Friday, February 16, 2018

Very Suspicious Men's Hockey Olympic Pair is 'Terry/O'Neill'

I appreciate but do not bow down to the little bear figurines, nor will I bow down to Broc Little even if I appreciate Bryan Little's Thrasher jersey!

Be cautious at David July vs. June Bronson methods of historic '211' without an 8 comparisons since actual addresses are serious business and because David July is a real person and Barbara Billingsley is a real person who pretended to be 'June Bronson', not  Charles Bronson. "Leave It To Beaver' teaches more reasonably good lessons than 'Diagnosis: Murder'.  If a decoy gets shot, damage to property still occurs. If a decoy only gets you as far as Coy Sawyer and barely past 'Sawyer Brown' lies on your attempt to get out of Babylonian spiritual traps, you got deceived by Weston,Wisconsin  businesses such as 89.5 WCLQ, not by the letter 'Qoph' or Ross Grimes.

Tony Granato  and Chris  Chelios might have picked a Terry and an O'Neill for very wrong reasons,  but strengths and weaknesses get exposed sooner than an idiom gets explained to a useless medal holder.  Olympic medals are more useless than a rubber hockey puck or a Canadien dime and represent nothing GOOD. As a matter of reasonable suspicion, I wouldn't  be surprised if 'Oscar Madison' ends up looking like an angel when compared to his  'Pip' sqeak plot role on 'Night Gallery'.

I know quite of few people who have graduated from UW-Stevens Point who took difficult classes and passed with purple colors, but Rachel Snyder Hendrikson did not take difficult classes at UW-Stevens POint; 'camping' classes seem rather hypocritical when a self-professed  'Christian' missionary hates the few people who keep the feast of Sukkot to the best of their USA ability.

Steve Czenczek, Robert Holman, John Mack and Camille Raczek took difficult classes at UW-Stevens Point and did not waste their money in college while those same people have always demonstrated fiscal wisdom. I am going to take reasonable risk and try to expose a serious comparison of 1 person named 'Terry O'Neill'  vs. 'Troy Terry and Mr. O'Neill' who currently have a 'captain' named 'Gionta' not 'Black'. Short term memory is about 7 years, so here is interesting 'short term'memory of UWSP  Pointer splits:

A) Terry O'Neill sold me a framed photo of downtown Milwaukee, not a framed photo of Brian Gionta.

B) Terry O'Neill took several months to do a framing job on a poster I have always admired of the 1990 UW Men's Hockey team.

C) Terry O'Neill was at UWSP at an 'art show' while I was on a 'date' with a photographer after being served with divorce papers and a unreasonable restraining order by Shane David Hendrikson, corporate property thief and unjailed criminal. While shopping, I also bought a fishy gift for the man who adopted my son but who also had been seeking a woman to commit adultery against me with according to his own written words. Eventually, he got the fishy but very beautiful stained glass walleye and he also got a gambling Wausau/ Las Vegas woman to lure him away from commandment keeping.   What Shane Hendrikson did with the walleye doesn't matter to me, because I gave him the gift hoping he would reconsider his anti-Christ behavior for the sake of my son, Richard.

D) In the process of being openly hated by Shane David Hendrikson and the Marathon County Sheriff's department, I claimed that Shane wasn't worthy of wearing a 'Chelios' jersey, and Wisconsin Badger hockey player who may be very corrupt or may be very capable of helping me solve a genuine problem that has not gone away, since proper vengeance is not accomplished in HASTE and proper commandment-keeping forces have to be properly aligned and solidified. Now, a 'Troy Terry' ( It is not a secret that I have done much planning and thinking in the Troy, Michigan rink) is on the same team as an 'O'Neill', but those 2 hockey players cannot become 'Terry O'Neill', the photographer who sold me images of good memories that I wanted to RECALL, not forget.

E) Gus Chelios did me a favor in Chicago, Chris Chelios only responded to the commands of his father from what I observed.  Instead of focusing on 'Chelios' and 'Penny' games, look at the following 'Terry' lines carefully and decide which 'Terry' direction is good:

