Bad advice is constantly given and received by humans lacking the discipline to 'back check' at initial acceptable forms of worship to the Instructor of Moshe Ben Amram. I will identify common mistakes and give you uncommon advice without sending you an invoice for the following facts:
A) 'Just put on a happy face' is a stupid idea for people who think the Mardi Gras is a good parrty (it is an evil party) and who do not know how to correct themselves, their children or their employees.
B) Whoever started the practice of selling tickets to musical shows that supposedly are 'Christian' or ' god-honoring' set the wrong precedent and many people that have been deceived followed the wrong lead of people that do such shows. Miriam did not take up a collection for herself in order to sing unto the LORD she was trying to respond to properly. Keeping in mind that 'to turn away' is a key word for second year students who are trying to escape Babylonian vain babbling. It is clearly proper to turn away from staged shows and paid musicians such as Michael W. Smith and Third Day, but I was not always wise enough to do so since it seemed better than going to see Billy Joel or Elton John. Music can be therapeutic but musicians who are only claiming to entertain patrons of the arts rather than lead 'worship music' are not violating spiritual rules by charging for their BUSINESS shows. It's better to go purely secular than to try and mix some sort of 'Gd trip' into staged acts which require purchase of a ticket to participate in.
G) There is no way that a person can learn to love properly until they learn what it is that they are expected to hate. Contrast has to exist between true hate of EVIL and true love of holy Instructor Yehovah, and it is evident rejects Yehovah because they continue to reject his instructions and MAKE UP competing rules. Which ' instructor ' you choose to believe matters more than which college you choose or which pair of shoes you choose.
D) Read Habakkuk Chapter 2, verse 15 if you want a one verse warning to tavern owners and medical centers. It is evil in the sight of the Instructor Yehovah to lead people toward drunkenness by social pressure or by force and it is also evil to force drugs into people by force which render them unable to defend themselves. That verse will condemn the medical staffs of several United States and at least one Israeli hospital based on their cruel and unjustified actions toward me when I was in a state of temporary confusion due to influences which I did not have control over.
H) Read Habakkuk 2:9 if you want to see a warning against those who have made their money promoting evil and evil desires, such as boxing matches, Broadway shows, untruthful and obscene magazines and films, etc. since such persons sin against holy Instructor Yehovah and against their own souls. Promoters of movies, obscene shows with obscene language and images, sellers of products which damage rather than heal the human body (this includes Coca-Cola products and Playboy cologne) will all be subject to the wrath of HVHY rather than to any complimentary reaction when it is 'quittin' time' as some fake slave might say in 'Gone With the Wind'.
V) Habakkuk 2:18 clearly illustrates the the making of dumb idols will not profit anyone spiritually, so if you are living and have had a 'graven image' made of yourself, I would suggest you personally purchase it if you do not own it and then destroy it, even if you are Henry Winkler or Allen 'Bud' Selig. An uncut rock or a living plant is a better centerpiece for the human eyes to consider as 'good to look upon' than a dumb idol, a replica of a particular person. If you do not believe the prophet Habakkuk, you will ignore this warning. Warning from prophets are not popular, but a wise man will respond to them rather than gamble with his own chance of redemption.
Z) Zephaniah 3:13 gives exact descriptions of the remnant of Yshrael : they will not sin, they will not be liars , they shall eat according to the dietary laws from Instructor Yehovah and will sleep well without fear of 'others'. That clearly means that those who are still afraid of me are not part of the remnant of Yshrael, just as some of my natural family members are not afraid of me nor or my desire to be compliant to the commandments of Yehovah. It is proper for the enemies of Truth and Holiness to be fearful of that which they have rejected due to thier choice of unholy vile teaachers which do NOT cast out fear and lead them into unclean and lascivious lifestyles rather than to repentance necessary to be acceptable in Yehovah's sight/.
C) Zephaniah 2:3 indicates that seeking Instructor Yehovah, righteousness and meekness MAY cause you to be hid from His wrath, but others who are set apart will have to see or be the executors of His wrath against evildoers. People like Moshe Ben Amram were not hidden from the Yehovah's wrath when it poured out against the Egyptian army. Those who have been subject to injustice and wrongful persecution are more likely to be able to handle seeing their enemies disciplined or destroyed due to their rejection of righteousness and goodness and their choice intentionally sin).
T) Contrary to some 'only the King James Version' pushers, 2nd Timothy 2 :15 is not in error to be translated as 'Be diligent' rather than 'Study'. People who know that to study ( be aware of rather than ignorant of) an enemy plan is an important as studying a proverb. A diligent person is aware of all their surroundings rather than being caught unaware due to closing and lowering their eyes during prayers or while reading books too often. A diligent person puts into practice what they have studied if they believe it as a proper choice to accomplish their goal. People who want to get out of debt might study Dave Ramsey books, but if they do not try his concepts they might try another method to get out of debt such as collecting a reward a a large bonus check for getting a criminal convicted instead of donating 10% to their local church of human regulations. My ex-husband studied the Dave Ramsey method but Dave Ramsey did not convince him NOT TO SIN AGAINST HIS EMPLOYER AND HIS WIFE. Being diligent goes beyond 'study' .
I rather celebrate UW Badger Hockey History Day on January 25th than get hooked like a fluke into the Martin Luther King, Jr. house of the N.A.A.C.P. nuts since the UW-Madison Badgers are more diversified and apt to question hypocrisy than the typical Sunday pew huggers and political speech writers who do not have the courage to read directly from the center of the book of Leviticus in public.
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