A person who has difficulty facing the reality of past and present situations which hold them as 'guilty' in the sight of a Yehovah will turn to television shows such as "The Rockford Files' and then try to excuse their own patterns of lying and deception. An important key to being able to condemn television actors is first being able to condemn yourself and admit your own guilt in behaviors before you decided to 'go straight' and choose some type of religious system such as Alcoholics Anonymous rather than being glued to organized hypocrites in religious denominations who won't face reality properly when a problem bigger than a dress code comes up.
After a very negative and grouchy response to a very weak and therefore unfit female goalie last week, I had enough sense to apologize to the 'regular' hockey player named Amy Henderson, who flip flops between a decent rink and another rink owned by my enemy. When certain combinations hit your memory bank after you have had a unwanted intruder destroy your marriage and your family, do not ignore your own protection grid that causes you to react in a negative manner to a stranger to your regular turf.
There is a minimal level of expectation that should come after you have asked for and received a spiritual mulligan, which includes the following:
1. You should have a desire to fight against patterns of sin in your own household and in your community to the best of your ability. I have many abilities, so it might appear as though I fight harder than others to expose areas of besetting sin and to put a hedge not a hog between me and those who are too proud to repent by opening and closing lines of communications intentionally.
2. You should expect to be able to protect (try to save) people who were involved in your past sin prior to your spiritual renewal. There is no sense in going backwards in order to try to make others who were party to your sins feel more guilty than you were before you were humbled and repented.
A) There is no sense in me going backwards to try to make everyone that I worked with in the Milwaukee City jail feel guilty about feeding pork to prisoners and then expecting the prisoners to behave. Everyone I worked with can condemn themselves and change their standards to conform to the standards of the Instructor of Moshe Ben Amram and Yshrael if they want to.
B) Being attracted to someone other than your spouse is common if you or your spouse is not 'saved' . How far you strayed from your vows is directly related to your lack of faith in the commandments of HVHY, and not reading and then BELIEVING the commandments leads to lack of self-control. I have admitted my marriage to Robin Ortiz could not be sanctified due to our unholy start, but it is my difficult decision to choose to continue to try to save him and not count him as an enemy even though he is a coward, became hard-hearted toward my son and is not a hero in my view. When I stop trying, woe to Robin Michael Ortiz and let his own works be judged by the statues in St. Josaphat's basilica or a plastic Easter egg from Tim Hawken.
3. You should expect those who claimed to be 'saved' but decided to cheat, lie, failed to render proper bodily aid or steal from you never to be forgiven since it is improbable that they will never be able to be brought back to repentance again, especially if they intentionally eliminated you from their family turf. There is no reason to try and protect or serve those who abused you, coerced you or deceived you after you went 'clean' and used your spiritual mulligan.
4. An 'even Steven' situation is like a Steve Rowe, a Steve Schmidt, a Steve Jaeckels, a Steve Czenczek or some other non-abusive male in my past circle of friends. A self-proclaimed gnostic male named 'Steve' who might have tried to temporarily protect me after meeting me in the same hospital that his sister was in had full temporary access to my rental on Delaware Street in Milwaukee back in 1996 but because I was on so many prescribed drugs my memory bank is only clear enough to remember that he did not sexually assault me and that he claimed to have another female that he was dating. At an 'even Steven' line there is no reason to destroy actual memories of people who were kind or unkind. Clearing names is as important as naming suspects, and television shows might give you all the wrong ideas of how to handle a deep investigation that you are part of as a victim or expert witness but not in full command of.
5. In a case were 3 male goalies were present in the Mark Wells Arena yesterday, 2 dressed in red and one dressed in black like Kathryn Tappen's skunky hair line. A puck is less likely to fail a credibility test than Tappen. Only the men dressed in red held their position until a voluntary hockey shift was over; the most attractive male 'took off' and did not take his role seriously, so it is foolish to trust males or females only according to their natural physical appearance. If their appearance is obviously UNNATURAL (excessive alterations to their natural appearance), they are like unwise Labatt's commercial makers not the elect of HVHY who must not only be modest in attire but able to identify and resist deceivers and immoral humans.. If you do not take a volunteer role seriously, do not expect to gain power in the angelic realm which is very real. Keep in mind that on an automotive battery, the red is considered negative post and the black positive. In finances, the black means you are not in debt and the red means you are. I chose to wear a 'Heatley' jersey while driving home and am not sure how that name looks next to 'Sharper' in the sports and jail time history books. Being 'in the black' does not mean you are guilt-free and might mean you are either not worthy of being clothed in white. Black and white wars do go beyond names and skin tones, especially when you get into black 300M Chrysler lines at Fort Leonard Wood with anti-Yehovah Roland Hendrikson gang just before my 1 timer at Busch Stadium for a baseball game with my former husband, a man who verbally and physically threatened me WHILE IN our Missouri hotel room and obviously hated me for reasons I cannot explain. The male goalies in 'red gowns' were competent and taking reasonable risks for reasons that might be no different than I do. I am not the only person trying to fight demons and get to a point of reasonable safety and financial security without using dogs or legal drugs as my first line of offense or defense. If my mind becomes weak, my memory fails and so does my ability to assess others as well as being able to assess my own actions and reactions properly.
6. There are better venues than courtrooms to try to solve problems that are past, present and future. I have never been to a church service where the first instruction was 'If you have anything against a family member today, leave immediately and be their living accuser (warn them and prophesy) to prevent their sin from being transferred to you as a lifelong burden. If they reject you and your complaint and fail to properly compensate you to rectify any losses, come back or call us and our staff will confront them immediately in an emergency or ideally before the end of the work week. ' It would take a saint to give that speech on a Sunday morning, and you are more likely to hear those words from a good police officer than from a paid or unpaid minister who is willfully disobeying the Biblical commandments. Ignoring your parents SIN is not honoring them, so those you who think you have to condone all that your parents do or have done 'just to make them smile' are as wrong as Tim McGraw. The day my son releases his anger on Shane David Hendrikson and his unholy bride Cheryl is a day the angels of Yehovah will rejoice, since I have the written proof his legal father declared himself to be 'anti-commandment man', which means he is UNSAVED due to lack of fear of Yehovah. Shane David Hendrikson's multiple lies were 'accepted' by his fellow liars rather than investigated.
7. If you have made a public list of 'anti-goodness' people and anti-Truth people, do not be quick to change the names based on emotions. Facing the reality of real people who are your enemies prevents you from ending up like 'Dick Van Dyke' deranged types who come up with hundreds of imaginary names rather than putting heavy pressure on liars and the haughty sinners who aren't even up decent enough to make it to 'even Steven Czenczek' level at UW-Stevens Point.
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