People who are truly just do not place the concept of 'fun' as a requirement for peace and prosperity.
When verbal or visual attacks come your way, how you respond is a serious matter.
I will list a few examples of how to counter attack the wrong type of temptation.
There will come a day when people who have titled themselves to be 'saints' would have been better off to label themselves as Richmond Demons or New Jersey Devils who are awaiting reformation. For some reason, 'St, Clair' is a name that not only has failed to prevent nastiness from abounding in television ike a patron saint is supposed to do, but Marathon County's St, Clair hospital seems to have the same adversity to people who study like Bereans that the political dictator of St. Clair, Michigan will expose to others eventually.
For instance, what kind of place installs a toilet and then expects people not to use it for their elimination rounds? The dictator of the hall on 4th and Cass Street in St. Clair, Michigan will someday claim in 2020 AD that the dry erase board in the hall used for various community activities is NOT to be used to write on with dry erase markers. This 'anti-1st amendment dictator' will not show his or her face to the people who are using the board as it legally should be used, namely for various forms of interesting communication and problem solving. This same dictator will choose some puppet to pass on an unofficial message when topics come up such as the comparison of November 26, 1789 to the book of Zechariah's 11th month reports. The 11th Hebrew month will be occuring in mid to late February in 2020 on Greek calenders. Once the person who has been using the board properly sees the lack of good fruits being produced after a few years of mission work in the historic church building that doesn't want biblical thoughts in their government building anymore, she will leave with some sorrows again but will be comforted by Yahweh somehow. Then the people who wouldn't give the name of the local lord that didn't want the board used for communication and art therapy can now freely worship that lord but the woman with Yehovah's spirit will go elsewhere after learning that she couldn't pull an asp out of a ditch without getting hurt.
Has anyone ever been given a judicial order to stop doing a DECENT communications project and then not be able to see the name of the judge? Of course not if the system isn't as corrupt as the city of Saint Clair and the park where dogs can shit on the grass but real people are told they can't use chalk on the sidewalks anymore. Where's Karen Pence now? Too busy to defend art therapy in Michigan? The proper reaction to a seasoned veteran of spiritual warfare is to leave the area where Christmas trees are set up and the book of Zechariah is abhorred because too many 'watchers' in the area complained to their lord who has the spirit of Lucifer, not the spirit of Yehovah's angels. In other words, Yahweh provides a cloud that will indicate it is time to leave that building and let it be taken over by political tyrants or the Freemasons who are accepted by Lucifer and thus rejected by Yeshua. Pruning others off of your tree is necessary when it is evident that the people that getd pruned off wouldn't defend your ROOT system. Even the tribe of Yoseph's root system can get transplanted when they are getting choked out by people who prefer dead Christmas trees to a keeper of necessary grain fields.
A) "Carl', my former bowling team mate, decided to try and provoke me rather than respect my belief system by going out of his way to say 'Merry Christmas' to me on January 4th. Last week, I clearly said 'The Lord rebuke you' but that was not sufficient defense to prevent Carl from verbally and childishly attacking again. My initial response to him was the same as last week and I repeated a KJV quote used by Michael against Satan, namely, 'the Lord rebuke you'. Since that did not work last Friday, my error was to repeat the same counter-attack.Later, I would realize that 'Carl' was under the dominion of Molech and Satan is under the dominion of Yahweh so Carl didn't mature over the week but instead, he tried to provoke me again. I chose to tell Carl 'May the spirit of Adolph Hitler remain with you' and that silenced Carl for the remainder of our exercise time. What Carl does next week, I cannot predict, but Carl has the spirit of Molech in him if he tries to provoke or make fun of me, a believer in the TORAH who has rejected Lucifer and understands the role of Satan.
The attitude of 'Carl' is very different from the attitude of other people, including some of my relatives, who peacefully send a 'christian' greeting card to me in December even if they know I won't send a 'Christmas' card to them. Just because the Memra has not swayed my family members yet does not mean that my family members are trying to turn me away from defending my right to obey the commandments of HVHY. It is usually not too difficult to discern if people are trying to be kind while retaining their traditional faith in 'Jesus' pumped into them since youth and others who have no real faith in any part of the Bible and who try to deter people like me from openly proclaiming the expectations that HWHY has of me while stuck in a very difficult 'mission field'. My relationship with Carl changed about as fast as Maria Von Trapp's character with the character 'Rolf', the Austrian boy 'gone Nazi' when faced with a real power struggle in Europe. 'Carl' has resorted to trying 'taunting' against me and I don't have to pretend as though I do not have a right to counteract his intentional anti-Yeshua offense.
