The above image of Scott Gomez in hockey gear is NOT immoral filth and is decent viewing material, even if those around him at the time this photo was taken were dressed immodestly or like strumpets and therefore anti-Yehovah.
The spiritually depraved report lies to their neighbors, families and enemies. The spiritually depraved deliver visual immoral filth to their neighbors, families and enemies. The spiritually depraved won't be able to read and believe the prophet section report because they rather believe lies that are ejected out of the mouths of totally depraved anti-Yehovah folks and disciples of Lucifer .
I will identify serious comparisons to the USA's airstrike and military actions in Syria, knowing that USA attacking Syrians in Syria is actually not 'self-defense' and but forst I will report what actually would be reasonable self-defense:
A single hand strike to an evil, spiritually depraved employee or adulterous spouse in your own household is an act of reasonable self-defense, even if you choose to flee the dangerous area in order to save your own flesh after deploying a single hand strike to the forehead area of a criminal anti-Christ in your own household, especially if the person you are defending yourself against is similar to Shane David Hendrikson, who's method of anti-commandment spiritually depraved activity is anti-Yehovah. Warring with your hands is not contrary to Yehovah's wartime instructions.
Example of spiritually depraved wartime effort and unnecessary offense:
Anti-Lucifer forces on lot 1 has a 'God' who forbids the consumption of lobsters and pork but suspects that the family of people on lot 55 are eating lobsters and pork and that as a result, the folks on lot 55 are fighting amongst themselves and desiring a divorce because they already proved they do not believe Yehovah's instructions. If the Lot 1 forces would bomb lot 55, Lot 1 forces would be like the USA military in Syria and as a result would be a state of spiritually depravity which if left unchallenged, CAUSES very bad results known as the total depravity of man, often wrongly defined as 'mental illness'.
FACTS OF ANATOMY: A migraine headache is actually a mental illness, just as a hemorrhoid is a anus illness. 'Pink eye' is an eyeball illness, not an blue billiard ball illness. A state of immorality and spiritually depraved behavior is a SPIRITUAL ILLNESS that is only corrected by a good God, ideally prior to the death of the spiritually depraved human .
Example of spiritually wise and mentally healthy wartime efforts:
Anti-Lucifer forces on lot 1 are aware of the anti-Yehovah sin problem on lot 64, but will let the people who do not believe Yehovah's reporters destroy themselves and pray that pro-Yehovah forces move in after the current anti-Yehovah people on Lot 64 moves out as a result of their own anti-Yehovah wars lead to a divorce. If the new owners or remaining survivors of Lot 64 make a covenant with Yehovah to start a peace process in their own household, they are less likely to have a war on Lot 64. The inhabitants of lot 1,2,3,4,63,62,65 and 66 are at risk because of the attitude of the leadership of lot 64 and neighboring lots should all be at a higher state of alert and prepared to defend there lot against anti-Yehovah forces that might try to trespass onto their lot. NO MENTALLY HEALTHY OR SPIRITUALLY HEALTHY PERSON WOULD NOT GO ONTO LOT 64 and start committing offenses and then lie to others by claiming going onto lot 64 and killing anti-Yehovah neighbors is 'self-defense', especially when we already have territory pro-Yehovah to abide on and do our very best to defend before we meet Curtis Beste face to face.
I just proved that the USA military leaders are spiritually depraved even if the Detroit Doss family does not call the USA Pentagon staff 'mentally ill', since the acts the USA military are commiting in Syria would be like the owner of lot 5 going in to lot 64 turf and committing intentional violence against them contrary to the acts of the apostles. PUBLIC FUNDING won't eradicate a spiritual depravity problem on Lot 64 or on any other portion of the earth , especially when the public funds are spent on drugs or anti-Yehovah strategies and anti-Moshe Ben Amram policies.
I never did have a covenant with Yehovah when I made a covenant with former spouses in front of anti-Yehovah religious hirelings BUT Yehovah knows who and how the Galatian-type covenants were broken. If little to no attempt is made to keep a covenant made in the presence of foolish Galatians, you are much more unlikely to wisely desire a covenant with Yehovah. Media reports from James Craig's television associates are misleading, usually anti-Truth and more dangerous than the carbon dioxide that gets pulled into a jade plant. Every person that commits a SIN, an act of lawlessness, is spiritually depraved even if they are mentally healthy enough to read the rest of this addendum X.
Use this strategy to combat against the spiritually depraved so you can prevent their disease from spreading onto your lot or the public area you legally occupy temporarily:
A) Check over magazines you have been given and make sure they are as visually decent as a Jehovah's witness brochure and suitable for a 2-year old to study. Rip out any photos that are offensive in content, such as photos of people you know are your enemies, pictures depicting violence or pictures of immodest, spiritually dangerous people such as the typical NFL cheerleader, Olympic gymnast or figure skater. There should be nothing visually offensive in actual Torah scrolls since there are typically no illustrations in Torah scrolls.
