Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Milwaukee Thomas More Staff Worse Than Muhammed

I don't need a tour guide to get around in MIlwaukee, but I didn't expect to get in a boxing round at MIlwaukee Thomas More and later have my battle wounds be repaired by a Muslim named Muhammed; what I didn't expect actually happened.

I tried to visit the sick, but got not return call from Trudy Groth so I was not able to visit her and her husband Robert who is a wounded veteran. I traveled through the Bay View area, saw a couple dogs in Humboldt Park similar to the shitzu 'Elmo' that had put a smile on my face for several years. I wondered if 442 Montana Street was the same house that 'Thor' the Mastiff lived and where I had halped my friend Thomas Hendricks improve his backyard with a small garden and I'm pretty sure it was but not positive. It seems Doug and Mary Zaworski have survived in marriage so I guess Doug had a better 'best man' than Robin m. Ortiz did to be accountable to. I met a kind woman who had many health issues and her brown bitch named 'Olive' who did not bite me.  No battles occurred up to this point, but I was sad I did not get a call back from Trudy.

I was trying to find the historic house of Milwaukee Tech Trojan teacher Ron Adams, but instead ended up finding 'Milwaukee Thomas More HIgh School.' I had no reason to be an enemy of Thomas More and had many grade school classmates that went their, so I went inside hoping to find out some history of Thomas More the person the Catholic school.  I parked near Delaware Street and was just going to pass some time before watching a 4:30 baseball game, and I asked the Thomas MOre Staff if they could tell me a bit about the history of Thomas MOre, and in particular what happened in 1532 AD. The staff, 2 females, were totally ignorant and I even asked them to 'google' Thomas More to fill me in on a bit of his history. The claimed they could not, so I asked if I could use their resttoom and then I intended to go watch the baseball game. I was extremely disgusted to see pictures promoting 'Carrie Underwood' inside the women's bathroom and I'm quite sure any other real saint would not have expected to see such immoral trash being 'lifted up' by an expensive Catholic school that I had previously thought was a decent school. Because I am not a spiritual coward, I said it was a shame that their school would decide to post Carrie Underwood pictures on the interior of their campus, and that the original Thomas More would have agreed with me. I then asked the two ignorant staff people if they could name a prophet from the old testament and neithr of them could. I left in a mood much worse than I entered the building because there was an unexpected spiritual attack on me from the inside, namely visual offense rather than biblical defense. As I was walking out of the parking lot, I delivered the 'Randy Moss' hamstring stretch to the sexurity cameras and went back onto the public sidewalk. Even the coach of St. Francis baseball team knew I was correct in being disgusted by the Carrie Underwood promotion within an expensive Catholic school that HAD a decent reputation in the past.

Spiritual battle over and I technically won because I told them the truth in order to help them reconsider their error and in return the staff called the police in a manner that might not have been much different than Larry MIzewski in Rhinelander after I delivered accurate spiritual pointers. FOUR, not 1, St. Francis squad cars surrounded me, and I told them that I know I did not commit any crimes. The asked me  the usual questions, asked for my identification, did not force me to give them my phone number, found out I was 'not wanted' and once again I was told never to return to a site that I had entered with perfectly GOOD intentions. For some reason, the Thomas More staff was particularily offended by the Israel flag I waved in  the air once off their semi-private property. The St. Francis police were professional and polite, just as the Charlotte police were before Loran Livingston's Central Church of God thugs decided they didn't want someone to notice just how much in the wrong direction they were going.

Once again, I cried alone after a  spiritual battle I did not expect since crying in front of 'coppers' might have ruined their day. Maybe I wanted the coppers to know it is fine to be grouchy after observing such a high level of hypocrisy within a Catholic school. Was it my 'Mathieu Roy' 33 jersey that really was what scared the anti-saint women or their hatred for prophets and signs of Israel? Some Milwaukee Journal writer might want to do some follow up to let the community know that Thomas More HIgh School does NOT represent Yeshua of Naerath's point of view since he was anti-idol.

In order to protect myself, I switched int my 'MIchael Bennet' Viking jersey and went to the zone where I was once allowed to play music from 'The Messiah' by Handel rather than be forced to see posters of Dolly Parton, the immoral equivelent of Carrie Underwood. A few more tears, and I decided to get treated properly in a large diner called 'Anodyne' with a familiar 224 West Bruce address. I knew I did not want to take a sad or weakened spirit to my next place of visitation where I knew I would be treated kindly and welcomed with actual spirit of love.

Before I returned to my rental unit for the night, I stopped in a place where men of the Isalmic faith were gathered to lighten my burdens and try to allow my bruised spirit  to be repaired. A kind and wise, God-fearing man named Muhammed served me chamomile tea after I reported I had an upset stomach and as he sat with me, I explained how I felt being a mother with a son who treats me as though I am dead. News that my son adopted a child seemed improbable but might be true, and I have no reason to expect I will ever hear any of my son's children call me 'Grandma' or 'G'. Although Muhammed agreed that a child who fears God must treat his parents decently, he seemed surprised that I said I dod not try to contact my son inFrance anymore.  He said he will pray to God that my son returns to me and that I should hope for the best for my son. A bot more discussion and the final conclusion was that I should focus on my parents, obey the commandments and love them and ignore my son since he has already rejected my advice and my God repeatedly. Muhammed said I should make sure I take care of my own health and that drugs and pills are not the proper way to combat agony, and of course I agreed with his opinion. I left the assembly on 9th and Layton with a smile on my face, a reminder that I should keep the commandments of my God even if my son chooses not to and  that I did not sin or commit any crimes in during the battles I faced in Wisconsin.

Muhammed became a trusted cupbearer and a burden bearer on the start of the 46th omer day and  MilwaukeeThomas More HIgh School should be ashamed that chose to choose Carrie Underwood to be part of their unholy and historically ignorant campus.  Thankfully, St. Francsi police did not fine my for have a car interior that appearred disorderly and they should suggest that Catholic school call the Swiss army if they need some force to keep more facts away from their ears and prophets away from their line of vision.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Omer Day 45: Adulterous Man Record Spin

This article will not acquit any married man who is guilty of adultery but will instruct the adulterous man who has chosen concubines without his wife's knowledge or consent how to be converted from the errs of his ways.  When I worked on MIlwaukee district 2 squads alone, I had a reputation for being to advise as many incidents as possible in order to prevent longer response times due to lengthier handwritten reports being required for alternative dispositions. Advising a situation is better than getting a report wrong, and one of the most serious errs is claiming a victim (I) did not want to press charges when I stated I DID and still do want to press charges against obstructors (lied to investigating officers) Shane David Hendrikson,Vincent LoCicero and the father of Richard Edwin Xavier for neglecting to pay appropriate child support and for refusing to take a court ordered paternity test. Consider the word 'concubine' to be a woman  who you have had sexual intercourse with but who is not your legal spouse due to lack of witnesses to your unholy non-matrimony joint physical and sinful ventures.

