Friday, January 22, 2016

Identifying Suspicious Changes Doesn't Cause Harm

Since my expertise is limited to certain areas, I need to utilize my skills even if I am not getting paid to do so. A person who is not getting paid to report or evaluate ideally is less likely to put a favorable slant on a identifying a potential threat, whether it be spiritual or physical.  What is written on locker room boards should be viewed as any book openly displayed in a library. If you do not like what it says, it still might be true but no one will force you to believe what is written. Most of the books available in the typical public library and schools are far more dangerous to a community than my strategies for recalling the past, identifying current problems and preparing my teammates for future areas of mental, spiritual and physical combat.  A book about Beyonce is for fools who cannot understand the process that a 'Proverbs 31' woman must go through to be sanctified.

'People of color' who complain about not receiving nominations for academy awards are fools with no ability to help their community due to their own lust for useless idols and for each other as they 'play' rather than work to try to rid their nation of violent, demonic behavior. A 'high tech cop' program which identifies homes with a certain risk code is a brilliant idea IF it includes people who have unusually low purchasing power.. People who are habitually refilling prescriptions or buying pain killers also are potentially more dangerous than a person who is anti-drug and a person, just to give a couple examples of who is in a 'dangerous' household.

I cannot change the Flint water situation, and I know that Rick Snyder is not the person to blame for a situation which is equal to not responding to signs of personal obesity before it becomes serious to an individual. One person in danger due to unhealthy food intake is as important as 50000 people, but if the 50000 people are more likely to riot or physically threaten their government leaders than to honor, obey and serve a true and holy Creator ( even if you only believe your mother created you with  the assist of a father), expect  the best for the one and avoid the problem of the 50000. If you want to blame one person for the problem in Flint, go ahead and blame Sherry Bailey and maybe she'll tell you that people in Flint don't need fresh water for their mental health just as she told me that I don't need to participate in hockey for my physical health.

With that comparison in mind, I do care about the few people who play hockey on a regular basis at the rinks that I, a woman who fears Yehovah and eschews evil, have been allowed to continue my anti-drug therapy sessions in at a reasonable cost. Since I have been evaluated many times against my will, I know I now have the right and the duty to freely evaluate others who have an attitude or a spirit that is dangerous to the concept of 'just scales'. A female goalie wearing the number '22' in red with some  logo tying her into some medical facility showed up at drop-in hockey last night at St. Clair Shores. I asked her where she was from, and she said Kansas, and that she had been skating at the ONYX rink in Rochester, a private facility which is equal to a Nazi-boot camp now in my eyes since they despised and rejected my very peaceful,  sound and serious methods of addressing past and current obvious problems which are always tied to an underlying factor called SIN, or rejecting the WORD of Yehovah.   I left a free assessment of 'red22' for the staff in St. Clair shores and they can ignore it or consider it. My assessment included the following facts:

