Tis the season for Purim punks to insult Vashti, but I am going to illustrate whay makes Vashti a good role model for women who might have been married to a 'Mutt' that desired an attractive slut to pimp out and profit from.
This is the type of commentary that my grandchildren might agree with if they ever are allowed out of their NAACP mindset or learn to read English as well as Gary Flora. In order to evaluate a 'neighbor', one needs to know what that 'neighbor' has been drawn to or believes from time to time. I occasionally do try to find out what my 'neighbors' and leaders believe because they affect my surroundings in a positive or a negative way. For instance, the HOA board believes they have the right to impose their religious traditions and wasteful decorations on common ground, but they are actually still abusing their power and have been warned that their behavior is not going to be acceptable to God that will judge them eventually. In the meantime, I have to try to tolerate their Nazi-type attempts to get them to think like they do in an anti-Torah manner and by grace, I will not become like my HOA leaders.
If my son and his wife would ever have watched the vulgar and nasty documentary on Shania Twain's history, they might have realize what police officers in Sensitive Crimes division sometimes have to evaluate for 'content' before deciding who actually committed crimes against society and their 'neighbor'. My son seems to think I made wrong decisions about parenting and marriage agreements, but I never 'pimped' out my spouses nor my son. It is very sad to think a mother would drag her daughter into a Hooter's type tavern to entertain unholy troops, but it is also just as sad to think a father would sign papers to send his only daughter into the USA military to be 'under' Barack Obama. Eileen Twain actually was not born into poverty, since she did have clothes, shelter, food and her mother had enough money for cigarettes. Once again, 'Christmas' activities has been proven to be very contrary to a sound mind, but Eileen Twain's mother had a 'Christmas spirit' when she stole items her family did not really need.
A harsh look at the vulgar men who allow their spouse or their concubine to become a whorish or seductive lure for a source of stage and media based income is what the atypical Vashti admirer will take. Eileen's 'Mutt' gave Eileen what she wanted: wealth and a route to a more expensive staged shows than Eileen's mother could get her into. Apparently, the spiritually ill 'Shania Twain' did not learn from her first horrible choice of a husband and she now is getting flaunted and continuing in her shameful, unholy displays of her 'beauty' with her husband's approval. Twain's husband actually has the same M.O. of Michael Fisher and Tim McGraw, all of which never desired a godly woman or a woman that didn't want to abuse her own bodily natural resources by using their body and their voices to commit many forms of sin, including self-idolatry.
When my son's father abandoned me for a 'Carla Derringer' stage act, there was not much of a difference between how I felt and how Mutt's wife felt when he lost interest in his own seductive female idol. But how I reacted to being deserted never included breastfeeding my son front of people who were not part of my HOUSEHOLD and I certainly my financial struggles were serious enough that I was unable to quit a decent and DANGEROUS job at a Superamerica gas station. Twain's current husband might end up being like Robin Ortiz if Twain ever decided to start believing the Bible and stop trying to profit from her own whorish behavior, which means he will leave her and hope her 'God' helps her even though he OBVIOUSLY is not interested in having his wife become a genuine saint instead of a habitual sinner.
I certainly do not intend to watch the REELZ presentation on Dolly Parton or the deceased self-proclaimed 'Prince', because it has been quite obvious to me how they ended up spiritually ill, physically a danger to themselves and other and a typical nasty idol to international atheists. What I learned about Eileen Twain does not eliminate her chances to repent, but it certainly does seem as though she is an unlikely to repent as her current husband or Shane David Hendrikson's current wife of his shameful lusts that had been feed for years by women like Eileen Twain. The more Shane David Hendrikson wanted me to dress immodestly in public, the more I distrusted him and eventually he moved on to another anti-comnandment woman like a Mutt.
Vashti resisted her husband's attempt to make a profitable public display of his wife and her decision seems to be an act of self-preservation, not the breaking of a commandment. There is no law of Yehovah that forces a woman to become an unloved, unprotected public stage show for drunken Babylonians, and it seems that Vashti got out alive as she became a genuine example of a woman who fled a non-Yehovah religious system that Esther SHAMEFULLY did not resist. I have seen many people who claim to be 'Jews' or 'Christians' partake in events such as 'Christmas', Easter swine abomination festivals, Mardi Gras and Las Vegas 'country music' gatherings that the Tanakh warns against, and sometimes far more people get lost or destroyed than 'saved' as a result.
The best husbands never want their wife to become a vulgar, whorish stage show nor do they want them to become a fake brunette when they are a natural blonde. The holiest husbands sometimes lose their spouse to a lesbian or a bad king like David and the holiest women sometimes lose their spouse to women like Linda Maria Hendrikson or men like Stuart Rottier, since it an unholy anti-commandment lure does not always lead to physical adultery prior to covenant breaking.
Covenant starting does not start when a human is an infant. At a point in their own history, each one of the 144,000 sealed adult saints will consent to a covenant they fully intend to abide by for a very good reason possibly when they have the least amount of anti-Simeon influences pressuring them to go the apostacy way of lawlessness with the children of Roland and Karen Hendrikson.
If you wonder why I mentioned Gary Flora, it is because he never behaved as an enemy toward me and his family had the gift of hospitality in an area loaded with so many religious competitions that even my former friend Doug Allord decided to become a hireling. If you don't like reading about recent 'church' history, read about Polycarp or orange roughy and sweet potato recipes. A 'Gary Hamiton burger' is more of a Richard Belmore and John Ruiz issue when the next garlic clove or olive get crushed with smashing results better than Rod Parlsey and a Clover belt can try to sell to a 'Flopsy' toy.
Ignore Paul Drake methods. I am not sure how Paul Pachniak methods are going to work when compared to Patrick Roy methods, but methods do get compared.
Vashti's method of 'sortie' operation is very good and holy when compared to Timmins Twain, McGraw's Hill and Michael Fisher's Underwood who actually is starting to look like a Fulmer.
It would take a miracle, not a Detroit illusionist, to cause my grandson Levi to meet me face to face before I depart from Michigan but if I never meet my grandson Levi, he will have less of a chance to be exposed to the Truth than my son's sibling, Qeset Charise. People can prevent miracles if they reject the holy law and holy commandments long enough to obtain a seared conscience.
I must continue my anti-depression holy war without wasting too much of my household income, and writing commentaries does help fight depression in a 'D.A.R.E. officer' method. What I haven't learned yet is when the the next passover will be, since I do try to get agricultural barley reports and it is a shame that that those reports are getting to be as hard to obtain as a valid felony arrest warrant against Shane David Hendrikson.
Eric Marienthal seems to be good anti-Twain standard to sieve if Eric Manlow doesn't want to be sifted as wheat. Barry Manilow puts on shows morally and spiritually much worse than Barry Richter''s offense in a Madison arena.
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