There are very few ways to get a person with a guilty conscience to a point of a clear conscience with the good intent to continue living in order to prove they are worthy of forgiveness, but my intent is to try to convince those with an unseared, active guilty conscience to repent and be willing to start to live a proper life rather than continue to destroy their own life and the lives of others on earth.

A) 1. If you have not discontinued your current adulterous relationship, you do not have any way to avoid being declared 'guilty' by a group of people who are holier than your current peers .  I have listed below much more than 2 pro-life 'saved by grace' options so that you don't choose to opt out with some anti-merciful 'bi-polar disorder' excuse for your sin.
  2. Once you look at yourself in the mirror and openly state 'I am guilty of breaking a covenant' the worst part is trying to stone yourself. I guess it is possible to stone yourself and that might be why some people who have been in adulterous relationships end up murdering themselves; this is not an article loaded with fictional, unrealistic possibilities for people who have chosen to break their marriage covenant .  If you think you are worthy of  the death penalty for committing adultery, will you  be your own god after appointing yourself as jury and judge? If you decide to be your own god in your own 'adulterous man' case, seek a second opinion and find someone who is willing to advise you to stop sinning. Be humble enough to trust a peace officer or a living local saint stoned with one of the tribes of Israel stones to give you good life-changing advice rather than causing your family more pain and suffering than they probably deserve.
 3. If you decide that the death sentence is not yet required in your case knowing your concubine is not interested in testifying against you, tell your concubine  that you have sinned against your wife and have chosen to sin no more.  This is a very biblical approach called 'confessing your ins one to another'.Tell your concubine she should also stop sinning and pray that she takes your advice.
 4. If you have chosen to repent but your concubine has not chosen to repent, inform your concubine that if she touches you again you will file sexual assault charges against her. This is a risky choice since she may decide to tattle to your wife at this point, but remember that an adulterous man is guilty, is a danger to himself and to others and there is no way to escape some sort of punishment if you really have started to believe in a truthful God who would rather see you repent than get stoned to death.

B) 1.  If you were an adulterous male many years or even many months ago, have since returned to your first love and never have had 2 people willing to testify against you, you should still declare yourself guilty and order yourself to a the good works/release program. Once you release yourself into a public setting and release your concubine with the hope she gets attracted to an unmarried man, you must order yourself to a lifetime of good community works in order to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Some adulterous men are fearful for the rest of their lives that their concubine is going to publicly admit they were your concubine, but most concubines rather not admit they were sinning with a married man especially after they realized the adulterous man is not  worth dying for . Remind yourself that committing adultery is NOT good works and it is not allowed as an activity in your work/release program.
2. If you have been an adulterous male, you have the right to tell your spouse you have been an adulterous male, and if you want to increase the chances you will get the death penalty, tell her who your concubine was. In this case, an angry spouse might decide to call the local police and see if they will file charges against you and your former partner in crime. If the responding officers refuse to take the report unless your spouse can come up with 2 witnesses willing to testify against you and your concubine, who knows if your wife will  try to kill you and your concubine 'as seen on typical USA TV programs?  I guarantee you that I am not 'who' so i don't know what the outcome of your out-of-court civil trials and tribulations will be. If in fact you sinned against  a good wife and she hasn't been committing adultery against you, she rather cry and get the divorce she desires and deserves rather than spend her life in prison for refusing to forgive repentant sinners who discontinued sinning against her and against God.
3. If you ever intentionally or unintentionally are face to face with a woman you chose as a concubine but didn't love enough to take her as your wife, tell her you were guilty of  adultery and ask her to forgive you for being a depraved, weak male who was wrong for breaking his marriage covenant, emphasizing the point that you should have tried to find an unmarried male for her rather than sin with her.  If you are unable to do this, expect bad results when you try to pass the '13 sieves' test and you find out what it means when the guilty cannot be acquitted by a just and holy God.
4. If your concubine lost interest in you, it is most likely because she realized you didn't really love her and you were just 'using her' or better yet, she became a saint and has no interest in testifying against both of you because after she declared herself 'guilty' rather than acquit herself, she chose the 'go and sin no more option' also know as the voluntary lifetime of good works and release of an adulterous man back into the community to be judged by some other entity eventually..
5. A concubine who has 'wised up' spiritually will be thankful you chose to stop committing adultery with her before 2 witnesses could testify against her in a courtroom. When you 'wise up', it's kind of like getting raptured because you meet with some anti-sin Lord in the air rather than meeting with and taking advice from habitual sinners on the ground.

Unlike Mark Gunger, I don't believe that you can laugh your way to a better marriage. I believe you can repent your way out of a mindset that has been focused too much on sexual activities and not focused enough on fasting, holy behavior and proper etiquette. Do not hate or abuse your spouse if and when your spouse becomes more like a faithful household servant and does not want to be your sex slave who has to 'perform' like an R-rated movie whore or get punished.

I hope my very serious advice and anti-adultery pro-life options will convince humans with the desire to be good citizens to stop  watching,employing or paying to see depraved actors such as Sharon Case, Phyllis Stafford or Richard Gere in anti-Christ films such as 'Fatal Attraction'.

Jose Reyes vs. Richard Isaiah Hendrikson??

In order to solve certain problems started by people who are unlike me I choose to openly reveal the problems first. Some people don't care when other people sin or commit crimes and as a result those that are not blessed are not  seriously warned or actually punished enough to stop their evil behavior, stop sinning and  willingly BEGIN a process of obeying existing laws. If you are 'under' the wrong god, you will not be corrected properly.

Here is a New York vs. Milwaukee contrast test with the real answers not always obvious at this time due to lack of cooperation by people who want to hide their real motive for creating strong delusions.

1. Jose Reyes of the New York Mets is about the same age as my anti-commandmentist son currently living somewhere on France who most recently was known as 'Richard Isaiah Hendrikson'.

2. I used to be a co worker of Jose Reyes at the same time I was the mother of my son known as Richard Edwin Ortiz in 1993, who later legally became 'Richard Isaiah Hendrikson' by means of a Marathon County Wisconsin Court document.

3. The Jose Reyes mentioned in '2' was on the MIlwaukee Police Department with me, but was only my co-worker, not my friend. I never have been employed by the New York Mets.

4. Wanda Bones, wife of Ricky Bones according to Wikipedia, has probably never lodged in housing on Wanda Court in Milwaukee. Do not confuse Ricky Bones with Ricky Xavier who attended the 88th Street French immersion school.

5.Here is the very serious 'work out your salvation with fear and trembling' contrast question:
Would Jose Reyes of Milwaukee Wisconsin be more likely to lie about the activities he has done on or off duty with co-workers than Jose Reyes of the New York Mets?

