Sunday, February 18, 2018

Don't Believe 'The Genesis Open' Propaganda

Fact 1: Scott Clark Toyota in North Carolina has a staff better and more useful  in society than Scott Stallings.

Fact 2: Kevin Na is not Natalie Smith, the daughter of vulgar Kevin Smith, the son of lying WWII Army veteran Virgil Smith.  Every good Valspar unit knows that the name Molitor is the standard of par 4 MIlwaukee Brewer and Bud Selig 'Big Ten' excellence!

Fact 3:  Edwin Watts is not Edwin Stanton.  Bubba' is not the name of a reliable God. As much as i don't like the Nashville Predators, the NHL 'Watson' can probably defeat Bubba Watson in physical warfare and in spiritual warfare, it would be just another 'Ty Rice vs. Carl Allen' match up.

Fact 4: 'Hubba Bubba' is not 'Bubba Gump Shrimp', even though both of those product lines are hazardous to your health and are as bad as Twizzlers. If you do not openly combat against lies and expensive deceptions, you end up believing and then repeating lies.

Fact 5: I refuse to wear Detroit Tiger gear beacuse they not only aligned with 'Hooters', I also do not like 'Thomas Magnum' stupidity.   Real saints sometimes do throw what they previously had purchased before they were sanctified into the trash to continue their sanctification process.

It's time stop believing lies and  falsehoods. Here are some ways to avoid wasting your finances and to avoid ruining your chance of obatining actual sainthood.

1.  If your child cannot write in cursive by the age of 7, don't waste your child's time or mind on other forms of art therapy.   Learning to write in cursive is more important than learning how to golf like Kevin Na.

2. If your child is not willing to wash their own clothes by the age of 10, do not sign your child up for any sports groups.  Lazy children become burdens on society, not good citizens.

3. Zayin Dalet means pure and clean, a word that does not define the state of Michigan. No government system that is good will ever invest anymore money into art programs until their roadways are repaired properly. Cities need young people willing to work on roadways and clean up litter, not waste their time focusing on 'art therapy' before real society needs are met.

4. Actual mind therapy that can help a household includes learning how to prepare clean foods in a 'decorative way', and this type of art therapy is NOT a waste of time and money. Decorating cheese pizza with pineapple is art therapy!

5. The J. Paul Getty Museum represents expensive stupidity, which actually is an example of the total depravity of man.  Another $500,000.00 to such a stupid museum is more of a indication of anti-sainthood thinking than tossing a photo of Dominik Hasek into a firepit and letting it turn into ashes.

6.  A good example of USEFUL art therapy is letting your child paint his closet or a piece of old furniture that will be in his room.  A horrible form of art therapy that is more detrimental to your spiritual health than freckles (word 933) is putting a tattoo on your body.

7. A good example of physical art therapy is allowing your child to make a 'little fist face' between their thumb and index finger and letting him or her do old school stuff. A horrible example of physical art therapy is figure skating shows or similar unholy dance squads that have defiled more households than a Milwaukee Admiral hockey puck without the name 'Saros' on it!

8.  Don't believe that Gary Bettman, the overpaid Cornell buffoon, has society's Saint Thomas Best or Maurice Harvey's  good works in his unholy mind. Ivy league schools seem to  produce diplomas and attitudes more  hypocritical than a nickel in a Michael Bennett  Minnesota Viking bobblehead and far more useless than the typical well-made brick.

9. For the 12th month, remember this fact: Michael Gartner is 12th in game winning goals, not in penalty minutes. Too many penalty minutes indicates lack of respect for reasonable rules, just as too many drunken driving charges indicates a spirit of lawlessness.

10. Men like Timothy Severud might have been deceived regarding certain Biblical issues but certainly are not as hypocritical as Jill Brietzman when it comes to morality matters.  This is a 'Jon Helgeson' point, not a Brayden Point.  Golfing is a reasonable method of testing your spirit and getting some physical exercise and social etiquette skills, but unless you're golfing near Michael Keckeisen, Rob Steffans of Thomas Hendricks, rarely do you see a golf outing become a  self-defense refresher course.