      1. Terry Courtouis and the Milwaukee ERS system
      2. 'Terry', the waitress from the Riviera restauarant who regularly receives non-secret codes from me in anti-computer spiritual warfare strategic methods to avoid becoming anything like 'Robin Williams'
      3. Terry Garski, the absentee distant cousin who is either an attorney or in the mental health care business
      4. 'Terry' , the name on the used bicycle seat I use, purchased near UWSP' when I honor my father and mother by visiting them, knowing full well that totally ignoring or totally hating the parent(s) who safely cared for you until you became an 'adult'  is never a method of keeping commandments.
      5. Terry Porter, the UWSP Pointer who probably never lived at 2020 Porter Road, Apt. 4 and who might have gone to the NBA instead of becoming a hypocritical Christian missionary in France.
      6. Terry Cummings, NBA basketball player who ducked out to the Arizona area did not respond to an email I sent him, which disqualifies him from being 'chosen' ahead of Mikell Clayton.
     7. Troy Terry, currently involved in a very political gaming system being coached by a possible coward who claimed he doesn't want to talk about politics or religion but who is also with  captain Gionta,  who's picture I had framed by a Sparta, Wisconsin sports/charity business. Keep in mind that Gionta and Chelios were both Montreal Canadiens captains, and my very decent mother notices articles about the Montreal Canadiens for a 'hockey mom' reason.
     8. Terry Bradshaw is not a good 'Terry' route to try use as a role model with even if he is easier to keep an eye on than Terry Garske however, for Chris Nelson's sake he might be able to tell the difference between Noah Welch, Cheryl Welch, Tom Welch, Laura Welch Bush and Cheryl Brown.
    9. Terry Hawkins, Milwaukee City jail co-worker of mine, Milwaukee ERS member and 'sometimes funny' copper who might be interested in the Belmore line of Ontario for Richard's sake but probably isn't interested in Mark Vasquez.
10. Terry Gilliam, often much worse than flippant, crude non-Oiler material that has displayed more signs of depravity than 'Jumbo the elephant' but has also has done some decent  anti-Vatican projects unlike the totally depraved Tom Hanks and Sally Field types. Gilliam has been part of Milwaukee Tech high school lines by way of David Gilliam, who I suspect is wiser and more reliable in a shifty Skaradzinski line than David Kohn or David Snyder.

F) Terry O'Neill was last seen by me at McDonald's on Moorland Road in Waukesha County and had very strange emails going out indicating he had financial problems.  He did a very good job framing Duane Derksen, not Wayne Bloom and Mike Enos.

I know 4 is the good, 1 is necessary for the Terry O'Neill downtown Milwaukee and 245 W. Lincoln &Javier Cornejo  connections which doesn't rely on the 'Rainbow Connection', 2 is extremely important since I am clearly not an enemy of U.S. Border Patrol agents and 7 is interesting knowing that Brian Gionta has more common sense, more integrity, and a better family background than Chelios and 9 is always important to Minneapolis currency codes,  Issachar's amethyst team and Simeon's  topaz teams. 10 is better than 3 because I think the concept of 'French Taunting' or blue kangaroos is better than forcing dangerous drugs into temporarily confused humans to render them defenseless against medical experiments and other evils of the typical state of Wisconsin medical/mental health facilities.

I also have not forgotten 'Volkov 23', the Russian sled hockey player nor have I forgotten how angry Shane Hendrikson got at me when I became a bit confused while  were were going to our first Tampa Bay Lightning game, which I think was over a decade ago and was against the Montreal Canadiens. Shane Hendrikson also did not like me taking pictures of Mark Messier, fully clothed in hockey gear, but did not seem to care that I also took pictures of Michael Richter when the New York Rangers were competing against the Arizona Coyotes on some December 31st when Shane David Hendrikson was at least trying to be a 'Christian' and an anti-adultery husband. When people stop trying to do good, they end up doing evil. When people stop trying to do evil, they are more likely to end up doing good and end up being part of the few who properly repent, not the proud who often are labeled  as a lawyer or divorce petitioner,

I present facts as often as possible, not 'Matlock' or Dick Van Dyke fiction, and a fact is that I still have a very decent picture of UW Rodger Sykes while I am usually in solitary not Singletary confinement across the street from the kind, polite family of Rodger Dykes. One letter DOES make a huge difference, and there is a 'Y' in Terry, Dykes and Sykes...... but not in Holman and not in Butler, unless you look at the name 'Bobby' and continue to split or rebuild Parker and Delgadillo lines for Hartung and O'Grosky reasons.

There is a Y in Tom O'Grosky, not in Shannon or Thomas Wahl, who are less deserving of mercy than Bobby Butler and Jon Helgeson. I don't gamble, and I don't like the current Detroit Redwings nor the current Nashville Predators, but sometimes active and injured coppers need to observe evil  teams vs. evil teams instead of aligning with the evil teams.

I did not see the new moon in Michigan, so the 30th day of the 11th Ligure/Jacinth'Gad month or ' Remember Dinah Nelson' month has commenced without Robert Scott Smith or Benjamin Sheets in sight!

My next post will be in quiz form to help you evaluate areas in which you are more of a danger to yourself than to others. The name 'Blashill' is no better and is probably more corrupted and misleading than the name 'Brezovar' or 'Peiffer' when it comes to 'Jeff' or 'Zillner' lines. Cooper vs. Blashill is about the same as watching Carla Derringer vs. Shannon Wahl, and that isn't a racial slur.

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