6. Would Jose Reyes of the New York Mets be more likely to literally contact my former employees and former husband who intentionally committed crimes against me, suggesting they repent and obey the laws of the 'God' they have claimed to trust in that Jose Reyes of MIlwaukee? Psalm 37 is not a nursery school rhyme. It is my desire to have one or both of my former employees and former husbands repent so that they will be spared from facing worse adversaries who will not be willing to shore them any mercy or instruct them in how to properly head toward a clear conscience and away from a seared conscience which is the leading cause of total depravity.

7. Considering contrast question 6, does wealth alone really allow people more opportunities to assist other human beings after retirement or does a history of being willing to help other humans for less income cause retired people to avoid becoming self-indulgent lazy earthlings who flock to casinos and other expensive play-pens?  Potential saints, the holy remnant of Israel should use their expertise to help their 'neighbor' who no longer has any faith in USA government systems but still has trust in the instructions delivered to the people affiliated with Eldad and Medad types.  Good angels want the most trustworthy people to get sealed with 144,000 or get reassigned to necessary offense with 'Abaddon' against those who have been warned to clear their own crimes but have chosen NOT to because they still love their sin and hate the victims of their sin.

8. I cannot predict just how evil angels will continue to influence and deploy humans under their power because I no longer can think like an evil angel since it is now against my sanctified anti-sin nature. Susan Lucci is an example of an evil human who gets paid to sin and is deployed by demonic angels, since Lucci and her co-workers deliver messages which are contrary to my good and holy God's conduct code.   Susan Lucci and other staged show specialists are so artificial, so unnatural and so deceptive they are nothing more than morally ill, often wealthy trick-or-treaters deceiving others on a daily basis even though such wicked humans can't deceive the elect who might 'see'  electronic images but would never trust Susan Lucci types and certainly would never choose to dine with Susan Lucci types. The 8th point sometimes is as light as a locust.

Planet X Seen In Chicago Botanical Gardens

Let me assure you that planet X is not the earth's biggest problem. If you travel on human of locust foot (12" either way) to 'Evening Island' in the Chicago Botanical Gardens you should be able to find the landing spot of planet X, just as I did. It is clearly marked with a yarn 'X' and seems to be harmless unless you go past it without proper clearance from the owner of  planet X.  Unlike the moon which was never meant to be trampled by humans or locusts, planet X can be walked on and can handle almost any weight on top of it under 1 ton without causing very much damage to its rather hard surface.

If planet X gets punted to you area, the punter will end up with a fractured foot, not with Wanda Bones. If you get hit with planet X, it could kill you so reasonable fear of having planet X land on you is recommended in case it gets cast out in your direction. The Chicago Botanical Garden is still better for real good angels to deploy themselves to than Disneyland, a casino or an anti-oxygen tank division. Since I did say I would rather be dead than be a billionaire, I'm thankful I am alive, healthy enough and wealthy enough to walk on my own 2 sandals for hours, pay the $30 fee to get into the best semi-private garden in Illinois AND have enough money left over to buy a ticket on the shady side of MIller Park to stare at ripe grain designs on Shavuot!

Now for the bad news. I regret to inform myself that Charles Richard LeBeau is no longer with the good Titans; he would have been better off coaching the Laval Titans if he doesn't have enough moral defensive skills to force the Nashville Titan cheerleaders out of the stadium and into a job at Dollywood where they would blend in better with Nashville Predator fans.

Since it sometimes my desire to help my enemy, I will offer a St. Matthew Murray cheer that good fans can use after a goal is scored against any goalie:

'That's all right, that's OK, they're trying to miss you any way so get,get,get get,get,get get up again!'

To avoid syntax error, remember during the above 'love the goalie' chher, They're' refers to the hockey players in the game, not to rubber rats in Florida.

If you live to read my nest post, I will try to address Jose Reyes double problems  instead of insulting Royalite ship history.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

News Larry Mizewski Is Afraid Of

Here is the type of news that makes anti-Bible people such as Larry Mizewski kick you out of their witchy or simplistic liberal atheist cults:

A) New moon sighted in Michigan without a police aid or a telescope.
B) The start of the 3rd Israelite month has commenced for the gimel team, the Gad team, the Levi team and the Wisconsin Badger's red billiard ball team.
C) The word of the start of  day #1866 in my  official post-divorce anti-Nazi pro-commandmentist survival series a swift swallow in Hebrew is the same as the word for liberty and purity, but not  the word for justice.   The word #1866 is a sign of life and is superior to word #3979, which is a dagger which cannot save anyone but might be able to butcher a chicken or a deer according to Muslim or Israelite standards for necessary blood drainage.
D) A swift swallow that is pure swallows water, not what Wray Young or Shane David Hendrikson or  might be able to produce from their impure bodies with or without the help of Viagra.
E) Some principality should set up the following  in some legal physical or mental pro-Truth competition:
1. Rodney Weary and Rodney Young, the Copper Trojan unit vs. Rod Allen and Carl Allen, Jr. the 'celebrity pair'
2. Paul Coffey and The All-Trib Penguin Team vs.  Trevor Thompson and the #1154th immature grape squad
3. James Miller, Eric Moore and Arthur Jones of Milwaukee vs. James Craig (Detroit), Dennis Drazkowski (Milwaukee) and Virgil Smith ( Gratior, WI) (spiritual retraining match) On each of thiese team I already contacted the 'middle man' face to face to see what power they had to help proper felony charges be filed against Shane David Hendrikson and/or  his attorney, Stuart Rottier.
4. Rodney Hicks and Robert Smith #386ers vs. John Hicks and Kevin Smith BIg Game Boys

In each of the above match ups, the winning team become part of the 28th Blue Kangaroo team and the losing team reflects the  Wickersham brown toad stool attitude ( not of much use in a real battle against unapprehended felons such Vincent Locicero as Shane David Hendrikson

F) It is better to fight hard and in a holy manner to protect out own homeland than deploy more legal USA citizens oversees, so try not to be afraid of active military presence in USA cities and suburban areas if the USA citizens aren't behaving properly.

G) Robert Skaradzynski of MIlwaukee vs. Mike Fisher of Nashville as a 'captain'.  I already know Fisher will lose this match-up due to his moral depravity, but some points have to proven eventually before people begin to realize the importance of the Hebrew 14th letter 'Nun'

H) Robin Ortiz of Milwaukee vs. David Ortiz of the Boston Red Sox in an abiiity to properly repent of their past sins, whatever they may be.

I) Once again, I won't be going to nasty Hodag area, even though no one would ever be able to get a restraining order against me for my interest in badge numbers assignments and Strong's concordance order. My interests are what make me unique, and my interests  aren still just as legal as playing billiards at 'The Sidelines' in Charlotte, NC.

