If you failed to pitch a tent during the week of Tishri 15th to Tishri 22nd for your family, you probably will end up on the wrong side of grace tomorrow in your 'north and south' games. Remeber this: there are 2 different 'tents' set up in a hockey game, and pushing a puck into the opponents net might be like sending your own seed into a tent better than the one that is behind you. As i watched 2 pucks go in behind BUffalo Sabres goalie 'Johnson31', I would say those two puck left the Detroit Redwing tent area and went 'into' an opposite tent system based on the tribe of Dan theory. Too much offense leads to the spirit of Tom Brady instead of the spirit of HVHY, and Laban's push and shove games with his daughters ended up causing much bad grief in the households of Leah and Rachel.
Consider the following Greek and Hebtew puck names and 'triple plays' theories of redistribution of 'property' without relying on 'Steve Martin' or Pete Rose methods tied to gambling.
Puck 1> Qeset Charise Swedowski (behind Chad Johnson)
Puck 2> Richard Edwin Xavier (Behind Chad Johnson)
Puck 3> Jarob Ortiz (Behind Petr Mrazek)
Puck 4> Nathan Ortiz (Behind Petr Mrazek)
Puck 5> Eric Hendrikson (Behind Mrazek)
Puck 6> Ashley Hendrikson (went behind Chad Johnson)
Puck 7> the prophet Agabus; the tricky part of a 'prophet puck' is that if he lands in the tent of the enemy of Gad he will not bring peace to that tent but if he lands in the tent of Gad he will be protected temporarily until his next necessary move. In today's real hockey game, the last puck went into the Buffalo tent, which I would say is not the enemy of Gad.
In case some of the other NHL teams want to continue the theory of the front 9, which is similar to a Ruger class, remember that every time a 'puck' enters a tent it comes out with a different ' unseen spirit' based on the forces applied to it.
Puck 8 > The spirit of Ham, the brother of Shem. This is not much better than allowing Aristotle the octopus in your 'tent'
Puck 9 > Ceremonial 9th and Cleveland Perfex Union puck This is a totally neutral puck with a lean toward basic Trojan puck theories.
There is usually a real break between the front 9 and the start of the tenth golf hole, just as theri is a difference between referee#11 and referee number#17.
Sometimes people allow people into their 'tents' or households and other times they are forced in against their will by people who do not really care about the situation or family in the 'tent' system, neither do they know that there is a good tent system set up during Sukkot and a bad tent system set up by a fierce king according to the the book of Daniel. What humans don't know about still can hurt the humans who did not study or believe enough of the Scriptures but did stud and wrongly place their trust and faith in fantasy sports teams and their most 'freindly' but very hypocritical relatives.
The above is kept in mind with sober remembrance of having an adult female buffalo standing about 72 inches behind me in South Dakota at one time, causing much fear but sparing my life for some reason, possibly because I respected and feared the female buffalo who's offspring had strayed. I remember the female buffalo as GOOD and HOLY, but I do not remember Shane David Hendrikson's children as 'good and holy' based on their behavior as thery 'matured' under the control of their Wittenberg relatives.
I have seen real children shifted around like playing cards, and to be honest the mother of Nathan Ortiz never was too worried about me picking up her son from her workplace or from his school in Shorewood. The mother of Ashley and Eric Hendrikson had a very cruel and wicked spirit compared to the mother of Nathan Ortiz of Milwaukee. I wouldn't call either mother a 'good parent' since Jackie Ortiz has a smoking habit she couldn't defeat and Linda Meyer Hendrikson had a adulterous arrogant nature she wouldn't control, but it is easier to stop committing adultery than to stop smoking cigarettes based on scientific FACT of physical addictions.
When you look at a football or a puck as a 'possession' of nominal value to you, you might not think too much if it ends up in someone else's terrirtory. I do not look at a puck as something of nominal value since it is worth about 20 times more than a used dental floss pick. A puck costs about 2 Canadian dollars.
Pressure has to be applied to any 'shift' from a lower position to an upper position. The following are 3 English translations of Greek 'new testament' words in that all can apply to January 3, 2015 based on a daily count from a particualr calendar legend:
!) Day 287: Lamb for sacrifice
@) Day 643 To prepare
#) Day 1353: To travel or pass through
The above combination makes me think of a phrase uttered in history describing a camel who passes through the eye of a needle. I suppose the camel sperm could pass through the eye of a needle, so the point of conception of any idea is as important as the outcome of the idea after months and years have passed.
The following are the comparable English translations of Hebrew words attached to the 21st day of Teveth (the tenth biblical month) school:
A) Day 287: 'Ahimoth', a descendent of Levi listed in the book of Chronicles
B) Day 643 'a tent pitched by a fierce king of the North, which is prophesied to be DEFEATED in Daniel chapter 11, verse 45. This 'tent' is set up just before Michael the prince stands up and a time of real trouble BEGINS due to final judgments which lead to life or to shame and contempt. This is the time I will call 'Dust buster day' since it states that those in the dust of the earth shall awake.
G) Day 1353: redemption
Now that I realize now,after correction from Monte Judah, that a lion will not lie with a lamb, but will easily consume it consume it, I don't feel too sad about not having a painting that I had picked out in Oklahoma in the summer of 1997 shortly after getting married to a man who decided to become an 'anti-commandmentist', known as Shane David Hendrikson. The painting I saw of Brett Favre is more realistic when trying to keep a shofar in mind instead of a decision at safari tumes with Al Towle. Some fools think I would fight over a Terry Redlin panting, but I rather fight to defend myself and the words of Malachi and Jeremiah, the weeping prophet
A classic 3 on 3 is like Hebrew versus Greek. A unique 3 on 3 is like a Tae Kwon Do yellow belt team vs. a red billiard ball team, and both 3 on 3's are worthy of St. Cloud State testing. .Maybe the creator of the universe has a plan for the 50th year of Paul Ranheim that is better than my 50th year of life. Even so, my 50th year of life was better for me than the life and times of John F. Kennedy and worth more than a computerized image.
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