If you score a 69 on this quiz, you might be more like Jared Allen than Michael Redmond. If you score a 135 on here, you will tie Jaromir Jagr in 'game winning goals'. An ideal score on certain questions will be 77 or 200 based on 'Daniel In the Lion's Den' proceedings rather than Michael Sieve and 'Night Vision' proceedings, but the potential maximum score is going to be over 200 points. Try to answer one question per day, starting today. I will add on options for answers throughout the month so you do not rush through the quiz like Nellie Oleson. If you end up with a score of 13551, maybe you should continue on, by providence or choice, to this type of odd question formation:
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Tally up your score like Garrett Lepak or Myles Garrett or Hunter Rison, and if you are not truthful with your own household facts, you are a danger to yourself and to other humans, thus Abaddon's forces will posiibly be a 'anti- you'. I will put my answer in bold type and display what my son's answer would be in italics if I know the true answer my son would have to report, even if it's a very anti-commandment answer. The points you get are for your answer are listed just before the optional answers. You do have the right to remain silent, but that would make you as dangerous to yourseld and others as the typical Olympic figure skater who actually is not doing good works while they participating in figure skating shows.
M. How many days did you visit your living mother in the past 2 years? If your mother is not living, choose the answer that applies to the last year your mother was alive on earth.
0) none
5) over 1 day but less than 14 days
20) more than 14 days but less than 28 days but did not visit her on December 25th
10) more than 29 days, including December 25th ( you get fewer points if you cave in to 'Christmas' pressure)
30) more than 29 days, including the feast of Tabernacles and excluding December 25th
I. How many times a year did you or do you try to visit your living father in person? Traveling to a destination is important and sometimes expensive and the length of the visit doesn't matter to in this particular question but I'm sure it does matter to your father. If your father is not living, answer as if you lived over 500 miles from your father's household, are not retired, and can drive or fly to his household rather than walk 500 miles to visit your father:
0) I do not try to visit my father because I don't like his 'lifestyle' or his wife.
69) once in the spring, summer or autumn but I avoid traveling in the winter months
135) twice a year, including the feast of Tabernacles
77) three times per year, including Pesach week
1) more than 3 times per year because your father has lakefront property you use
10) at least one time per month
20) twice a year, totally ignoring the feast of Tabernacles and the feast of Unleavened Bread
L. How many times a year do you try to contact each of your adult children no longer living in your household by email or regular mail?
135) I do not have any children.
83) At least once per year, but my child does not respond so even trying once seems like waste of time. ( Public internet posts can be included as a form of contact if your child's location is not known or if your adult child has not invited you to visit his or her household)
69) More than once per year, but I rather talk to my child in person or by telephone than write to my child.
77) I don't try to contact my adult child anymore and I occasionally read Psalm 77 while I wait for my unloving child to repent and contact me as soon as all his evil anti-Yehovah influences depart from his household.
17) All my children still live in my household, but I still might write them a letter or a short note at least once per year on their birthday.
0) More than 300 times per year.
W. Why do you contact your siblings? You may have more than one truthful reason on this W question.
200) Because they are more reliable and reasonable than the typical Macomb or Marathon County Sheriff's deputy
77) Caring about my siblings is a way to honor my parents
0) To try and get money from them
10) To share my burdens with actual people who sometimes react properly instead of trying to contacting Abbadon all the time
2) I don't have any siblings so I try to contact 'Jesus'
A. How many times a month do you take part in a local community non-religious service?
40) None because there is too much crime in my community ( you get 40 mercy points for being honest)
30) None because there are too many arrogant rich people in my area
100) I want to take part in social activities several times a month but I actually have to leave my local community to go to a neighboring community where the people and law enforcement authorities seem to be kinder and have better etiquette
-300) Over 4 times per month because I get paid to be part of the community service (subtract 300 p oints from your score because you are a hireling)
40) About once time per month
42) More than once per month
70) I am retired so my community service consists of going out to dinner in a diner where the staff treats me better than a lawyer, a mortician or my spouse.
My subtotal: 635 out of a possible non-Maxwell maximum of 689 after 5 questions. This test is more useful to God and/or you than playing pinball machine games if you persevere to the end with required patience.