J) This is the most serious point, whether you are a Ramadan type, a Shavuot type or a D-Day type. It is actually extremely BAD planning to put all the sports team play pens into a small area, such as they are doing in Detroit. I refer to the Pistons, Redwings, Tigers and Lions  home fields as 'play pen' areas because play goes on in central Detroit, including too much casino play. There comes a time when you have to learn to love a good and holy God more than you love your hometown and sports teams, especially if the sports teams have 'cheerleaders' that are morally repulsive and actually depraved in conduct. If I was a decent football player who was getting ready to sign a contract with the Steelers of the Bears, I would have a special clause in my contract that if team cheerleaders are added to the home field, I could get out my contract and receive a full payout for my remaining salary due. It is sometimes like an illegal draw when a player signs with a morally decent team and then the team becomes morally indecent, such as the Detroit Lions decided to do in recent years. Players such as Ameer Abdullah might have been drawn tot he Detroit Lions because they did NOT have cheerleaders before and now if he is pure at heart he should be disgusted, as I am, with the direction that the Detroit Lions have chosen to go in..

K) In contrast but similar to Detroit is Pittsburgh, but honestly, Pittsburgh teams are more likely to be protected by good principalities because of their 'rated G' home play pens Idiom:. Even an immature grape needs a decent area to ripen in if it is going to become useful to society.

M) Wisconsin has it's play pens some distance apart, and I certainly would not go to a Milwaukee Bucks game because they have too much play in their fishy games and not enough desire to be holy. I'd only go to a Green Bay Packers game with my brother Robert because my brother Robert works hard to produce a good and decent product in Wisconsin and he also knows how to grill good food!

N) The proper N word for Juneteenth Day is Namenstikov or Noll, not 'nigger' or 'Norway'. This is an important 'Chuck Norris type' legal immigrant vocabulary matter. since the Larry Mizewski types still do more damage than good with their anti-Biblical audibles.

P) 536.9 is  the  scientific Phosporous constant for the Andrew Brunette and Sean Whyte Sudbury 800 series for anti-bipolar students. Heaping facts into your mind can prevent you from being disturbed by strong delusions.

O) Choose Osgood or Okra in the Krovokrasov middle for your Kevin O'Leary lines. Choose Ottawa or Zirbel and the Badger 8 balls for you Jerome O'Leary lines. Please notice x=10 or y=Willie Parker codes, but do not disturb the Po=84 or the Miroslav Satan lines necessary for MIlwaukee German School testing. This is pure Milwaukee Squad 50 Marie Xavier Badge#1532 advice. If you want angelic #1532 advice, go back to and work on the E line.

Checking Labels From Behind

Often, humans put labels on other humans they did not originally have. Just as the contents of a can of Bumblebee Tuna doesn't change on the inside even if you change the label, humans don't change automatically just because you change their label. For instance, Arthur Jones is not Todd JOnes, even if you put a 'Speedo'  signed by Theodore Jackson on Todd Jones and put a  Pj. Stcok#42  Bruins jersey on Athur Jones.  Roy Benford and I would be able be able to tell the difference between our fellow retired policeman Arthur Jones of MIlwaukee and Detroit Tigers oddballTodd Jones.   Someone else might be able to tell the difference between Verbie Swanigan and Lynn Swann and really smart people can tell the difference between Benjamin Sheets and 'Hillary Clinton toilet paper' makers. Peter Gunn might be a Gunnite, be he isn't the scarecrow who ended up with 'fire arms' in the Wizard of Oz' foolish anti-reality productions devised to try to make children like witches rather than teaching them what a good Nun looks like..

There are 2 kinds of labels that humans have. Verbal labels are  given, legal names and 'nicknames'. Since I listen to 'Joined To Hashem' to hear a perspective I might not have on a subject, Mr. Claytone won't mind me starting with him for an example of verbal labels. On the May 26,20017 'Living Torah' series,  Clayton was talking about 'eyeballs'. If you worked for the city of MIlwaukee Police department at District 2, a typical human ( not a saint and unholy by conduct) with bad manners  was labeled 'Jeffrey Mantz' on squad assignments and was called 'eyeballs' by co-workers.  Jeffrey Mantz, like many typical humans, probably never wants other people to know every sin he has committed, and only those people he sinned in front of or with might be able to uncover what he is trying to hide.  If his sins continue to be hidden from the public but he has gone from typical deptaved humasn to a saint in behavior, it was because HE chose to become more than a son of man and has chosen to become an spiritually adopted son of a good 'father' who teaches him how to behave like a saint instead of like a typical depraved human.  I have nothing good to say about Jeffrey Mantz and Mantz probably has nothing good to say about me, but I am not part of the Mantz 'eyeballs' family for a good reason.  Mantz's outer label would change from police uniform to labels that he chose off duty, but the outer clothing, a form of a label, did not change what Mantz was spiritually or physically. Labels only change what an ONLOOKER sees, even when looking in a mirror.

Mr. Clayton hasn't revealed his full name to his audience. so it is difficult to know what label to put on him. I don't think calling him a 'brick' seems proper, but based on his experience I verbally labeled him a 'Gun Knight' because he is more like a 'Gun Knight' by choice not by birth. Clayton likes telling people he is a firearm's instructor. Clayton is the son of a man, most likely not the son of an Israeli Gunnite', but the Gunnites were part of the Israelites mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures, unlike a Brickner or a brick. Audible perspective can change when 'eyeballs' that work properly see a WORD that more clearly defines the audible.  Clayton used to have a USA Army label, but he no longer wants to wear that outer label for a reasonable spiritual reason, just as some other might never want to wear a shirt that says ' America's Team is Hitler's Train Remnant ' even though the Dallas Cowboy team is more like Hitler's disciples than disciples of a Good Shepherd who wants his flock to be perfect and holy.

Every time you cover yourself with clothing, you put labeling on yourself  that changes how other people's eyeballs see you. As a child, many of us were forced to wear what we might not have picked out for ourselves if we had proper adult supervision overseeing our wardrobe. When I wore a 'Favre' label in front of Mr. Paul D. Coffey, Mr. Coffey called me 'Brett' not Marie because he did not know my name. 'Favre' was a communications opener, but before I left Bolton Toyota, Mr. Coffey knew what my legal 'label' was and still is. What Mr. Coffey doesn't know is that I am a natural Swedowski under my labels and the daughter of 'El Elohey Yisrael' by choice, so I am the daughter of  Edwin Swedowski (man) and the daughter of  El Elohey Yisrael (#415 in Strong's order), which means the mighty God of Israel........

The daughter or the son of father is a fleshly remnant of the original man, which is not the same as being a father even if many of our behavioral qualities are alike and acceptable in each other's sight and hearing range. The daughter or a son of 'God' is a chosen (elect) remnant  of the God we worship by choice, but being part of the same piece of cloth means we are alike in content but not identical in  appearance, since a remnant is a DIVISION of a piece of cloth.

