Children of the wrong father system often try to push or pull you into a verbal trap play. If you know your father has been faithful to your mother sexually, make sure you rebuke strangers who call you 'sister' or 'brother'. In some cases a natural brother or natural sister is also an enemy and it is good to feed your literal family clean meals.
I believe today is a serious division day when it comes to 'kinsman redeemers'. If you falsely utter that a stranger is your 'brother' or do not rebuke someone you know is not the child of your parents that tries to claim you are his sibling, you might end up having to take up their burden of debt.
Sadly, many families have siblings they have never met as the product of adultery. It is dishonoring to a faithful father to let people who are not your siblings claim that they are. If you cannot FIRST learn to defend the reputation of your natural father, you are unlikely to be abler to identify the characteristics of your spiritual family. Let me assure you, we are not all 'children of Yehovah', just as very few are children of my parents.
Making up false lineage is what my first husband may have done before I became unmarried to him and it also is the M.O. of deranged actors such as Denzel Washington. Yeshua did not say that every human was a child of his father, but that certain groups were children of the' devil' based on the lies that spue out of their mouths.
Thankfully, I already had a previous lying female try to claim I was her sister, so my lips were prepared to rebuke the fool who claimed he read the Torah but could not even utter than name of the Hebrew redeemer.
Ever since my decent and kind father was verbally assaulted by the wicked evildoer known as Stuart Rottier, I have a stronger sense of my duty to defend the name of my faithful natural father and denounce affiliation with the unholy pompous lineage of humans such as Martin Luther King, Jr., Barack Obama and Marilyn Monroe . Expect day 1368 to be another very pivotal day if you survive the next 2 weeks as I hope to.
Eric Carmen warnings are like a cobra hiss; at times, you might have to live all by yourself so you don't have to live with blasphemers or be in the tents of Battlefrog and American Idol idiots because you lost faith in your ability to live as a 'squad 50 nun' or a holy single angel in the midst of a society ruined by Arnold Schwartzenegger types who play with electronics but won't work or cooperate with a holy Hebrew nation properly.
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