U. How many times a week do you try to do some sort of good, holy and moral physical therapy?
50. 4 to 6 times per week, not 8 days a week because I am anti-Beatles and pro-'25 or 6 to 4'.
1. 24 hours a day if breathing is considered good, holy and moral physical therapy
300. Never, but I will start trying now because thinking about Elijah's moves on Mount Karmel is actually good, holy and moral physical therapy for my brain muscles.
30. 5 times per week, but I only run or jog in emergencies
100. A minimum of 3 times per week, but I refuse to go to a public or private morally bad health clubs where the music and television programs are despicable and immoral.
200. I mate with my heterosexual spouse at least twice a week but hate all other forms of organized or disorganized sports. I do not mate with anyone or any thing other than my spouse.
K. What actually is your least favorite method of the legal physical therapy choices listed ?
69. Mating with my spouse and only with my heterosexual spouse in a private location with no cameras filming me or my spouse.
79. Skating in full hockey gear on a genuine frozen water surface
89. Practicing Tae Kwon Do moves against nobody while wearing decent anti-PINK clothing
99. Breathing air that is not polluted with toxins such as lawn pesticides or cigarette smoke
151. Studying the books of the Tanakh on the 7th day
29. Trying to believe the books of the Tanakh 7 days per week, but King David and King Solomon actually seem very unbelievable rather than 2 perfect witnesses such as Eldad and Medad
39. Bowling in an anti-Hooters establishment
49. Golfing in an 'anti-Victoria's Secret' establishment
201. Competing in Cleveland Browns, Chicago Bears, Pittsburgh Steelers or New York Giants non-reindeer training camps and irregular battles against NFL anti-Yehsua teams such as the Detroit Lions or the New England Patriots
59. Playing cribbage with really heavy pegs which is actually much holier and smarter than playing with a Bertuzzi against the Penguins, since the smartest people aren't being coached by Jeff Blashill who actually looks like 'Kommandant Klink' and who unwisely is aligned with unjust contributors to the Detroit Redwings financial agenda such as homosapien Geoff Fieger instead of aligning with a Moose, a Moon, a Robin or a Northstar.
124. Jumping off a 30 foot cliff into the Cumberland River to avoid climbing a tree like a monkey
243. Running for a political office rather than walking another softball batter
E. What will be your most method of memory therapy that you intend to start before tomorrow? Do not choose any option you have already been using for memory therapy.
100. Recalling facts about people who I might have to testify against and the charges that should be brought against them.
100. Try to remember my classmates in grade school.
100. Try to remember the right to remain silent.
100. Try to remember my own ice cold secret codes before they become really cool non-secret codes.
100. Try to remember useful facts and accurate teachers in case I have to speak to atheists.
100. Try to remember the 7th day sabbath day and to then keep it holy.
144. Trying to remember that it is possible to survive on earth space, with or without Jaroslav Spacek, in North Carolina, Pittsburgh, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Europe or specific parts of Canada after getting all the way to Michigan instead of only getting halfway to Wisconsin on the S.S. Badger.
200. Trying to remember that Jon Bon Jovi is ignorant of natural law and that it is actually impossible to live on a prayer, no matter how long the prayer is, unless you evolve into a microscopic virus hanging onto a carbon dioxide molecule emitted by the prayers of a Muslim or some other species capable of praying audibly.
E. Who's coin will you gladly and intentionally refuse to take in your hand or transactions in order to be saved by your faith in better images such as an elk, wheat or a loon?
55. A Bitcoin
66. A Euro
77. A coin with John F. Kennedy's replica on it
88. A unholy half shekel with Donald Trump's face on it
99. Susan B. Anthony
100. All of the above
R. Do any of your siblings love you and treat you kindly?
50. Yes
50. No
50.I don't have any siblings
Now you now you can't end up with any score less than 50 on this test ( the Tierney minimum!)
I. Do any of the following claim to' love you' but refuse to treat you kindly?
33. A son
66. A daughter
22. A spouse
10. Your guardian angel
0. A step-child
0. A step-parent
V. Does your living father love you and welcome you into his household? If you do not have a living father, replace the word 'living father' with 'God' or 'living mother'.
