Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Now Alex Ovechkin=Tanya Harding !

The fans of the Nashville Predators have yet to exhibit signs of intelligent English, continually reveal their lack of maturity whent they scream 'you suck' in their home arena so they won't comprehend decent 5 letter words  like 'Micah', Nahum' or topaz..

Justin Trudeau is all about equalizing men and women, so Alex Ovechkin=Tanya Harding now. In the brief repeats of Ovechkin's very quick attack to the sensitive crown area of Sidney Crosby's head, the intent to injure was clear, not vague. I think it's time that the Trump administration start ejecting Russian immigrants from the USA, especially if they disobey any rules of the games on our North American rinks. What the Brian Heck... why not let Randall Cunningham punt Ovechkin back to Europe and see which nation he ends up in!

I might have written what Mike Sullivan knows but did not say yet: Alex Ovechkin has become a thug, not an asset to the Washington DC community.  I clearly remember Alex Ovechkin lying a few years ago at the NHL All-Star game, claiming he needed a car and wrote a official notice with his untruthful statement on it. I'm quite sure the KGB could find a good role for Alex Ovechkin to fill in as soon as he is properly declared to be worse than a Mexican immigrant picking apples for Casey Janikowski. Maybe Alex Ovechkin should start trying to use his offensive tactics against HAMAS in Russia for far less pay. In my opinion, the placement of Ovechkin's slash was rehearsed more than once previously and instead of hiring Tanya Harding's stick handler to temporarily disable a more talented opponent, Ovechkin just teamed up with someone who wasn't named 'Arnott'.

It's terrible we have to put up with so many natural North American citizens disobeying rules and laws that already exist. I am going to break the hockey stick I have with the name  'Ovechkin' on it  and I won't even be turned into a newt in the process! I used far less force on a felony susepct (Shane David Hendrikson) than Alex Ovechkin used on a Canadian citizen and I was forced by an unjust nation to go to jail for a lot longer than 2 minutes.  Proving  Alex Ovechkin's intent to injure Sidney Crosby is about as easy as proving my HOA intended to annoy Israelites; the most serious ongoing 'Justice' problem is getting  honest witnesses and honest law enforcement officers to get the guilty before a judge instead of ignoring the problems caused by people who have evil intent in THE BUSINESS WORLD. The Pittsburgh Penguins business is not my former business, 'The Interiors Department, Inc', but I know YEHOVAH does not like seeing people destroy or try to abuse another person's business investments.

I wonder what Putin and Trump talked about today, the 5th day of the 2nd month of the Israelite year.

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