B) If you are unable to commit acts of self-defense against A MAGAZINE or a written media report, you are most likely not going to be able to commit good acts of self-defense against spiritually depraved televised entities which attack households visually and audibly with the pro-Lucifer authorization of anti-Yehovah USA politicians. Any person who claims that the United States of America has good government policies is a liar and the Truth is not in him or her, because if our USA laws and policies were actually good, the RESULTS would be a nation that embraces and teaches goodness, purity, righteousness and holiness and a nation that is protected against plagues or the dreaded prophesied 'bowl judgments'.
G) If you cannot complete a 6-year pro-Yehovah period of anti-sin behavior, don't expect any miracles to occur on your behalf. Politicians, police officers, attorneys and enlisted military people are least likely to be able to complete a 6-year pro-Yehovah 'indentured servant' program because they are aligned with bosses who are nothing like Yehovah at mind or at law-keeping. If at the end of 6 years you no longer want to be pro-Yehovah, you can choose another unholy god to serve and as a result, you will lose all anti-sin protective services and spiritually healthy defensive forces you had when you were pro-Yehovah. It has been almost 6 years since I was officially cut-off from the anti-Yehovah forces of Shane David Hendrikson. Thanks to pro-Yehovah policies in my household, I am mentally healthy, physically active and spiritually healthy, even if the current United States, Michigan or Wisconsin laws forbid me from buying a firearm, which I do not desire as part of my self-defense anymore because I know that Moshe Ben Amram did not defeat anti-Yehovah forces with guns, roses or Christmas decorations .
D) Men like James Craig of Detroit do not speak the Truth in love. Homosexual pride flags do not defend against demonic spirits and are in fact a symbol of anti-Yehovah spiritually depraved activities permitted on earth but which aren't ever going to be PERMITTED by those in covenant with Yehovah. It would be an act of military self-defense if reformed and sanctified pro-Yehovah USA military forces started counter-attacking USA adulterers, abortionists, strumpets, thieves, producers of pornographic media materials and liars with as much effort and offensive deployments as they are using to attack Syrians in Syria. 'Easter' is not a name that saves and Esther is not the God of the 144,000 miraculously sealed saints of Yehovah.
H)I do know what it is like to be in the presence of mentally ill people who rely on Biblical media reports rather than on unjust anti-Yehovah divorce decrees . Rejecting 'pills' is not a sign of stupidity and usually is a form of literal self-defense against chemical warfare started against humans by pharmaceutical companies. I do know it is more dangerous to be in the presence of a mentally healthy human who has chosen to be an anti-commandment man such as Shane David Hendrikson than it is to be in the presence of a mentally healthy human who has chosen to believe and trust the instructions delivered by Moshe Ben Amram to a physically strong group of former prisoners and slaves of building wars started by fools who desired palaces rather than the WORD of TRUTH within the spirit of prophesy.
V) Do not be like Nehemia Gordon and refuse to get involved in discussions regarding the MOST APPROPRIATE time to end the current Benjamite year. Nehemia Gordon is now in 'Shannon Wahl' category, which means even though he might know what to do in order to please Yehovah, he is unwilling to get involved in areas of SIN PREVENTION!!!!! If Yehovah's people do not care when the new year starts or when the barley is 'aviv', they are lukewarm and are profaning the name of the God of Yeshua, often referred to as Yehovah and sometimes seen as HVHY; Yehovah is contrary to 'ISIS' and anti-liar.
If you are prepared to start actions of self-defense against the influences of Lucifer, the mark of the beast and against the influences of anti-Yehovah media sources, read and study Prophet Section #18 – Mishpatim (Jeremiah 34:8-22; 33:25-26).
I cannot apologize for nor atone for the lies I did not utter nor for the crimes that I did not commit. Ordering or suggesting that another person commit a sin, even if it is his or her enemy, is not what a good MESSIAH does. The governor of California is more of a threat to the economy and current policies of the United States of America than Syria is, so why are my adversaries and my enemies wasting money attacking Syria? Let Syrians defend Syria against sin, and let the good citizens of the USA continue to defend their territory, however small it may be, against lawlessness and anti-Yehovah spiritually depraved humans.
Do not do as the Mardi Gras folks do. It is not a time to party and commit harlotry if you know what is good for your lot in life. This concludes my anti-Lucifer series which was actually important, sometimes flippant and actually difficult at times rather than 'nothing but difficult' in content.
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