Yes, there are reasonable arguments to say that the son of Joseph and Mary, Yeshua, is the son of God, behaves like God, has the qualities of God but isn't technically 'God the father'.  Labels matter because they influence those with hearing and those with sight. if 'Truth is the Daughter  of God', Truth is the product of a mother and a father and the mother and father must then be the 'Godhead' in Dryden's example, since a child is the product of 2 beings who are labeled the same by FAMILY names but who are not labeled the same in first names or attire for a reason.

I hope I jolted your 'ragdoll' theory or properly moved the direction your 'eyeballs' are going with the Gun Knight and Rico Cortes Spainish divisions.   We must be careful, since I once had the label 'Elizabeth Squidbreaker'  on a computer game but now prefer 'Cooler Locust'  or 'Angel 1532' or 'Brunette Swede'.  If you have a label choice, choose decently and wisely lest you end up like Tom Brady or Ezekiel Elliott, working for working evil,unholy bosses and working against( thereby becoming an enemy of) Yeshua and El Elhey Yisrael. Employment choices have consequences.

There should be a new moon tonight, it's the 30th day of the 2nd or 8th month depending on your Ramada and Ramadan Adams family perspective.  It's also the 42nd day of the Omer count, and I no longer have a '42' to wear, since my first Sharper 42 jersey was stolen from me while I was jailed in Israel and my replacement theology jersey was left behind in a Steelers training camp in Latrobe.

Could it be 'Between the Sheets' day without a poker game ? Sure! I hate poker chips, but not good pitchers of fresh Shelby, Michigan water!  Serious Dawn Nowak, daytime, dusk and night stick adjustments might have to be made at Tower Chicken and Tower of Power record spinners.

Try to live holy and keep learning, since the ark of the covenant has no wheels and trains called 'America' do have wheels.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Semi Private Room For Composing Scenes

Shabbat is here and without visitors, it's like being in a semi private assembly. Today I have very limited access to internet broadcasts I am able to listen to. At such times, it a reminder that is would make no sense to get angry because a system that I am not in control of and that I didn't create isn't working properly. To compensate for the lack of intake I usually listen to on Friday night, I will pour out some explanations to those who do not understand what their neighbor might be doing in times of loneliness, duress, brilliance or  activites that involve faith in something or some one other than themselves.

A musical composer often sets alone as the look at a blank sheer of paper. The musician's head is filled with facts, tunes, knowledge and variables that might be able to START something they might or might not finish. The goal of the musician is sometimes only to entertain themselves and others OR to relay a message in a form that not everyone will understand. If they manage to 'finish' a musical composition, it is unknown if anyone other than them will ever appreciate the music or find it beneficial to their audible inputs, but the musician did exactly what the musician intended to do when a sheet of paper is filled with notes that actually do something to the composer and might mean something extremely important to someone who is a friend, an disciple, an adversary , an enemy or a competing entertainer of the musician. Often, the musician is interested in selling their composition.

I approach a hockey locker room board in the same way. I enter a room that is semi-private and usually look at a blank dry erase board. My mind is filled with facts,names, knowledge, history and prophetic variables that cause me to START a visual composition on a board but that might not come to a final note that day. My goal is to outwardly process inward information so I either have a thought plan for the day or points of reference to look back to, ponder as I might ponder a symphony, and usually to try to reveal areas of conflict, joy or reasonable outlooks on my past and days ahead without hurting myself or others physically. I know exactly why every part of what is on the board has been placed there, just as a musician knows exactly why every note and musical marking is on a musical composition.

When the victim of a unsolved or unresolved crime  leaves a semi private room where they have been treated for trauma, it is common for some other expert to take the information they received from the victim and ideally help the real, sorrowful victim rectify an extremely sad and painful incident so that the victim obtains mercy and has an ability to go on offense against the criminal that caused him or her damage. The outpouring of past,present and future facts is a real way a person can defend their position, retain their ability to communicate and remain creative enough in how they deal with forms of pain and suffering that they never need to pop a dangerous pill that often leads to worse brain function. Ignoring what has happened in the past and refusing to consider various strategies to plan for future defensive tactics is NOT a good plan for a living human being that still patiently waits for the day or the  year when all liars, thieves and habitual sinners will finally be properly punished for their deplorable acts of unrighteousness.

Semi trucks move along but do not always care about the cargo they are moving. I care about the information I choose to move along information in very old and reliable ways. I care about the people that receive my communication deliveries, and hope they someday understand why I have written and posted some very complicated compositions that are supposed to accomplish more than a polonaise or a minuet.   My desire is that other angelic forces are somehow working with me, knowing that unrepentant anti-commandmentists are still working against me and I realize that might see a dangerous enemy much sooner than I see a holy hero face to face so I prepare my mindset accrdingly.

On a rare occasion, there is nothing but good news and optimism on one of my intricate locker room  dry erase board scenes.  I suppose that happens when I think another viewer of my semi private board scenes needs something to make them smile or laugh.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Overcoming Fear of New Hockey Skates

This report has nothing  to do with Bonilla vs. Bauer  or Morton vs. Norris.  Certain fears are cast out for a reason. For instance, if your mother is a God-fearing woman and God starts helping your mother, you better start having some fear of what your mother reports to her righteous pro-commandment God in either written complaint form or audibles. If your mother has proper fear of God's actions against all liars, she will only report the truth to God, not make up lies.

Today, I had to overcome fear of new hockey skates. Even though an ill-mannered buffoon from the LaPeer area blasphemed and said I didn't have any skill, my limited skills in hockey skates cause me to dislike blade edges that are too sharp and  causes me to go extremely slow when trying out new hockey skates.  I'm not afraid of frozen water on top of concrete slabs, and whoever put 9 TEABAGS out on the rink today  might as well have put Burke or Higgins on the ice to slow me down. Thankfully, Mr. D. Kennedy of R. Polytech Institute, was a one-of-a -kind athlete that endured to the end of the shift to help me off the rink in case I broke one or both of my legs stumbling over  9 TEABAGS.   Sure, Adam Oates wasn't there to represent RPI, but M.S.O.E. Patrick Lebeau questions made it into the audible section.

If you ever have to skate in brand new hockey skates, it helps to wear one of your most lame jerseys possible. In my case, I wore a M.I.T. #1 jersey since everyone knows MIT doesn't have a good hockey team AND their tuition is totally unreasonable. There were no Mosinee captains there to encourage me, no not one. Richie Hendrikson#23, Brock Kuklinski#4, Corey Kasper #17and Cody Davidowski#10 are only vague memories in my extremely bright brain waves, but they are not fictional characters.