29. Yes
9. No
E. What form of voluntary solitary confinement are you most opposed to?
36. Not having to share a locker room before or after a hockey session
34. Up to 1 hour of time in a good new-fashioned water closet or in a non-master bathroom
32. Alone time in my non-stolen vehicle
30. Alone time in my household
28. A maximum of 1 minute alone in a properly operating elevator
25. Confining myself to one lane of bowling and competing against myself
22. Alone time in my parents household
20. Being the only person inside of the Nashville Predators mascot suit and then being labeled 'Nash' not 'Neal' or 'Sullivan'
18. Being the only person inside of a 'Superamerica Man' outfit in Milwaukee
16. Being the only person inside of a walk-in cooler restocking beef bologna products
R. What form of gatherings are you most likely to try to avoid?
77. Lesbian gatherings
124. Christmas and Easter Ham gatherings
166. Pork and Escargot meal gatherings
224. Anti-Passover gatherings on Nisan the 14th
666. Any gathering where the Books of Moses are read publically
7. Beef meal gatherings
3. Gatherings where my adversaries are
40. Quail dinner gatherings
0. Lunchtime with only fresh water, honey and locusts on the menu
My anti-Mizewski subtotal is now 1528 out of a possible 2379, not 1532! Check the maximum 'Milwaukee River ' subtotal in Strong's concordance by comparing the Greek word #2379 and Hebrew word #2379 then recall and think about your past good and evil influences so you do not end up like a beast who makes a living playing poker, playing computer games or creating violent computer games which lead to social atrocities.
S. What form of 'entertainment' are you least likely to publicly defend?
20. Any sport where the uniforms adequately cover the body such as baseball or hockey but not boxing or figure skating
19. Taking a D.A.R.E. bear for a walk or for a drive
18. Natural gardening as a form of art
17. Playing if music that does not have lyrics and at a volume that does not disturb your neighbors
-66. The use of quotes from the Tanakh to counter lack of intelligent speech or decent speech
-42. Observing but not harassing people who are totally the opposite of Heidi Klum types such as Tim Horton employees or well-dressed hard working garbage men do their tasks properly
99. Any stage show or movie except for 'The Snake Pit' since the world can easily exist without movies and stage shows
I. What form of evil or unhealthy 'entertainment' are you least likely to publicly criticize or rebuke?
-100. Sports teams that have strumpet-type cheerleaders
-79. The typical Protestant or Catholic sermon
-47. Boating activities that that do not include the intent to catch fish with scales and fins or legal transport of people and necessities to another location
-50. Television commercials that are not rated 'G'
-500. Televised or actual people that are not dressed modestly
50. Baseball players 'stealing' bases
D. What non-square D name would you choose as your new constant your avoid a D=500 problem?
20. Dorcas
30. ClevelanD
40. Derksen
50. Dawe
10. Delgadillo
-86. Drazkowski
34. DuBay
E. What type of contest would you be willing to intentionally lose to prove that losing is sometimes a better option than winning?
100. I would be willing to intentionally lose a contest to see who can gain the most kilograms in one year.
100. I would be willing to lose a contest to see who can lose 150 pounds first, since I do not want to weigh 23 pounds and pounds are sometimes a from of currency.
500. If an emergency request for Detroit police or Detroit firefighter services or Michigan State Trooper services was made at 6200 8 Mile Road, a place that has made a mockery of the non-Hebrew word 'truth' in the year 2018 AD, I would be most willing to intentionally lose any race to get there and only get no more than halfway there. It is better to save your own holy life than lose it trying to save people in a spiritually dangerous situation they CHOSE to be in and who hate the 'Aleph Mem Tav' people.
700. All of the above choices are a perfect trifecta, so I would be willing intentionally lose all of the above listed contests.
X, How many times a year it it reasonable for a legal step-parent to be in verbal contact with a step-child who is listed as a dependent on the step-parent's medical plan and/or on their most recent tax returns?
27. Once per month
-27. Once per year
-49. Less than once per year
11. Every true sabbath day, which is at least 52 times annually
18. Once every 3 months, which is as often as the IRS expects business owners that probably don't like the IRS to turn in quarterly business reports.
