When Backsliding is Mandatory
June 21, 2010 by 300shindefense441 |
If the puck is the truth, you don’t want to drop it and leave it behind somewhere. Spiritual warfare is not something you can run away from – it exists if you have the testimony of Yeshua and keep the commandments, the Torah, of HYVH. Closed into a hockey rink you have your team and the adversary , Ha Satan, has a team. Much of what should have been carried through the centuries has been left behind or stolen when it comes to the TORAH. Constantine picked off the puck and tried to keep it off the ice. Good thing some people still want the puck on the ice and it is still being fought over, not completely gone. So us TORAH keepers are still a little shorthanded in personnel – we know enough to keep fighting for the puck and the game official won’t let the other team pocket it and leave. Let’s face it – Judah will know the Messiah when he returns. They have the advantage. Those who claim to know the Messiah but who disregard his Word will have the most catching up to do. It is those of Ephraim who have first gotten into the TORAH rink, at whatever age, that will have the advantage. We know we need the living oracles to keep up with the prophetic events that will come to pass. Old ‘Christians’ will be having to catch up with us by backsliding – coming to pick up the puck they dropped behind. On the rink today, I was on the dark jersey side and I lost hold of the puck. A teammate would not touch the puck for some reason. I told her that if I drop it, she should pick it up and keep moving it forward – then neither of us has to backslide to get it. We, of the pro-TORAH believers in Yeshua as Messiah, have to keep in better stride as a team. I am struggling with a spouse who hasn’t been wearing the ‘sign’ of our covenant – the wedding ring. He is like (but obviously isn't part of) the lost Tribes, refusing to keep the sign of the Sabbath. I have had to think like Hosea – keep loving the person who doesn’t love me, keep wearing my sign even though it hurts to see the other person openly deny our relationship by absence of the ring. Rainbows still show even though most of Israel has gone cold turkey to keeping the sign of the sabbath.
My spouse, like Christianity, has lost courage. The courage to admit they deny their relationship with HVHY by doing lawless works is not there – just as Peter had no courage to openly admit he knew Messiah. John seemed to stick it through to the end, being there til the last dying breath. It was John’s letters that are most consistent, as he seemed to be as a disciple. It was John who was given and trusted with the most prophetic insight of the post ascension believers. It was John who wrote that loving Messiah means keeping his commandments. I’m pretty sure (but not positive) that John lived through confinement, but never was martyred. It seems John made the right choices up front and it paid off in the end.
It was Peter who wept bitterly, just as Esau did. It says Esau had no room for repentance – which means once the deal was sealed he couldn’t turn back and reclaim it. It was out of his hands for good – he dropped the puck and his brother picked it up. I hope Israel is not afraid to pass the puck back if Esau wants to become part of the team again. Remember Caleb, remember Abraham. Peter’s letters are very different than John’s – they are more urgent in nature, sterner in warning, practical to the backslider. Catching up is hard to do in the case of walking in stride with Messiah – breaking up is an ever worse decision. Don’t break up with Messiah or the commandments – they are the rod and the staff that protect you, and confidence in both is what give the courage to not be ashamed of the Torah or the Messiah. The Word was made flesh for our examination – not to exchange one for the other. To date, both continue to pass examination after examination as my theoretical engineering continues to build on the hockey rink.
Lastly, I can remember reading the phrase ‘ and then it was night’… As Israel wandered through the desert, HVHY guided them by a flame at night. Couldn’t help but think of that yesterday – on possibly the last Shavuot before the final seven year battle. Those who gave respect to it by keeping it may have the biggest flame over their head as it was in Jerusalem some 2000 years ago. Its not the color of our jersey, or the number on our backside that will set us apart. It is whether or not we have truly received the gift of the Holy Spirit that will indicate if we have a flame, a light , a lamp in the continuation of night that approaches. Most are still in the dark ages, but as a flame is over my own head, I remember to go to the Scriptures to rebuke myself. Had it not been for Hosea, I would have given up today in my marriage. A good friend who loves Messiah and the commandments reminded me yesterday that I should continue to work righteousness and that HVHY will use this to have me be more conformed to his image. I give thanks to Jehovah Jirah for my ice skates, my Torah loving friends, the Old Testament prophets, the letters of John and Peter , and for Shavout (Pentecost). I also thank my hockey camp coach for challenging me to jump around and turn at the same time – it seems HVHY is asking me to do the same thing at home. I made it 3/4th of the way around at the rink – I think thats about how far of a turn around I need in my marriage. I am about that far around in my returning to HVHY as I turn back to the Torah. Messiah’s closer in my sights and looking really good waiting for me at the goal line. I plan to show him I know how to retain the puck – keep the truth, the commandments of YHVH.
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