political systems or businesses that produce various forms of horrible evil. When I go to Wisconsin, my friends in Michigan now have a list of my enemies in Wisconsin, and if anything bad happens to me in Wisconsin, my friends have a list of unholy enemies of a very real God who has warned the entire earth by means of the Bible of the necessity of proper repentance to be saved. I, like my friends, believ it is justifiable to cut off the hand of a thief who has been warned and still decides to steal from his family or his neighbor. We both agreed it is unwise to kill a thief because dead humans can't repay you double what they stole from you, in order to have proper works with their new faith in the God of Abraham,Ishmael and Issac and Joseph types. Personally, i rather warn others of anger and protect myself than be martyred anywhere in my homeland. I made it clear that I don't that President Donald Trump is my enemy because if he was, I'd probably be dead already.
I'd rather have Donald Trump start thinking like an Ottawa Senator named Hoffman than become a fool like Dustin Hoffman or a coward like Macomb Sheriff's Deputy Hoffman. It is contrary to the United States contstitution to force 'Christmas' traditions into non-church areas and areas that are not privately owned, and forcing and imposing strings of electric lights into natural living trees is actually a form of anti-constituation terrorism against nature in publically shared property, a form of light pollution that can disrupt sleep patterns and a form of fiscal terrorism against communities already burdened with debt loads. What people do within their homes reflects which deity they trust or reject; if you keep putting up 'christmas' trees, you don't trust or believe the prophets such as Jeremiah and the 'god' you believe in certainly isn't the Lion of the tribe of Judah of the son of Mary and Joseph of Bethlehem!
I agreed with Mary Windmiller when she said the USA founding father's would be disgusted and dismayed at what has now become common practice in the United States legal,political, executive and law enforcement systems. A few people, such as myself, actually took into strong consideration who the vice-president would be before we cast our vote, since no presidential candidate in 2016 could be called 'good' based on their past marital decisions.
Unlike Mike Clayton of Franklin, North Carolina, I am not ashamed or frightened to buy halal products from Arabs in the United States since there are no good Israelite stores anywhere near me. I once was tricked by Rachel Snyder into buying products made in Germany that were then sold in Israel under the name 'Ahava', and Rachel is also pro-tattoo. Requested the over-priced German made products is typical of the unwise woman with wrong long term strategies. Refusing to try to help abused humans, whether they are children, the elderly or spouses, can become the biggest fault you need to start confessing to at least retain Egyptian butler status and have food,clothing and shelter during times of famine. Sometimes written advice is the only way you help, but written advice is what the Apostle Peter sent to people who relied on him. Mr. And Mrs. Thomas Wahl, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hendrikson and Mr. and Mrs. Brian Berg all refused to help me when I requested help against my fiscal enemy, my spiritual enemy and a verbal abuser, Shane David Hendrikson. None of those married tag-teams, who all claim to be Christians, have yet recalled and confessed their faults even though they might be financially comfortable, and it has been much longer than 2 years.
I tried to offer as much help as I could to Mary Windmiller because I know what it feels like to be a victim of courtroom thieves and have very little left to wage an expensive counter attack with. low budget counter attacks against thieves and liars include dry erase boards, verbal testimony and handwritten lists of anti-commandmentists. Joshua Ferguson, a Canadian tranvestitie, is actually an anti-commandmentist, but his pattern of sin choice hurts him more than it hurts any actual saints or prophets. Jamie Farr and his fake 'MASH' unit, paid professional deceivers, are actually more dangerous to North American holy forces and to society as a whole than Joshua Ferguson types.
Good, holy and natural living saints are as rare and precious as the bengal tiger, but there are no commercials on television yet suggesting that we be protected from greedy idiots with guns. When a bengal tiger is taken into captivity in a zoo, it adjusts to its unnatural habitat rather than trying to destroy itself. Real scattered saints also adjust to their location of captivity rather than destroy themselves, and we also often watch other humans who are not like us but NEAR us, just as a lion in the zoo might keep an eye on the people who want to see what a real lion looks like.
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