There are several dangerous traps that can be avoided and I will try to help those who believe in 'Bottom Secret' service station suppliers more than they believe in 'Top Secret' information hoarders and leakers. I have to take a harder perspective against the 'religious males leaders' than I did against the skinny, female hockey player who showed up at a publicly operated building, tried to play the goalie position and heard the truth about her terrible performance without crying or leaving in an angry and violent state. Foolishly, she thought becoming a good police officer was not a good enough goal for her.
'Paper Moon' wasn't a good movie.
Signs of an unstable spiritual male electronic air force leader:
A) Mark Biltz is an unstable electronic air force leader even though he has followers. He thinks he can tell when the 20th day of the counting of the omer will be, he is willing to write books when a publisher wants more books to sell as ridiculous as the 'Left Behind' series. Neither Moshe nor the prophets waited for contracts from book publishers to reveal their 'bottom secrets' to those who appreciate stern warnings rather than another lukewarm chlorine pool game.
B) An unstable ground force leader does not study an ant line and pays too much attention to the $ signs when they get to 4=IV league.
G) An unstable electronic air force leader will try to prevent truthful and honest information from getting into bad primary schools.
D) An unstable ground force leader thinks Martin Luther King Junior or John F. Kennedy is worth quoting; both were anti-Judah types who were irrational in their claims, theories and demands to have their skin color ignored. Every human being is a 'person of color' and honesty and lawfulness is more important to spiritual success than the color of your tattoos which directly oppose the instructions delivered to the elect of HVHY.
E) If you want to avoid 'Willow Creek Syndrome' problems, congregations who have staged music shows who rattle on and on like an Elvis Presley act are what the majority of fools are attracted to whether it is on a Saturday or a Sunday; if you want to see and hear what it feels like to get dragged but not drugged into spiritual lukewarm waters, try to listen to an entire 'El Shaddai MInistries' Saturday service but be aware Mark Biltz is NOT a strong leader even though he might be an interesting speaker. When men like Chris Christie become somewhat better leader during a temporary crisis, it is time to hope that not all politicians are going to get swept away by the lukewarm waters, organized crime syndicates and pre-planned religious services.
War actually floes like a reiver; peace does not flow like a river. Hymns are often VERY wrong.
Signs of a good semi-public venue for gathering on the sabbath:
A) They allow for free legal opinions, whether positive or negative, to be written on paper or on dry erase boards and intentionally left for another 'shift' to review, just as a wise police department would do. A legal opinion means that it does not break any existing laws, such as being pornographic in nature, and is equal to any free counseling an anti-robot might give in critical moments. If a person is paid to give an opinion and they are WRONG, the paid person is in serious spiritual trouble since more expertise and accuracy is expected of a hireling than a volunteer.
B) They allow for minor disputes or misunderstandings to get handled on-site, either by paid referees or by reliable citizens without calling in armed gunmen known as sheriffs deputies or police officers.
G) They are not afraid of people who think out loud, who utter a genuine complaint from time to time, are stranger than they are and who have established a pattern of being generally supportive of their semi-public venue, whether it is a grocery store, a hockey rink or a restaurant, even if they do not participate or buy everything the semi-public business has to offer.
D) Once a good assembly area wrongly accuses you, the leader of the assembly will humble themselves and REQUEST that you return to their assembly, even if it means they have to PAY you to return. Clearly, the Suburban Sports Group of Michigan which chose to become my enemy is not a GOOD semi-public assembly location, and people who have been frequenting their establishments have taken a MARK (revealing sign) that cannot protect nor save them. I would even suggest that it is proper for real state of Michigan agents to investigate the entire Suburban Sports Group teams due to suspicious affiliations with corrupt public officials, but that is my legal opinion and I am a reliable and trained police officer on extended sick-leave, not 'Judge Judy'.
Do you have a problem getting past Bevent, Wisconsin teams? Try this as a constant neutral phrase:
Y) Y starts Yitrium, not Iodine.
Serious writings are as important as the ability to laugh at a millionaire who cries after he loses any game that did not cost him his literal life. There probably is someone who should be willing to make half of what they currently earn so I can make 4 times of what I currently earn, and I do earn the money I have been getting during my sick-leave due to asthma. 'Money trees' fail before a pecan tree will.
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