11. Bob Thiele is now going to be starting an Exodus series which should be more beneficial to listen to than the 'Genesis Open', Zak Alwin vain musical repititions or Carl Allen's drum recital in Lansing.  Terry LaFrance is another Terry that is less likely to mislead you than Troy Terry, so be careful as a prophet on top of Mt. Karmel when facing anti-HVHY religious people.

12.  Ottawa Parliament's Bumblebee Bell Code official extension of Lamed information: Rex Hubbard is probably more trustworthy than Rex Tillerson types.  REX is also a short form of Richard Edwin Xavier, who no longer exists in that name form but PYREX does exist yet.  You have now reached 'Mark Recchi' level of thought processes, which is very to close to Joe Francisco levels of UW-Badger SIEVE thought processes.  This is a Richard Belmore jailers whiskey cup, wheat code & Ontario Line 12 matter to be considered by current 12's such as Brian Gionta but which might be considered by Steven Gionta.

13. Don't trust Dan Marino as your constant at 13. If you don't trust Paul D. Coffey, the 1996 Redwings coded T-shirts  and the Point Root Beer routes, trust Slave Koslov and the Byfuglein's Thrashers as constants, including Johan Hedberg.   Thankfullt, all roads do not lead to Marshfield, Wisconsin.  Some 13's lead to Wilson's Cheese House and some 19's lead to Omer, Richmond and David Teske units or even to Sun Prarie cats!  Avoid all Rattler routes, since Rochester Rattlers  do not know how to lead your away from perdition and at least back toward Jehovah-Jirah stickers on St. Lucia Toyota, where the name Campbell is still a serious matter and more important than Antonio Brown's contracts.

14. If you have something decent in art  or clothing form but you no longer want it because it brings horrid memories to you, give it away or try to sell it. For instance, I donated San Jose Shark pictures to RCAF veteran and donated a piece of artwork that my daughter-in-law didn't want to a family that has a young daughter because I have no reason to want reminders of my daughter-in-law since she has done acts far worse than 'disrespecting me'.  People can change, but it takes real effort and good works to improve your family relations rather than letting it become a spiritual pile of ruins due to an improper balance of power or a haughty 'Christian' anti-Eldad spirit.

15. The Andrew Brunette Pesach Pointer:  If you do not want to use Miroslav Satan as your constant at 201, use the Collingwood  Police Department or 'Elizabeth Cummings' the Greyhound grade female 'nun' instead of going 'unstable'  and   casino nuts by wasting your money on Darren Helm and Detroit Redwings  products.  'Spirograph or an  Etch-a-Sketch is frugal jis 'Amish approved'  and just as useful for art therapy as watching Randy Wolf  throw a unspecialized  K far away from a Pepperdine ad.

33. Now you can start  trying to think like a chemistry table or trent Richardson or Mathieu Ray to recheck your own  non-Lincoln attitude. GeNeSiS=72 and Martin Biron ESPN codes, which is far short of  a 243 or 477 codes.

34. As boring as 'The Genesis Open' might have been, it is still a much better choice to study the habits of professional male golfers than ruining your reputation by going to see Las Vegas staged acts such as 'Shania' without Mutt,without Jeff Sonnentag or with Shane Hendrikson encouraging 'Shania' to remain a strumpet so he has someone to commit idolatry with  other than Faith Hill or his dance squad daughter, Ashley.   Eileen Twain still has not desired to become a good, decent role model for anyone, and Eileen Wolf is a better non-Ojibwa 'spirit guide'.  There are decent ways to get out of poverty, and becoming a sleezy stage and video performer isn't a decent way to overcome depression or poverty and is a sure way to reject opportunities for salvation.  Are there Bibles in Las Vegas casino hotel rooms?  Consider this a Nahum point or a Mosinee Indian Zebro reality check .

Don't forget to look back and continue taking the quiz I am deploying without a drone.

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