1. The timing of the female's appearance was suspicious, and she was associated with another female who regularly supports the rinks that I was unjustly permanently excluded from due to my willingness to address genuine dangerous or suspicious activity.
2. I have been working on a spiritual filtering system to get good men identified and 'sealed' for many years, and the goalie position is extremely important. When the strange girl asked me how long I'd been 'playing hockey', I told her I've been WORKING not playing.
3. I assessed her physical appearance as unhealthy as Karen Carpenter (possibly due to bulimia ) .
4. I put reminders of past codes that were relayed in the community near to the State Farm Genaw Agency on Gratiot. 'Red 22' (caution at Shawano County games) was like 'The Shane 42'  in certain ways, still being tied to a 'titanium coat' rather than being tied to a system that I  know is good.
5. Since I detected what I will describe as a fraudulent spirit, I made it clear I was not going to defend her and specifically said I would put myself between her and the puck so she had fair warning before she went out and I did not LIE to her.
6.  Her spirit was nothing like Colleen Jacoby or Vlad Namestnikov, and my conversations with Jacoby and Namestnikov at  the Suburban Ice Rink in Rochester Hills were extremely important and positive for both of us. Failure to respect those who have spiritual gifts, whether young or old, is more dangerous than failure to respect a 'person of color'  that has not proven themselves to be honest, faithful, hardworking and anti-crime, since a person with good spiritual gifts refuses to lie just to appease an anti-HVHY person.
7. I was not afraid to tell the strange girl in red 22 that she did a terrible job and that she was a bad goalie. She said she could handle the truth and I did not vause her to think she was worth anything more than the typical .22 caliber gun that got into a gun show without having to pay a fee to the community she decided to travel to.
8. On a 'ladder company note', the female who wears number 72 named 'Dana' at Port Huron has a much better spirit, even though I might irritate her as much as 'Gomer Pyle' irritates 'Vincent Carter' from time to time.   72 dollars was mentioned as being the price to get from Wichita to California marine base, and going in and out of locker room 4 is about like the Dino Ciccarelli ' 4 martini' name game.  You can take this  point as 'Chet Ulickey' relative comparisons.
9. Regarding point 4, I have had very important communications with people in 'border patrol' uniforms, including at the place which sells a pork-laden sandwich numbered 42 and called 'The Shane' to people who don't believe in the Simeon and Levi  types and who eliminate their own chance of being sealed everytime they choose to ingest unclean foods. 'Female Goalie 22' was like a mock chicken leg since she seemed to be trying to deceive an entire assembly of regulars at the rink that is NOT tied to the teams which assemble at the anti-Truth 'Suburban Ice Group' rinks.
10. If female goalie' Red #22' proved that the Richard and Andrew Forss systems are more reliable than the Andy Genaw system attempting to go from 3 to 4, that would be interesting. As I recall, Andy Genaw had a tendency to 'play fake' more than the typical SHAW hockey player. I rather continue a non-violent process that divides people and makes THEM reconsider their choices for leaders and support money going toward unrighteous businesses than end up being cut in two as some of the other prophets had been.
11. I took necessary risk again in order to ensure that a civic arena is not infiltrated by the same arrogant spirit that exists at Michigan's Suburban Ice Group rinks. Unwillingness to try to resolve a dispute face to face is unjust, and sporting venues are expected to bring out the best and sometimes the worst in people depending on the attitude of all involved.
12. If I mention in writing the names of Thomas Stigler or Charles Rotramel, know that I am not in a 'joking mood' when it comes to people and places that I am willing to defend against the piss-poor Sherry Bailey attitude or place in a category 'useless' with Anthony Wickersham teams who refused to correct their errors after I made a personal visit to their anti-HVHY compound. I have been patient after warning people and giving them time to change their errs, but I certainly will not waste my time begging imbeciles to leave their lukewarm anti-Yehovah positions.  To be saved spiritually  leads to extra bodily protections against those aligned against the prophet Isaiah, yet bodily protection sometimes requires long periods of LONELINESS.
13. When it comes to gun valuation, maybe day 308 of the current biblical year will be as interesting as day 243 was.  If you understand that a Bridgeport Bluefish and Willie Upshaw is more important than a 22 caliber gun and red fish 22 game, you understand the spirit of 86.
14. Catch 14: if 'female red 22' is like an eye tooth, she is on the left side  not the right side and the 27th tooth. The 'Song of Solomon' is not the book to put all of your trust in since Solomon did not obey the rules necessary to be considered eligible as 'King of Kings and Lord of Lords'.  Since 'Red Female 22' claimed she had 'back-up' , I hope her 'back-up' is not afraid of the 5 and 10 sense game because her back-up is most probably NOT goodness and kindness. When the 'Big 10' expanded to 14 teams, it wrnt beyond the scope of 13 sieves and might be as dangerous of a system as the typical Sig Sauer 9 mm. with a full load of 14 rounds that might be used for good or for evil, depending on their leadership and 'head coaches'.
15. Mt. Sinai of Wausau Passover note: when in doubt, trust Yssachar=Y, not I. Certainly do  not trust Madison Edgewood colege nor UW Lacrosse. Do not think that 'The Waltons' has the proper Zebulon unit, since the television show 'The Waltons' is not reality even though it might be 'fun' to watch.

It is just as 'easy' for the people of Flint to relocate under severe financial stress as it was for me to move from 1602 Mary Lane, Mosinee to a hotel room when the 'elected unholy Wisconsin government' didn't protect me or didn't care about my health or my personal assets. If I  did not try to sue Scott Walker or the judges that intentionally endangered my health , don't try to sue or threaten Governor Rick Snyder for a problem he did not cause.  When Yehovah  removes all  literal protection from those who rather partner with an evil attorney  to sue a legal citizen, a city or state entity, it will be justified. Since many claim to be 'free' in this country, those who physically threaten their neighbor  rather than choose to relocate ( I was forced to relocate, so be glad you have a choice to leave or stay in Flint) in order to protect their literal body  are using their freedom in an evil way.   It is better to shed tears like a little girl and leave an area that you cannot physically or mentally adjust to during a temporary problem, flee to a LOVING family member who wil open their door to you or and try to deal with and recover from financial losses just as any other 401K owner has to, for such is a sign of spiritual maturity.

Apparently the God that the United States is 'under' isn't a superpower, it is only the name of the son of ZIlpah under the blessing or curses that Ywhovah deems necessary to protect his scattered elect within the USA borders.

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