O. How many times a year is it reasonable to allow your spouse to visit his or her parents, knowing your spouse's parents might hate you, might be absolutely wicked and actually might be your enemies?
372. As many times as you visit your own parents, plus 1 extra visit to avoid a tie
24. Once a week, preferably on Saturday if your spouse does not know how to keep the original and only true sabbath 'holy' yet
99. As many times as your spouse goes to Jerusalem a year to keep certain 'feasts', minus 1 visit to save traveling costs. For instance, if your spouse loves Yahweh's statutes for Benjamites and does not like visiting his own parents because they are vile atheists, he is supposed to go to Jerusalem about 3 times per year, which means he should still visit his parents that might be the enemy of his wife at least twice per year.
50. Once a month without you and without your children or twice a year with you and with your children, whichever your in-laws prefer. Some parents actually don't like their own children very much and rather see their child's spouse and their grandchildren twice a year.
151. Every day of the year except Sunday, when you allow your unloving spouse to visit you, work for you or with you on chores, go to your anti-Israelite church with you and bring you money to avoid getting a divorce from him or her. Preventing divorce sometimes takes the involvement of other family members and if your in-laws raised a lousy child, let them put up with his lack of etiquette and his selfish, childish attitude more often than you do.
319. At least 7 days per year , with or without you for your own safety, with the visit only to be held at his parent's household. For instance, do not give your consent or 'blessing' to your spouse if he or she wants to visit your in-laws in Las Vegas, Nevada or Disneyland. If they are hoarders or he does not feel safe sleeping in their house, and their household is actually in some dangerous place like Detroit, Michigan or Wausau, Wisconsin, have your spouse sleep in a tent in their yard or in his car during his visit because your spouse still needs to learn how to care about and 'understand' the living conditions of his parents in order to have his visit with them be considered 'good works'. Likewise, make sure you visit your parents according to the same visitation rules.
j. Who are you least likely to trust to handle a spiritual warfare problem for you or with you?
10. Someone who never attended a seminary
75. Someone who knows how to say 'Avis' instead of 'Enterprise' in Quebec
20. A member of your own Israelite tribe if if he is named Simeon
25. A member of an anti-idol organization who knows a 'Titleist' visor does not match the definition of an 'American Idol'
81. A man who prefers a hockey stick and 2 pucks to a Glock and 2 bullets during a physical confrontation
37. A graduate of Marshall University who knows how to handle a diaper bag better than Randy Banks can handle a dimpled Noodle on a ping-pong table
87. James Shepard the Trojan
86. Father Sergei Krivokrasov
124. Mr. And Mrs. Thomas Wahl, who obviously aren't Christopher Snyder and Ralph Gallow
12. Gudas
H. Who are you most likely to trust to safely correct you if you did not answer 'X' correctly?
245. Whoever thinks that Isaiah 56:6 actually is a strong indicator of a person that is 6 months past their 56th birthday. For instance, March 12, 2018 I would be 56:6.
36. Who ever has looked at HaVoHey and has clearly seen the reverse of YeHoVaH as a significant 'Hey' line rather than another battle of a Hay stack located in the reverse of Yahweh which is HewHay.
144. Whoever agrees that having 'Hovah' as part of the word "Yehovah' is wonderful and terrific, not an insult, because a God who plans to and is able to destroy evil is GOOD, especially if that GOD has a history of destroying Egyptian army men in the sea sections and places like Sodom with natural disasters.
417. Jason Arnott
243. A Srixonist
E. Which habit do you think is best to start as soon as possible?
2119. Avoiding the disgusting Detroit Tigers reprobates now associated with 'Hooter's', avoiding the 'Truth' area of Detroit and avoiding the way to Detroit sports venues in order to stay in a healthy whey section at 'Fresh Thyme' and not lose the way to a true Irish green Kizer scene .
2117. Quickly converting your language from 'the Way, the Truth and the LiFe' to 'the Route, the Facts and the 3 iron works'.
