This article will not acquit any married man who is guilty of adultery but will instruct the adulterous man who has chosen concubines without his wife's knowledge or consent how to be converted from the errs of his ways. When I worked on MIlwaukee district 2 squads alone, I had a reputation for being to advise as many incidents as possible in order to prevent longer response times due to lengthier handwritten reports being required for alternative dispositions. Advising a situation is better than getting a report wrong, and one of the most serious errs is claiming a victim (I) did not want to press charges when I stated I DID and still do want to press charges against obstructors (lied to investigating officers) Shane David Hendrikson,Vincent LoCicero and the father of Richard Edwin Xavier for neglecting to pay appropriate child support and for refusing to take a court ordered paternity test. Consider the word 'concubine' to be a woman who you have had sexual intercourse with but who is not your legal spouse due to lack of witnesses to your unholy non-matrimony joint physical and sinful ventures.
There are very few ways to get a person with a guilty conscience to a point of a clear conscience with the good intent to continue living in order to prove they are worthy of forgiveness, but my intent is to try to convince those with an unseared, active guilty conscience to repent and be willing to start to live a proper life rather than continue to destroy their own life and the lives of others on earth.
A) 1. If you have not discontinued your current adulterous relationship, you do not have any way to avoid being declared 'guilty' by a group of people who are holier than your current peers . I have listed below much more than 2 pro-life 'saved by grace' options so that you don't choose to opt out with some anti-merciful 'bi-polar disorder' excuse for your sin.
2. Once you look at yourself in the mirror and openly state 'I am guilty of breaking a covenant' the worst part is trying to stone yourself. I guess it is possible to stone yourself and that might be why some people who have been in adulterous relationships end up murdering themselves; this is not an article loaded with fictional, unrealistic possibilities for people who have chosen to break their marriage covenant . If you think you are worthy of the death penalty for committing adultery, will you be your own god after appointing yourself as jury and judge? If you decide to be your own god in your own 'adulterous man' case, seek a second opinion and find someone who is willing to advise you to stop sinning. Be humble enough to trust a peace officer or a living local saint stoned with one of the tribes of Israel stones to give you good life-changing advice rather than causing your family more pain and suffering than they probably deserve.
3. If you decide that the death sentence is not yet required in your case knowing your concubine is not interested in testifying against you, tell your concubine that you have sinned against your wife and have chosen to sin no more. This is a very biblical approach called 'confessing your ins one to another'.Tell your concubine she should also stop sinning and pray that she takes your advice.
4. If you have chosen to repent but your concubine has not chosen to repent, inform your concubine that if she touches you again you will file sexual assault charges against her. This is a risky choice since she may decide to tattle to your wife at this point, but remember that an adulterous man is guilty, is a danger to himself and to others and there is no way to escape some sort of punishment if you really have started to believe in a truthful God who would rather see you repent than get stoned to death.
B) 1. If you were an adulterous male many years or even many months ago, have since returned to your first love and never have had 2 people willing to testify against you, you should still declare yourself guilty and order yourself to a the good works/release program. Once you release yourself into a public setting and release your concubine with the hope she gets attracted to an unmarried man, you must order yourself to a lifetime of good community works in order to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Some adulterous men are fearful for the rest of their lives that their concubine is going to publicly admit they were your concubine, but most concubines rather not admit they were sinning with a married man especially after they realized the adulterous man is not worth dying for . Remind yourself that committing adultery is NOT good works and it is not allowed as an activity in your work/release program.
2. If you have been an adulterous male, you have the right to tell your spouse you have been an adulterous male, and if you want to increase the chances you will get the death penalty, tell her who your concubine was. In this case, an angry spouse might decide to call the local police and see if they will file charges against you and your former partner in crime. If the responding officers refuse to take the report unless your spouse can come up with 2 witnesses willing to testify against you and your concubine, who knows if your wife will try to kill you and your concubine 'as seen on typical USA TV programs? I guarantee you that I am not 'who' so i don't know what the outcome of your out-of-court civil trials and tribulations will be. If in fact you sinned against a good wife and she hasn't been committing adultery against you, she rather cry and get the divorce she desires and deserves rather than spend her life in prison for refusing to forgive repentant sinners who discontinued sinning against her and against God.
3. If you ever intentionally or unintentionally are face to face with a woman you chose as a concubine but didn't love enough to take her as your wife, tell her you were guilty of adultery and ask her to forgive you for being a depraved, weak male who was wrong for breaking his marriage covenant, emphasizing the point that you should have tried to find an unmarried male for her rather than sin with her. If you are unable to do this, expect bad results when you try to pass the '13 sieves' test and you find out what it means when the guilty cannot be acquitted by a just and holy God.
4. If your concubine lost interest in you, it is most likely because she realized you didn't really love her and you were just 'using her' or better yet, she became a saint and has no interest in testifying against both of you because after she declared herself 'guilty' rather than acquit herself, she chose the 'go and sin no more option' also know as the voluntary lifetime of good works and release of an adulterous man back into the community to be judged by some other entity eventually..
5. A concubine who has 'wised up' spiritually will be thankful you chose to stop committing adultery with her before 2 witnesses could testify against her in a courtroom. When you 'wise up', it's kind of like getting raptured because you meet with some anti-sin Lord in the air rather than meeting with and taking advice from habitual sinners on the ground.
Unlike Mark Gunger, I don't believe that you can laugh your way to a better marriage. I believe you can repent your way out of a mindset that has been focused too much on sexual activities and not focused enough on fasting, holy behavior and proper etiquette. Do not hate or abuse your spouse if and when your spouse becomes more like a faithful household servant and does not want to be your sex slave who has to 'perform' like an R-rated movie whore or get punished.
I hope my very serious advice and anti-adultery pro-life options will convince humans with the desire to be good citizens to stop watching,employing or paying to see depraved actors such as Sharon Case, Phyllis Stafford or Richard Gere in anti-Christ films such as 'Fatal Attraction'.
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