Thursday, February 8, 2018

Anti-Lucifer Addendum I: Mulberry Road Crew Anti-Drum Section

Below is a copy of an schedule that might be something like Carla Derringer's DJ schedule or Carrie Underwood's 'trashville acts'  might  use to promote their anti-commandment staged showtime agenda:

  • APR 18, 2018 - APR 19, 2018Carl Allen Residency in Lansing, MI atMichigan State University
  • APR 20, 2018 - APR 21, 2018Carl Allen in Las Vegas, NV at Las Vegas Jazz Invitational
There are far too many 'Carl Allen' types and 'Rachel Snyder' types that lure others into their various forms of anti-Yehovah money pits and away from remembering the pit the prophet Jeremiah or Joseph was in. There is a state of being that is even worse than 'lukewarm' status, and that state is a state of rudeness and horrible lack of important biblical communication skills. I had hoped that Carl Allen III of Jamiaica, New York would have passed a communications test based on the true information I sent him, but Carl Allen III might be 'too black' to think at 'Reggie White' standards when it comes to using his time, space and assets wisely.

I have seen many 'black' men think their 'blackness' is the bond that leads to some sort of salvations that is clearly not associated with Yeshua or the messiah of the Israelites. I had considered making a trip to Lansing to communicate directly with an obese drummer who is not as smart or as talented as many of the Milwaukee Tech graduates who were also active in athletic teams such as Jeff Brezovar, Robert Delgadillo or robert Skaradzinski. I contacted Carl Allen by telephone and by email and he is about as UNGRACIOUS my son in France, who also rather be considered as black as his father rather than considering the wartime sacrifices his mother's 'white'  family has made  for generations. Las Vegas seems to be the perfect place for Carl Allen to acknowledge Adolph Hitler's birthday, since Carl Allen is not interested in aligning with me or with HVHY's people. As a result of Allen's lack of communication with his high school class valedictorian, the Lansing area is not going to get any 'first glockenspiel' hand to dry erase board information from me.  Consider the following night 1057 warning, which starts on the evening of February 11.2018 also known as a 2/eleven in progress if shoe size matters:

King David defeats the Philistines after thinking he is a king of Israel. His troops use live mulberry trees (word 1057) , not dead evergreen branched shaped in an 'O' and hung on their Babylonian housetops or on the Protestant doors. Hitler was a Protestant, and that is  fact that is not going to change.  The scattered forces of Yehovah are not BEHIND Christmas wreaths even though the opponents of Yehovah's plan, humans such as self- professed HOA board member Steve Duffy, hang up useless red bows but don't even CARE about the importance of a sardius in prophesy.  When sound anti-heathen anti-athiest advice is given and the hearer ignores it, the giver of the advice is often perplexed and vexed at the continued anti-commandment behaviors around them but will not willingly participate in the anti-ccommandment behaviors around them.

After David received favor from HVHY during a battle against the Phillistines, he went into a sinful spiral of pride, arrogance, dance shows and disobedience to INSTRUCTIONS for a king of Israel and his shallow wartime victories actually  PRECEDED complete moral failure when he chose to become an enemy Uriah the Hittite.   Many people have had military victories, but only a few are going to a string of moral pro-HVHY victories which leads them to being sealed as one of the 144,000 elect warriors of LARShY( Ysra'l). In order for someone in the Church of Philadelphia to have the key of David, David has to LOSE his key to a WORTHY church of Philadelphia adversary.

Another way to avoid the traps of Lucifer, traps that usually include some sort of staged unholy anti-Moshe act,  is to openly condemn intentionally liars who play along side Melissa Gilbert. INSP is a television station known for it's protestant content and examples of evil are sometimes perceived by those ignorant of the LAW to be 'good ideas'. When a old actress  asks Michael Landon and his staged crew to announce that she has died in order to 'draw in' her fake relatives who have not visited her in years, the actual consequence would be that the lying old woman commits intentional sin which does not eliminate the sins of those who attended what they THOUGHT was her funeral.  I know it would be a SIN to fake an illness or to fake my own death in order to try and receive some sort of care and compassion from people or children who clearly have a seared conscience.  I rather go to my grave in righteousness and truthfulness than lie to try to and trick a family member into visiting me. Horrible ideas often emit from television programs from Lucifer types and only those who are Abbadon-wise won't be deceived into thinking choosing to be a liar can correct lawlessness.

When men like Steve Duffy intentionally prevented me from gaining experience in an area I wanted to gain experience in, Duffy became his own worst asset and can now be known as a 'position hog' . A hog does not behave properly and a hog is not going to make it into the temple of Yehovah when TIMING matters and your past experience is counted against evildoers and against those who acted contrary to righteousness and good judgment.  The fearful sometimes destroy bridges behind them, but blasphemers destroy the  bridges in FRONT of them and make it impossible for them to get where another angelic force has already been.

If Lucifer types are in front of you or behind you, keep in mind that Lucifer is not able to deceive the sealed  144,000.  Going from Lansing Michigan, where Winston5George21 games are being played into the unholy land of Las Vegas is NOT the path that I intend to protect of defend. Sometimes, the presence of a Gadite can deter demonic spirits from descending onto a stage or into a Spartan or even into Ephraim, Utah. Let Carl Allen III's temporary Michigan residency and his Las Vegas Invitational become a habitation of demons without me, since Carl thinks my messages to him were serious enough to respond to.

'Rodney Whitaker' is not the name of my LORD and I suspect that Jared Allen has more uncommon defensive sense from  his non-military training past 'Questions 67&68' than the typical obese protestant stage musician who wants to be in Las Vegas for Hitler's 'protestant birthday' party animals...... also known as anti-Yeshua party beasts. Rodney Weary is more likely to respond properly to a serious matter than Rodney Whitaker. Don't confuse Rodney, Ontario veterans with Rodney Young of Milwaukee.

May the sons of Zilpah and their associated ligure and fiery agate figures enter into their rest and let those who are only up to word 672 work hard Sunday through Friday in order to relax in peace somewhere on the 7th day as they study the reading for week 18 of the Torah portion. Carl Allen III knows where I live if he wants to present a face to face verbal rebuttal and raise his position from an enemy of the University of Wisconsin Badgers to just another black Trojan adversary before the next Shavuot (remember the 50!) occurs with plenty of advance biblical notice.

When a police officer fails to respond properly to a request for service, there are usually serious consequences. When a 'churched' person fails to respond properly to a reasonable serious request  after he or she has claimed that 'Jesus Christ' is Lord, there are serious consequences that occur especially if you are only 'halfway there living on a prayer.'  'There' is so vague of a destination that getting all the way to Bevent, Wisconsin is a better goal than seeking and getting a divorce from a Gadite.  The musician's world is FULL of deceivers, workers of lawlessness, adulterers and idols that will not be able to stand before the Son of Man.

It's not easy passing 7th seal tests.

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