Not all clubs are comedy clubs. For instance, if you look at a picture of 4 Indians lined up in front of a camera, picture yourself BEHIND them, not facing them like a cameraman who doesn't know what hard labor really is.  I tried to recall as much as I could about each captain from Mosinee in 2001, and I came up with the following facts, based on logistics type analysis and quite a bit of objective non-optimistic 'modus operadus' expertise:

#23: Failed conflict resolution opportunities. Shot his mother (me) in the back with  paintball at close range and thought that was funny, but it was a terrible event planned by terrible protestants from Good News Baptist Church in Mosinee. Comes from a' broken home' and has 3 father-figures in his past, Todd Jackson aka 'Xavier', Robin Michael Ortiz and Shaner Dog Hendrikson. He does not have 3 mothers in his past. More likely to try and save  a Michael Jordan jersey from a firepit  than make a serious effort attempt to become a pro-commandmentist Israelite in order to avoid ending up like Roland Hendrikson, 'Mr. Slade' in 'The Cinncinnati Kid' or Shane David Hendrikson.

#4: His mother Gail Kuklinski claims she is Jewish but does not behave anything like the real tribe of Judah would. Brock lived on Jackson Street in Mosinee and his father is like Donald Trump because he chose bankruptcy rather than properly paying back what he owed to those who put as much faith in him as they did into Samatha Must of the Detroit area or Samatha Stevens of Canada.

#17: Most likely is smarter than Tim McGraw in verbal output. Was dating a Mosinee singer and lived on HIghway 153, not in the 153 Dry Cleaning place next to the Sala Thai V diner in Shelby, MI.

#10 Cody Davidowski. Might be good at Ten codes, and might even believe in the original commandments.  Could be like the king of clubs in a deck of cards, but not like the 7 of spades or the queen of hearts.

I wonder how much good or bad influence their hockey coaches had on them over the years compared to the influence that Bob Raczek had on Stevens Point Pacelli football players. Somewhere along the hockey road, maybe too much Greek ideology and Roman or atheist theology prevented many hockey players from becoming good children as ADULTS.  Yes, I am still a child of my parents just as Jesse Raczek is a child of Bob Raczek, but my parents are still alive and reasonable healthy for their age. They are not regular folks, they are blessed to have 3 children who love them, communicate with them, appreciate them and respect them even if they are not perfect.

I see quite a few negative reminders as I go to and from the Troy Sports Arena for my physical and mental health care sessions.   A 'Rockwood' camper is a negative reminder, just as a P&G tea box is a negative reminder of a female guest from England who was skilled at games but unskilled in more important tasks such as gardening, police work and escaping the trends of anti-commandmentists such as Shane David Hendrikson. The Rockwood Roo camper I helped purchase was redecorated with mich skill and frugal efforts, only to be inhabited at his Catholic/Lutheran parent's Elcho lakefront property by Shane Hendrikson's 3rd wife figure while he was still married to me, so I suppose that makes him some sort of polygamist at mindset by definition. When such blatant anti-Christ adulterous behavior was not even hidden from Shane Hendrikson's parents, your parents must be very depraved or lack fear of God.  In order to be sanctified, changes in bahavior are supposed to go from 'bad' to 'good', not from bad to good to horrible and totally depraved.

I know I did not commit adultery anytime between my May 16, 1998 wedding vows and the point of receiving an divorce request which broke our covenant. I had never sought out any other male companionship even though I was extremely unhappy with the man who legally adopted my son at times. I know I went from bad to good, and then when a spouse becomes a horrible anti-commandmentist, a felon, a liar and a divorce petitioner, even a good person might stumble when searching for a different shoulder to lean on. Sometimes, a rejected bride knows her own father is too weak to see all the pain and too weak to lean on, and the rejected bride sins. If the rejected bride does not repent of her sin, she ends up becoming another unloved concubine to another anti-commandmentist. Thankfully, I never went from good to horrible and have resisted becoming another fool's concubine.

A fool  chooses to leave a decent spouse rather than temporarily split and get proper counseling in order to avoid 'broken home' problems that cause so much emotional, physical and financial suffering in the 'free world'.  Changes in appreanace can be troubling, especially if an all-natural spouse starts desiring plastic surgery to alter their appearance for vanity purposes only, surgical tummy tucks and diet pill-popping rather than choosing a good health care and exercise routine. A wise spouse retains patience, hope and has reasonable fear of covenant breaking so decides to put proper lifetime effort into their non-atheist marriage.

I suppose the thought of  another marriage attempt is about as frightening to me as skating with brand new hockey skates sometimes, but giving up on hockey is not what I want to do at this point in my life since it has helped me recover from serious brain trauma caused by many years of asthma-related oxygen depravation.  I watch and study my parents, just as I  watched and studied Paul and Lorraine Mielke of Knowlon, Andrew and Evelyn Biene of Bevent, Bill and Ginny Taylor of Milwaukee,  Bob and Theresa Heminger of St. Clair, MI and Theresa and Francis Lindeman of Wasaga Beachand, since their examples of a loving marriage always will look like a wonderful miracle to me.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

2-Headed German Beast Dines in Shelby Township

 Good news first: I decided to eat lunch at Sala Thai Restaurant and sat in booth 3 at about 12:30om on May 23rd, 2017. I ordered Crispy Duck in a brown sauce, and after tasting quite a bit of it, I decided to ask what the base of the brown sauce was made from.  I was surprised to find out that oyster sauce was used, not a beef base, and realized the duck sauce recipe was 'dirty and unclean', not clean. The waitress from Jordan understood that some people do not ear certain foods and she replaced my meal with what I had originally requested, namely crispy boneless duck with curry sauce. My sin was unintentional and it was not that easy of a decision to let the duck in brown sauce get disposed of, but if I continued to eat the oystered duck it would have been intentional sin. Shortly after I entered the diner, 2 other humans sat in booth 2 just to the east of me.

Now for the horrible warning for people who refuse to stop thinking all veterans are 'good' and worthy of financial benefits.  A male with a European accent stated he was in Army special forces and was trained to eat  anything and everything in order to survive. He mentioned things like a 'maroon passport' that got him through international borders. He claimed he  was a 'lifetime' military man and went on to brag about his various antics and about his anti-saint training from USA government officials. I listened with neutral ears, than asked if he knew that Hitler's train was called 'America'. The German man said he knew that, and I recalled the evil human with his 'green light offensive' stating 'This is America' as he was strangling funds from my HOA dues to use unholy forces against me and others who do not want Christmas trash pushed onto the entire nation. The 'special forces' husband. dining with his wife, stated they originally from Germany and claimed they are now USA citizens. He mentioned such things as the 'tet offensive' and I briefed him on French 9 lines.  I asked them if they had any religious affiliations and they claimed to be atheists. I asked if they knew that even atheists have to obey the laws of the United States even if they don't choose to believe in wiser holy leadership typically referred to as a 'god'. I was disgusted when the arrogant German atheist woman stated she does not have to obey the USA laws, as her arrogant and very stupid husband stood by her. The German woman spoke treasonous words when she stated she did not have to obey USA laws and sadly,her attitude is just like Shane David Hendrikson with Stuart Rottier by his side in a courtroom.  The couple left at about 2:15pm, I did not get their license plate and certainly could not verify if he really served in the United States military. All I can do is report that they are atheists and spoke treasonous words of lawlessness after complaining about the current president. The couple had plenty of intelligence, but they lacked wisdom, lacked a conscience and lacked the ability to be corrected for their intentional sins and intentional treasonous words against the United States of America.