The above scenario does not reflect on the good deeds of the St. Clair County Sheriff's Department that might occur after the city of St. Clair chooses to be somewhat like the people Ben Stein exposed in his 'Intelligent Life Not Allowed' film.
B) I heard and saw Powerball promotions that seemed enticing. I looked at the Michigan Powerball form, looked at the $2 price, and had a serious and just internal battle, which I won. I did not buy a Powerball ticket because the PROBABILITY is that the second dollar would end up in the hands of a gambling addict who lacks a strong work ethic and the second dollar would go into the unholy government funds. Buying one ticket would have been taking a snort of cocaine in my perspective since I was more likely to get harmed by my 'investment' than helped by it. A very sobering way of comparing the 50/50 split on a $2 gamble would be to view it as trying to get something that was unnatural, such as purchasing an infant even though I am a single woman, and then having that same infant ripped in two with half being turned over to 'the state' that sold me the infant, and both parties end up with guilt on there hands.
G) I do not fully understand the concept of a jubilee year but I do understand that no one should borrow to another what they cannot afford to lose. If the entire debts in the world were 'erased', only the people who stole from me would still owe me as much as they stole plus 20% penalties, but anyone who borrowed from me legally would no longer be expected to pay the debt. I would be able to keep any hard assets I had, the currency I had would still be valid and my bank would be forced to be charitable by forgiving my debt. Once all debts are eliminated on a global basis, there should be a very quick recovery for those who did not borrow out more than they could afford to lose. Even if my bank said they had to use my cash to stay 'above rocky soil', I would come out ahead because what I owe the bank is more than what I loaned to them to use. If you are receiving interest on your money, it is in fact a loan to the person paying you interest. Too much money sitting in the bank rather than being reinvested into the community shows a lack of charity and a lack of faith in HORAT principles, including the concept of restructuring the world banks to a financial constant standard to eliminate extremes between the very rich and the very poor.
D) I have heard and know that it is very hard to own and operate a small business, but it could and should be argued that a local restaurant which is not part of a chain should be considered a ministry and a church if requested by the owner in order to reduce taxation. I and many other people who have permanently and intentionally left crooked and lucrative 'churches' such as Immanuel Baptist church in Wausau knows full well that spending a few hours in a decent restaurant, eating food which is clean and good and where prayer is allowed on an individual basis does more good for an abandoned mother than sitting in church on Sunday and hearing anti-Yehovah speeches or going to a hospital for depression. A good local restaurant is open to anyone that is peaceful, guarantees a real return for your investment and can be interesting as well as safe, but does not have to be fun. It is better to sit in a real gathering of humans than sit at home and watch fake scenes on television 'just for fun', such as watching shows like 'Cheers' or 'Happy Days'. Once a government system can acknowledge it has gone very wrong in what it views as 'ministry' and has the courage to remove from network television any and all blatantly violent and wicked fiction and non-fiction such as boxing meets, programs containing indecent attire and adultery in progress, there might be enough of a turn in the nation's 'ship' to prevent it from hitting a spiritual iceberg and sinking.
I believe that HWHY is so good, so merciful, so patient and so loving that it will take a miracle ( an act totally contrary to His nature) for him to start pouring out his wrath upon the people and nations who have rejected his prophets and his good, just and sound structure for a holy and just society on earth. I do believe in miracles and I am convinced that only His angels will be able to protect me and my family and His wrath will be able to defeat the whores and the people like 'Carl' and the unseen dictator of 'St. Clair', who rather provoke and mock the remnant of Israel than admit that the comparing George Washington's way to Zechariah's vision is better than only wanting to see 'Merry Christmas' and bridge club dummy information. An Owen Sound check left the sound of silence and the number 322 for the people who didn't want a dry erase board to be used as a dry erase board.
I seriously doubt if people like 'Carl' the crippled Army beteran would say 'Merry Christmas' as their last words before getting beheaded by some viscious Islamic gang or some Vice Lords., but many unholy people have been attacked by unholy people for thousands of years, and it is only the holy people such as St. Stephen, Isaiah, the apostles and the others who chose to preach righteousness rather than lawlessness will someday rise up after being martyred for courageously delivering a message that the unholy minds hated and rejected, just as they rejected the pattern of Noe (Noah)..
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