Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Spirit Of Eldad Might Suggest.....

Billy Graham never spread the same word that Moses or King Josiah spread, so don't expect Billy Graham to 'perk' up from his grave.

Expect those who know the Truth to completely avoid 'The Billy Graham Library' since the Keith Johnson library is better to visit if they can't visit the extremely small  DDFENCE EMET library .

Make sure you eliminate any images or statues of  Hendrik Lundqvist, the Queen of England, George Strait. Pavel Datsyuk, Thomas Brady and Lebron James from your household before you start cleaning the leaven out of your dwelling or considering framing pictures of actual goats named 'Fred' not Birts. No real good king is going to tolerate tattoo parlor supporters, people who do not deny being a 'magician' and people who do not openly rebuke those who have called them a 'king' when they are not.  You do not have to remove pictures of Dwight King ot Theretha Allison King, since they appear to be a legal King.

Do not be deceived  or LED by the Michigan Wolverines 'Teske 15', since he is not as weighty as Martin BIrOn and Daniel Teske Refer to Pat Chambers team to avoid Patricia snares. Basketball players do not have the ability to represent an entity that actually understands what it means to 'save'  rather than get saved by a soccer goalie.

I have the perfect  holy plan to stop all the silly, immature crying that goes on at places like the Olympics' when  a team does not create more offense than their opponents and they 'lose' a non-deadly contest or serious sports exhibition. However, I will not divulge this information to any team that does not want to hire me and pay me as much as Robb Stauber or Pat Chambers.

It seems oddballs who want to get Shavuot correct might have to get a talking doe named Clarice or a buck named Joe to relay barley ripening reports to the elect in the USA since lazy, uncaring synogogue types who call themselves "Jews' have drawn back and ignored the 'faith' that was delivered to their forefathers and great, great, great great grandma.  I'm most  likely going to stay with 13 month plan this year to avoid being 'offside' if no accurate reports come our of Tel Aviv and claim the same DEFAULT plan that is acceptable when no person reports the sighting of a new moon in the Jerusalem area.

Less to come later.....

It's now and later than before.

Pronounce the German Olympian hockey name spelled 'GOC' as  'Jacques' , then compare a bowl purchased in France with the name "Jacques' on it and retained by Shane David Hendrikcson to an orange 'THE' cup kept by the mother-in-law of Rachel A. Snyder, Germany tourist  of German heritage now pretending to be French.  The Olympic 'gold' game between ther residue of the 2 nations that were not good forces during the KATYN forest sin no have a chance to play games for metalluc trinkets again that actual Israelites don'e want or need.  Assuming a drone isn't reading this Eldad suggestion boxer type information, view the hockey game as much better activity than trying to become like Michael Jackson in Orlando's very own and very anti-Yehovah 'Disney' activities.

Consider the fact that Canada's leaders have become so openly 'pro-homosexual' and that they elected a man with a tattoo a possible reason that their special hockey forces lacked 'favor' in South Korea gaming procedures.

These are serious fact of  delayed consequences. When a 'responsible party' , namely a person such as Lansing's very own 'Sherri Bailey', who had the power to improve a situation doesn't think it is important to improve a situation involving anti-copper anti-Truth atrocities that have occurred at the Macomb Suburban Ice rink, her supervisors are party to  a serious besetting sin problem in the State of Michigan.  When the 'copper' chooses not to remain silent and also chooses not to physically retaliate against those who committed sin against her or him,  the copper who believes in HVHY's reason for disciplining those that trust in his methods also remembers that one evil person can prevent  YHVH from desiring to spare an area. Germany was not spared from Allied forces who were not even HOLY angels during World War II after some very decent women like my grandmother Mary Hajec who had befriended a Judaic classmate was nowhere near bombing sites in Europe during the USA financial depression of the 1930's.   If I consider Lansing, MIchigan getting flooded as just anti-compensation for Sherri Bailey's lack of protection of my rights to holy physical therapy and discerning of spirits in a hockey rink, I believe Lansing has been punished for Ms. Bailey's sins against me even if the Suburban Sports Group has not yet repented for nor been punished for their greater sins, which included false reports and did not include the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the Truth.