Great swelling words promoting a spirit of lawlessness is one defining mark of an anti-Christ and a danger to society.   Let me again remind you of the following examples:

Total depravity: a) enjoys sinning in front of cameras  b) unwilling to repent  c) ignores prophetic warnings  d) ignores or resists good suggestions of current living holy man and holy women  e) accumulates excessive wealth due to lack of charity, which is part of love. Carrie Underwood, wife of Mike Fisher, is a typical totally depraved human being, of which there are way too many in the United States.

Depraved mind: a) willing to repent only for certain sins but unwilling to repent for other sins that are just as bad or worse  b) sins in private and puts on a 'Christian show' or legal political acts in public  c)  might decide to obey national laws but rejects biblical commandments  which prevents him from becoming purified d) the depraved person is best off getting 'caught' by good police if he is an obvious law breaker, after which he might have some chance of getting changed by faith in his ability to stop sinning during jail time.

Purified mind: a) has the intent to be lawful, even if he doesn't know every law b) fills his study time learning the statutes, precepts and words of the God he  believes can make him innocent not guilty before a judge  c) has no need to change behaviors typical daily public conduct because his lifestyle is consistent  d) knows to limit private physical intimacy to contact with his spouse and does not exceed 'rated G' conduct in public  e) exists often as a holy, decent and good 'oddball' and is extremely scarce on the face of the earth   f) might not understand Tony Robinson's chiastic Bible studies but is not afraid of good codes and systems of prophetic writing

I prefer to report and try to teach  others rather than pretend I haven't seen or heard from horrible veterans and treasonous citizens in person from time to time.  Who knows is the words 'Let's make America Great again' wasn't referring to Hitler's train movement?  Personally, I think 'Let's Make The United States Holy For a Change' would have been a better slogan for a candidate that is too wise to marry a bikini model lacking a proper internal moral compass.  A reminder that many Polish military men were martyred in Katyn when 2 anti-Commandment forces merged into Poland should remind the living saints that atheism is not a wise choice, and neither is eating pork chops wnile listening to or watching to Garth Brooks.  The Nashville Predators actually remind me of the 2 people in booth 2 at the Sala Thai diner, mostly because terrible anti-commandmentist leaders actually do produce multitudes of  wealthy intentional sinners, professional athletes and many atheists.  Unholy pro-lawlessness leaders never are able to produce good fruits of the Holy Spirit nor can they produce evidence that they are as innocent as an aborted embryo when their works are judged by a perfect holy God.

The sun is setting, and the 38th day od the omer has come to an end. It's now the start or Willie Parker Special Omer Force Day 39 or 11 Mike Gartner days until Shavuot!

 'What Can a Brown Belt Do For the U=Uggla Team?' Note: I think a paper pig from Michigan's 'Woodshop' diner might be getting ready to fly or get driven to Canada as fast as a Nitro Fish and Ski boat.

Techinical Big Ten Math Assessment for Agent 34 Junkies:
 How many 26 Folks are there now? A)1  B) Only Iron City Beer drinkers know 4 Sure   C) The Fe Line is all #26 disciples, not Folks. D)Theodore Roosevelt was one of many 26 Folks that appeared in Milwaukee without Sean Spicer notes.  E) Patrik Elias is leading the 26 Folks now, in case you got misled by another March 6 extension of Levi games, Bettis vs. Butler Krypton lines and the  3/6' Poolman/Poolman' NHL score in Nashville.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Paw Patrol Chase Not 'Drake' Opinion

If in fact it is reasonable for United States law enforcement officials to actively and immediately pursue three men in a stolen vehicle worth about $8,000 in Michigan, it should also be reasonable for Wisconsin law enforcement officials to actively and immediately pursue one man using at least $50,000 in  stolen business property under the name 'Shane's Interior Department', LLC'  in Wisconsin.   The method of transportation of stolen items matters and it is EASIER to recapture and seize stolen business assets since hard assets and cash  don't typically all manage to drive away at  high rates of golf ball speeds.  Governor Scott Walker's administration is guilty of being party to the felony business crimes Shane David Hendrikson committed against me because they allowed him to set up a company as easily as the 3 men in Michigan got into a car they didn't own and tried to take it away from the proper owner.

I actively pursued felon Vincent LoCicero and then wanted to press charges, but the imbeciles in Michigan intentionally or unintentionally filed a false DISPOSITION since I said I wanted to prosecute the thief.  Why would anyone try to apprehend a suspect they do not intend to make an official complaint against or file charges against? Placing repeated warning against hirelings such as Macomb County sheriffs and state od Wisconsin administrations that do not use their power PROPERLY and justly is being kind to my enemies.

Doing good works after being properly warned of the err of your ways is possible but not always easy or simple.  In both cases of the felony crimes against me by Vincent LoCicero and Shane David Hendrikson, the sheriff's department lack of proper reports and subsequent lack of presenting the case to a district attorneys places 'party to a crime' status on the Marathon County Sheriff's department and the Macomb County Sheriff's department, and insuch cases they have chosen to be my enemy, not good public servants.

At least whoever arrested my former brother-in-law. Timothy Jackson of Milwaukee, charged him (illegal drug possession). I do not know what kind of record my  son's naturally brown uncle , Timothy Jackson, has but a person who is not allowed to get away with crimes is more likely to change his behavior and become 'no problem' to his homeland  rather than a huge problem to his homeland's reputation and law-abiding security officers. How ashamed was Donald Jackson of his son Timothy when he committed crimes? Was Donald Jackson a better parent than Roland Hendrikson, who actually did nothing when his son Shane was committing felony business crimes? For the City of Milwaukee Fire Departtment sake, I hope Donald Jackson eventually proves to be  a better parent and a better 'Christian' than Roland Hendrikson.

Genuine healthy competition to quickly correct the results o pastf family crimes should start NOW, not 7 years from now if you know what it means to be smarter than an atheist .

The Marine City Football '41 Wedge' Offense Plan

This is not going to be a 'keep it simple' plan of action.  A talented cup-bearer named Pete, who also played football for the Marine City high school team, did not know what the '31 wedge' is but told me about his team's favorite play, the '41 wedge'. Unwise men like Greg Strasser might like things  simple, but in the process of their simple-minded employee moves they end up offending their employer. I employed Greg Strasser of Wausau, but in the end he chose to offend me rather than defend me, so he is either like the butler or the baker that were servants of Pharaoh mentioned in the book of Genesis.

