Saturday, January 16, 2016

Why 'Jesus' is the Adversary of Yehovah

In football, a loss of down is like plucking chickens for Darren Mallory Sharper.   Those stuck on their own crucifix lines  deny the need to hear the 7th day messages from St. Lucia's Joseph President because they are not interested in living the lifestyle that Yeshua or the real apostles lived and as a result, they falsely claim to be 'saints' rather than admit they are upholding the doctrine of anti-Yeshuah.

Since I chose not  to go back to a Port Huron hockey tournament due to flu symptoms, I decided to watch people sicker than I am in Monty Python sketches.  'Mrs. Premise and Mrs. Conclusion' were better than 'Mrs. Doubtfire' and watching the episode of an odd human pretending to purchase an ant did nothing to solve any crimes against me but did make me laugh.  You can't always 'update' things, sometimes you have to 'look up' and check on what bad invention of  'man unkind' has hovering over your  head like a an evil drone rather than a helpful cloud.

A question test for a spiritual grazer  might be as follows:

What does the name 'Jesus' mean to the typical hearer of Greek sneaks?

 Now that I understand the difference between Yeshua (3442) and Yeshuah ( the H adding the feminine form), I understand why believing in 'Jesus' was a stepping stone to believing in Y-hw-h, namely because it was easier to believe in the adversary of Yehovah FIRST. Once I believed in the name 'Jesus' and saw the lack of  good results that emitted from the Dagon-based people who worship that name and the images associated with that name, I sought out a PURE Hebrew language name to trust in, namely Yahweh   (YHWH). The Greek version of Jesus leads to lukewarm, carnal behaviors and a lack of sanctification caused by apathy and a false sense of 'eternal security' that was preached from Sunday STAGES, not from Yahweh's prophets.

Wisconsin Badger 'Rockwood#11' should be valued as equivalent to my former camper which was set up at the unholy and unjust Roland Hendrikson cabin near Elcho long before my final divorce occurred.  A used  camper that I redecorated got taken over by a Wisconsin anti-commandment man as easily as Virgil Smith got a dagger away from from a dead Nazi in Europe.  I didn't physically fight to try to get all my family antiques and business belongings back in order to protect my own physical body from BEING KILLED or seriously injured again by Shane David Hendrikson and  his  C-section mistress who invaded my homestead then arrached herself to his unholy family and his wallet like a wood tick.   I hate liars and I hate thieves, and Shane Davif Hendrikson is both a liar and a thief, not a 'saved believer in the body of Yeshua.

A West London Ontario team is as close to my heart and memory as a 'Lone Oak Inn' Side Ricky Ortiz Kentucky team, since I have no bad memories from my trips to London, Ontario nor of the squash from 'The Lone Oak Inn' which used to be in suburban Bowling Green, Kentucky.  If I did not have as many good memories of my childhood, real family, former honest co-workers and high school friends as I do, I would be suffering from overwhelming depression in addition to suffering from lung damage.

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