There is no sense crying over the murder of humans if you do not weep for an aborted child; any of the elect wouldn't be fooled by Barack Obama's stage show. There are many good reasons to prevent a habitual liars or people who have petitioned for divorce without just cause from from being able to purchase a marriage license, but the liberal hypocrites don't really care about preventing divorces or abortions because the profit from the instability of households that do not have 'strong 7th angel' leadership. People sometimes get married and divorced 'just for fun' instead of taking their oath seriously, and such people end up like Barack Obama, able to draw up some tears but unwilling to fight for Truth and the Word of HVHY. Greek word #646 is followed by the word for 'divorce' and preceded by the word for the a 'draw' as in drawing a sword from a sheath. If you lived on the south side of Milwaukee, the numbers 645 were very common in communications and a certain Israelite said he came to bring a sword, not peace on earth. If you have been cut off from a unrighteous family, it is difficult but not impossible to rejoice in your ability to rebound and be at peace with HVHY and yet mourn for the loss of love that occurred due to divorce.
Word 646 is a huge contrast when comparing Greek to Hebrew. Hebrew word 646 is directly related to the garments of the high priest of Israel and Greek 646 is apostacia, which means a 'falling away'. When humans fall away from their creator too long, they never return to be forgiven. Eve if you do not believe in HVHY, staying away from a good parent too long can harden a child's heart and prevent him or her from being 'saved' due to rejection of the Words delivered by Moses available to all of humankind but rejected by most of the earth's population.
IF you are into the '1300's. you realized that a particular creature with 4 'wings' is described in the book of Daniel as a 'leopard', and it is possible that the creature described was a marine creature known as a' leopard seal' if flippers are like wings. Day 1355 is ended in my very hard post-divorce count, but I do pay attention to serious combinations coming up, including today's 646 combo and 290. Hebrew word #290 means 'wrath is my brother' and there is prophesy regarding a short period of wrath expelled from a 'beast' who eventually gets destroyed.
Since day 1356 has started, let me remind you that Jupiter is not my god, and that exploring 'outer space' is not the way to salvation, since Jupiter has no neighbors for any of us to care about or care for. Wasting money and resources on explore outer darkness is vanity, the wrong kind of pride and stupidity equal to the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders. Certain things were meant to be seen from a distance, but the soil of the earth which filters or pollutes our ground water supplies was not meant to be neglected and mistreated.
Of down to earth ephod interest, word number 736 is tied to a caravan in the Hebrew texts and to the topsail of a ship in Acts27:40. Whether land or by sea is often a choice, but if you do not understand the sea at all, you will miss the point of Zebulon and merchants who will be attacked by Assyrians according to Ezekiel 27:20 and 38:30. I do pay attention to what Pitt Panthers do, but a reminder that humans built and managed the ark during the flood, not animals, might be a sober reminder to Zebulun types not to let their emotions get carried away by unclean animals if they still understand the purpose of the red heifer.
These are very trying times and you are unlikely to hear any plan that can save you from the media airwaves; face to face testimonies are as important as locusts (1357) and honey. My next epistle will be regarding Rodney Young and the Pilar Gomez Association if I survive day 1356 in nation that is so prone to violence because it reflects the political leadership of our nation instead of representing the perfect heart of a Messiah and the spirit of St. John, his cousin.
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