-2118. Eating a bullfrog for breakfast
10488. Trying to look like or think like Vincent Pope, Tyrod Taylor, Peter Salemi, Robert Skaradzinski, Brenda Angelo, Benjamin Bunny or Rimon Moses in order to avoid impersonating a female Canadian authority figure currently known as 'Brenda Lucki'.
50. Referring to Carl Allen the jazz drummer as 'the promise breaker' instead of a sticking with the facts and referring to him as a wealthy unhealthy forgetful Trojan.
N. Which new activity do you believe would be least destructive to yourself and not dangerous to others?
79. Comparing Neillsville GrossMotors to Notre Dame's Gross3Point games without Jensen3motors causing bad odors in my vicinity
80. Comparing Jenkins28& the Jeff Jackson skaters to Franz Jenkins Trojans in Cleveland or Milwaukee without Jeff Zillner nearby to break Mercury Cougar ties
81. Opting out of the Yahweh vs. Yehovah arguments and opting into Qanna discussions.
151. Keeping the Feast of Tabernacles, tossing canna leafs on top of my tabernacle and just calling upon the authority of HVHY who's name is Qoph Nun Aleph, pronounced 'Canna' but looks like QNA not like Canada.
D. What matters least regarding the vehicle with Michigan license plate 'AUL 789'?
20. That it is better being operated by a sober human than a robot.
20. That there should be 2 identical plates that indicate 'AUL 789' for more accurate identification of vehicles in emergency situations
19. That is has Calvin Ripken Jr.'s ESPN # on it, not Dustin Byfuglien's number.
20. That it did no harm to me or my vehicle while parked or in motion.
R. Going from 10=Terry Gilliam to an 11, which 11 do you believe is totally opposed to Daunte Culpepper?
80. Sodium light bulbs
79. Michael Gartner
78. Anze Kopitar
77. High School junior mints that aren't thin
76. Super Bowl XI
75. 'The 11th Commandment' by Chuck Mangione
74. Dan Uggla's March 11th Unit
73. The letter K and Dallas money
I. Why is intentionally dividing the Granato family a good plan for good copper heads and actual UW-Badger alumni squads?
53. Don is not literally connected to Rob, so no flesh wounds will occur by dividing them.
262. Tony is not married to Cammie, so dividing them is fine but joining them would be a crime and trying to become like either of them would be a bad goal if you want to perfect your attitude toward the McGaver family.
92. No one person really needs to divide the very hard swordfish case that was seen near a street in Milwaukee named Wanda.
93. Dividing the Granato gang is safer than splitting up a 3 Musketeers bar.
243. Dividing the Granato family is the only safe way to avoid getting jail time for breaking Mike Milbury's bones in a bright Philadelphia alley fight since Milbury likes fighting, foolishly aligned with Tom Brady's team and arrogantly started a verbal war with the Philadelphia Eagles and their very cute and polite NFL representative, Mychal Kendricks. (Milbury caused his own trouble and future woes, and some people might be willing to spend some time in jail to 'correct' Milbury's pro-fighting anti-referee public opinions.)
C. Which form of carbon is stable, keeping Penny Gionta in mind, not the unstable Penny Marshall types?
6. 12
0. 14
K. Which K line is least likely to condemn or correct the Queen of England from her own 'head of household' sins due lack of discernment?
100. Team Krivokrasov
20. Jonathan Toews
1. A box of Product 19, since cereal is clean and dumb as a box of cardboard
2. a king of spades on a Lapeer, Michigan outdoor bench
4. Kelly Oehler of Mosinee
60. Sean Whyte, LA King of Sudbury
312. The king of clubs and Team Zebulun
S. If Hell Boyle's over sooner than pigs actually fly, which Boyle team will desire at least part of heaven or earth to freeze over so that hockey therapy can continue in heaven and on earth?
99. Dan Boyle of Ottawa and San Jose Sharks that understand the book 'Swimmy'
98. The New Jersey Devils and Squad 11
1. The Tampa Bay Lightning alumni squad
Take some time to total your own score and my score if you need math practice. This process can take up to 3 days and 3 night. The special goat 'T' question is not going to be kept simple. Then, look up the Strong's Hebrew and/or Greek word associated with your score.