'If the righteous scarcely be saved.....'  is the beginning of words not originally penned by Bill Schuette, Caneo Barbian-Gayan, Lynn Snyder or Anna Ruziniski but words they might want to do follow-up on while the German town olympic boys of hockey have a '50'  ,  which also appears in the Macomb County Sheriff Deputies licence plates handled or mishandled by Ruth Johnson, not by Larry Mizewski's bus numbered 224. The OAR team has a representative of ' domestic violence' labeled Vionov, not a Moon, nor a Roy, nor a Krovokrasov nor a Jimmy Costa of Marathon County. Momemtum is not always good if you are not heading straight for an actual redeemer or 'good shepherd' such as James Morris of Knowlton, Wisconsin.

Wisconsin's Rhinelander Police department should have arrested Larry MIzewski for abusing the '911' system because he had fear of people who study words like 'Gad' or 'Elohim', but the officers that responded to my complaints against Larry Mizewski's false advertising, discrimination and hate crimes against me, a Bible student  that knows quite a bit about urban warfare,  actually treated me kindly and with respect, allowing me to go mourn in peace at Rocky's Roadhouse before I found another group of sometimes armed misfits at Port Huron Legion #8 to gather with once a year and to eat a wonderful dinner with.  I donated a free round of golf to my enemy, Larry Mizewski, not a beautiful  holy half shekel without Donald Trump's frog-eating face on it.  What I gift to my friends is not the same as what I choose to 'bless' but not REDEEM my enemies with, and that makes me similar to God when it comes to choices at difficult times.

Many people in Egypt suffered when locusts came through an area where the political  leaders did not treat their Hebrew NEIGHBOR properly and clearly did not believein the existence of the God of Shem Ben Noach.  People in flooded houses in Lansing might go through financial tribulation and trials as difficult as I did when my Wisconsin housing was taken from me by a corrupt judge, not flood waters, but know that trying to repair the physical effects of the financial, physical and spiritual attacks of an unfaithful spouse against a faithful spouse are usually more difficult to repair over  than a flooded basement in a household where the family members actually love one another.

If you honestly struggle through financial troubles and repay loans without filing for bankruptcy, you are better than anti-commandment characters Donald J Trump or David Ramsey of Tennessee at mind and at content of good character.

To a person who understands and is willing to APPLY just scales, one framed Terry O'Neill  picture of MIlwaukee will never be worth more and won't be worth less than a Terry Redlin framed artwork of similar size.  When the ART and jewelry appraisal markets adjust properly due to a fnancial day of reckoning, insurance fraud and insurance costs will also go be reduced.

1  cereal bowl labeled 'Marie' is equal to 1 similar cereal bowl labeled 'Jacques' in or out of France, no matter which human, dog, cat, cockroach or rat might be eating out of it. One olympian 'KINK89' is worth one Brigham Young University 'BUSHMAN89' that evolved into a cougar instead of a greyhound in a world mother good theatre census of mammals not near extinction.

Due to  the posting of angelic ommunications, I am once again not able to transfer any acccurate information to the Troy Ice Arena today at 1342 hours.  Make sure the people of Lansing know the floods that occurred there are not my fault but might have been aimed at Lansing by 'Father  Nature ' due to state of Michigan employee   Ms. S. Bailey's  lack of respect for natural  and holy law givers and her adversarial position against me, a total somebody, not a nobody.

I was severely punished for becoming the wife of Robin Michael Ortiz and other anti-commandment acts I did before the fear of God steered me indirectly toward a love of Yahweh and the instructions for intended for the tribe of Zebulun and Napthali, who were closer than step-siblings by nature. What you see approaching you is unlikely to be a friend closer than a brother, and a Carolina Hurricane more powerful than a Rockwood Roo camper that spent some time in the Lake Gogebic area before it was illegally moved onto Roland Hendrikson's with the consent or anti-commandment man, Shane David Hendrikson of Cuba City, not Milwaukee.

 Where humans were born in the flesh matters a bit less than where people choose to get married,becuase an infant doesn't decide what their birthplace is going to be but non-infants decide where they desire to get married or engaged (mate).  Thankfully, I never  got married or engaged in a police squad.

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