Monday, May 1, 2017

Horrible Marketing Vexes The Discerning

There are certain companies which should vex the humble and the discerning viewers.  The following products should be boycotted by people who claim to be 'saved':

1. LaBatt's: first they disrespected the concept of a bear and now they only seem to push indecent outfits and immature  behaviors.
2. Mercedes Benz : It is extremely ignorant to say 'the best or nothing'.  It is wise to say 'the fairly priced vehicle is better than nothing and usually is a wiser investment than the high-priced 'best'.
3. Snickers : it is not funny when people loose their cognitive skills due to temporary malfunction of the brain and 'Marilyn Monroe' is a worse symbol than Miss Piggy the Muppet.
4.  Viagra and Hardee's : Morally disgusting commercials, even when bacon isn't being displayed.
5. All NFL and NBA team products that have cheerleaders. If you already bought some attire from 'clubs' that have gone the way of strumpets on the sidelines, be cautious if you wear it especially if there is not the name and number of a decent player on the team uniform gear. At the very least, you might have to verbally explain your attire to a neighboring saint, but the evil won't care what you wear.
6. Any and all trips to Las Vegas and 'Las Vegas' gear.  The NFL and the NHL seriously compromised their leagues by adding 'Las Vegas' to their schedules, so be thankful if your sports teams and 'business meetings' aren't forcing you into the state of Nevada.
7. Microsoft: companies that 'toy' with ( experiment in labs) with insects and DNA are dangerous to themselves and eventually impossible to 'turn around' toward reasonable human activities suitable for those with actual wisdom and spiritual discernment.

Those were just 7 examples of troubling trends in advertising and they prove that 'St. Clair' still has no power over television even though some silly humans declared her to be the patron saint of television. Of course, there are many more products too numerous to list that should be boycotted, such as  Coca-Cola, 'Hooter's' and 'Victoria's Secret' products. I am not the type to waste my time trying to 'flood' political offices with phone calls or 'picket' outside their offices since politicians have less power than one of the 144,000 sealed Israelites.

Buick ads are obnoxious and irritating, and the women in the ads border on the typical 'escort service look'  rather than people who actually care about the tires they buy and are too smart to wear high heeled uncomfortable shoes while trotting to a baby shower.

Non-gambling ratio note:
Just suppose the 144,000 are already sealed and each of them now has about 1,389 people aligned with   him or her under the guidance of Abbadon. That means that there are still about 53,611 humans who held on too tightly to their anti-commenmentist 'freedoms' and as a result are not aligned, protected and perfected with the sealed end-times saints .

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