I did not do any pre-planning of maximum, minimum or my score so if you are a Calvinist, be careful what you refuse to believe. I suppose I could not pre-plan what total score I want by personally adjusting the values to the answers to question T, but I won't do that to protect the integrity of this test. I designed this test with a wee bit of 'Mr. Srok' chemistry-related questioning for honest people, not for habitual liars and people who only want to get
Maximum Score: 15531; you exist, possibly southwest of the extremely interesting Johnstown,PA area in the Bowell zip code zone but you are indescribable according to Greek or Hebrew Strong's biblical codes which do not go over 9000.
Minimum score: -2413. If you have this score you are anti-sacred, anti-temple according to the standard Greek word for a +2413 but you still capable of reading and undertanding Isaiah chapter 48,especially verse 9. You also are lack the ability to refrain from making totally incorrect and horrible decisions during unsupervised tests.
My score: 5707. There is no Greek word to compare me to and my Hebrew word is the special word pronounced 'ED' in English, which means a witness, has a mathematical total of 74 and is also known as 'Ayin Dalet'. This number would be seen as DI according to my Hebrew letter conversion code for I=Ayin and D=Dalet and is not intended to be seen as a Roman 500+1, but if it is seen as a 501, let Patrick LaLime check his own score for an anti-Patricia anti-Lemmon super Pondus the Penguin reason.
T. If Dan Helbach's lines react improperly in high pressure situations and Timothy Tessler's lines don't react properly without any pressure, which P team is most likely to prove that neither an actual living USA Air Force pilot nor a DICK is as dependable or as perfect as a person with actual Duck experience in low pressure Carolina Hurricane situations? There is no wrong answer, but the non-random points assigned to your guess will affect you Strong's Hebrew code, which is intended to be interesting, eliminate your fear of codes and keep you alert and attentive toward results that are not pre-calculated and not intended to mock or injure you.
15. Andrew Brunette, the MInnesota Wild representative of 'Team Phosphorous' (facing Anaheim Ducks is part of Duck experience)
65. The Church of Pergamos, excluding anything outwardly labeled 'PINK"
6. Phyllis Raczek Holman, who passed through the Duck, NC zones but has not passed any recent spiritual warfare tests
36. Ryan Lavarnway's recently formed P=Pittsburgh teams which can include Nahum(34) and orange, not Chet codes
-1532. Police Officer (retired) Robin Michael Ortiz, who escaped the wrath of Hurricane Hugo but probably not the path of Abaddon
198. Sergei Krivokrasov, who is supposed to be in charge of the Hebrew 'Pey' team
150. St. Clair's record speed 'Pinnocle' units who have seen Carolina Hurricane gear and are more accustomed to Donald Duck gear and Daffy Duck walks than to a Luke Donald bunker shot.
414. Milwaukee Tech class of 1979
1961. The Minnesota Vikings and 'Operation Pansy'
-480. Anyone legally named 'Panfil'
64. People who believe in the element 'Palladium' more than they trust anyone labeled as a ' Pope'.
10. The people who live on highway P near Junction City, Wisconsin
53. Portage County, Wisconsin youth off ice and on bicycles
43. Randy Wolf's Phillies and the Pepperdine Wave, which is totally the opposite of an Admiral Schofield Tide and dirty laundry water section.
68. Paul Casey
25. The Catholic students of Psalm 52
-1979. The Steve Polka team
-1084. 12 Publicans serving jail time for crimes they actually committed
The T question was the most difficult for me to narrow to 1 answer because all of them seem like reasonable answers. My final score is:
5,743 points
Since the day I commenced this test concluded the month coded '11. Rubber Tree' by Milwaukee County Parks employees, ending this quiz with a T questions is good for Trojans and golfers. Options for answers will be given during the month coded '12.Wheat' , which will be very similar to but not exactly like the Muslim month coded '6.Corn' .
I can't make Rhode Island Ram Chowder today, and if you think it's the year of the dog, your mind is too unclean and too full of unclean Chinese spirits to get into a good Chicago Bear or into a clean Elisha (#477) D.A.R.E. bear plan.
The questions are being listed sooner than the 'answer' options, but there will be specific answer options in order for quiz-takers to obtain a score.
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