After my morning hockey therapy and a meal, I decided to spend some time at the Marysville Public Library to research, just as I had as a child and through my adult years. For those who have completed there college degree, it might be easier to get a job interview than it is for me but a college degree might mean you have been taught many fables and not enough Truth to be part of the elect of YHVH. I have turned away from a pattern of sin, but such a pattern leads to probable loneliness especially if you consider that only 1 on about 55,000 are found worthy to be sealed and protected by HVHY; truthful people seem to repel sinners and liars like a thief tries to avoid the person they stole from.
1364: twice dead; this term should keep fear of the judgment of Yehovah in those who are not part of the apostacy. Used in Jude 1:12, 'twice dead means that you have been judged to be unworthy of redemption due to word 654
654: to turn away from: used in 2nd Timothy 4:4, it leads to the double edged sword, namely that because you turned your ears away from the truth, you chose to be attracted to liars. An honest person often is very lonely because they are about 1 on 55,000 who has the courage to defend the Truth to the point that they are sealed and not rejected by HVHY
297: Used in Acts 23:8, it means both, meaning the resurrection of spirit and angels. When angels are brought up, it might be Abaddon's forces in 'extreme prophecy times'. These angels will not be playing around. Body and spirit have to be consistent yet flexible in attitude to be able to save or rescue others during pending times of worldwide chaos.
1364H: hebrew word for lofty; in the end times, the humble will be lifted up, but not wearing cheerleader outfits and holding pompoms. The humble often need a hero to lift them up from the pit their unloved ones toseed them into' after being attacked spiritually and literally by liars for years. The proud will be brought down, and a name in writing is sometimes exactly how a name is brought down to courtrooms, to justices and to redeemed angelic forces to be officially designated as 'twice dead' and unworthy of being raised up in the second resurrection. I have decided to keep a list of my enemies in front of me so that I do not get accused of being 'unusually happy' and then having some medical swine try to reverse my defense system. For some reason, HVHY reversed my optimism today for a good reason. Enemies often try to hide behind a person they intentionally committed sins against. I am intentionally reversing my own pattern of fighting depression even it a spirit of mourning and sadness sets in for a necessary period of time. Depression can be caused by holding on to too many unrealistic hopes for too long of a period of time, but the sight of the names of my enemies will keep me sober and alert.
654H: Ephlal: father of Obed, grandfather of Jehu
297H: Ahiram: less information than there is on 'Standing Bear' but part of the descendants of Benjamin
Outside of the 'Bible' content so frightening to people like Larry and Renee Mizewski, I did see that there as an Indian queen named Queen Anne, and that the wildflower has nothing to do with the arrogant European lines of kings and queens as I had once thought. I know am very thankful that I have looked at 'Queen Anne's lace' as special and beautiful, knowing it is not a noxious weed, but rather a plant able to survive in extreme drought and severe weather conditions. I, like my parents and grandparents, have learned to love the natural more than the unnatural because we have been raised up properly by people who appreciated and worked with the soil rather than playing' outer space cadets' with the pompous elite scientists toying with their college pompom girls.
I feel like the female version of 'Standing Bear,. a North American Indian Chief who was sent to area he did not like, walked 500 miles and was not even granted a face-to-face hearing with those who had cruelly displaced him. I suppose I will weep for the spirit of Standing Bear, and keep in mind that Sitting Bull was once known as 'Jumping Badger'. It is better to have a name assigned that reflects the living than to have dozens of 'stage names' such as 'Jackson Montgomery' or 'Murphy Brown'. I also was a bit surprised to read that Curtis Joseph neither felt appreciated in the Detroit Redwings organization nor did he like living in the Detroit metro area, even though millions of dollars were dispersed his way. "Cujo' has a problem that a Playboy bunny won't be able to solve.
My heart feels like an apple tree with a hollow section that is missing some type of wise desert animal who is wise enough to survive in extreme conditions. I feel a heaviness that I cannot explain, as if the outpouring of judgments are near. I am extremely thankful for the humans who play hockey with me even though my skating skills are very weak while my mind is very refined and unique in function.
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