Only the butler lived long enough to be able to publically recall his fault of not remembering Joseph, and as a result, Joseph was finally raised to a position more proper for his skills. Keep in mind, Joseph was accurate in stating that he did nothing worthy of imprisonment, but false accusations of a lying female got him imprisoned by an Egyptian leader who believed  the unfaithful wife's LIE. Joseph also filled the role of a jailer who might have behaved similar to  Tommy Benford or Mark Vasquez when dealing with other humans in the jail setting.

I knew when I got a call from a very sad mother, Mary Windmiller, now reasonably safe in North Dakota, that I would have to be prepared to try and give her good advice in her battle against Nazi-type forces rooted int Wisconsin. She and I were both robbed by Stuart Rottier, Sandra Marcus and the men who hired Stuart Rottier, but too many people said they wouldn't help us recover what was taken unjustly by Nazi-type forces. The few who have been willing to help us included my mother and other compassionate people like Lorraine MIelke. Local cowards like Macomb Deputy Hoffman stand around and let us continue to be abused by anti-commandment systems of government and their reports do nothing to correct the 'Christmas criminals', making Democratic Sheriff Anthony Wickersham  and Macomb Deputy Hoffman actually a party to  an anti-contitution activity that establishes certain religion in government areas, contrary to the original intent of the United States of America.  As a citizen of the United States, I must try to defend against establishment of 'Christmas forces' in government, and even my HOA (hoe owners association) is a form of government that might be as corrupt in the use of gathered tax funds as the condo boards in Toronto.

Mary Windmiller and I have an unseen enemy in common and that enemy robbed us, using corrupt attorney forces, of our family's assets.  Unseen enemies rather hide or find another victim  than confess their faults and repent.When people have chosen to be your enemy, do not be afraid to name them as your enemy, lest they wrongfully feel to comfortable in their current position. I explained to Mary Windmiller the systme that I use with the dry erase boards in the sight of both public and private security systems.  A civil war actually describes combatting the natural elements from overwhelming you, such as building proper structures or maintaining safe water supplies.  Divorce and any other judicial court battle is extremely uncivil and usually one or both parties in court are anti-Truth in behavior. When in a real uncivil war, it is important not to go bankrupt in the process, or you lose the advantage of food, clothing and shelter that at least prolong your ability to do good unto others and to protect  your own flesh.

Today, I might have done what any typical victim of Nazi persecution might have done. I passed on information about my real enemies to my real friends without using a computer. It was not simple fighting the Nazi regime centered in Germany if you were in Russia or in England, and Michigan might be like Russia and North Dakota might be like England was in the 1940's, and both nationa decided to be anti-Nazi for a reason. The problem is that only a few people are still in active battles against anti-prophet anti-commandment regimes and that the majority of the world's population has decided to align with athiests, depraved political systems or businesses that produce various forms of horrible evil. When I go to Wisconsin, my friends in Michigan now have a list of my enemies in Wisconsin, and if anything bad happens to me in Wisconsin, my friends have a list of unholy enemies of a very real God who has warned the entire earth by means of the Bible of the necessity of proper repentance to be saved. I, like my friends, believ it is justifiable to cut off the hand of a thief who has been warned and still decides to steal from his family or his neighbor. We both agreed it is unwise to kill a thief because dead humans can't repay you double what they stole from you, in order to have proper works with their new faith in the God of Abraham,Ishmael and Issac and Joseph types. Personally, i rather warn others of anger and protect myself than be martyred anywhere in my homeland. I made it clear that I don't that  President Donald Trump is my enemy because if he was, I'd probably be dead already.

 I'd rather have Donald Trump start thinking like an Ottawa Senator named Hoffman than become a fool like Dustin Hoffman or a coward like Macomb Sheriff's Deputy Hoffman. It is contrary to the United States contstitution to force 'Christmas' traditions into non-church areas and areas that are not privately owned, and forcing and imposing strings of electric lights into natural living trees is actually a form of anti-constituation terrorism against nature in publically shared property, a form of light pollution that can disrupt sleep patterns and a form of fiscal terrorism against communities already burdened with debt loads. What people do within their homes reflects which deity they trust or reject; if you keep putting up 'christmas' trees, you don't trust or believe the prophets such as Jeremiah and the 'god' you believe in certainly isn't the Lion of the tribe of Judah of the son of Mary and Joseph of Bethlehem!

I agreed with Mary Windmiller when she said the USA founding father's would be disgusted and dismayed at what has  now become common practice in the United States legal,political, executive and law enforcement systems. A few people, such as myself, actually took into strong consideration who the vice-president would be before we cast our vote, since no presidential candidate in 2016 could be called 'good' based on their past marital decisions.

Unlike Mike Clayton of Franklin, North Carolina, I am not ashamed or frightened to buy halal products from Arabs in the United States since there are no good Israelite stores anywhere near me. I once was tricked by Rachel Snyder into buying products made in Germany that were then sold in Israel under the name 'Ahava', and Rachel is also pro-tattoo.  Requested the over-priced German made products is typical of the unwise woman with wrong long term strategies.  Refusing to try to help abused humans, whether they are children, the elderly or spouses, can become the biggest fault you need to start confessing to at least retain Egyptian butler status and have food,clothing and shelter during times of famine.  Sometimes written advice is the only way you help, but written advice is what the Apostle Peter sent to people who relied on him. Mr. And Mrs. Thomas Wahl, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hendrikson and Mr. and Mrs. Brian Berg all refused to help me when I requested help against my fiscal enemy, my spiritual enemy and a verbal abuser, Shane David Hendrikson. None of those married tag-teams, who all claim to be Christians, have yet recalled and confessed their faults  even though they might be financially comfortable, and it has been much longer than 2 years.

I tried to offer as much help as I could to Mary Windmiller because I know what it feels like to be a victim of courtroom thieves and have very little left to wage an expensive counter attack with.  low budget counter attacks against thieves and liars include dry erase boards, verbal testimony and handwritten lists of anti-commandmentists.  Joshua Ferguson, a Canadian tranvestitie,  is actually an anti-commandmentist, but his pattern of sin choice hurts him more than it hurts any actual saints or prophets. Jamie Farr and his fake 'MASH' unit, paid professional deceivers, are actually more dangerous to North American holy forces and to society as a whole than Joshua Ferguson types.

Good, holy and natural living saints are as rare and precious as the bengal tiger, but there are no commercials on television yet suggesting that we be protected from  greedy idiots with guns.  When a bengal tiger is taken into captivity in a zoo, it adjusts to its unnatural habitat rather than trying to destroy itself. Real scattered saints also adjust to their location of captivity rather than destroy themselves, and we also often watch other humans who are not like us but NEAR us, just as a lion in the zoo might keep an eye on the people who want to see what a real lion looks like.

Is the USA Like The Baker or The Butler?

If the title to this post is a question, 'Jeopardy' contestants might like the following answers.

Since the USA set up 3 divisions in the government, reviewing the difference between the baker and the butler in Pharaoh's Eygptian prison with Joseph seems like a wise idea. I considered the difference in the dreams the butler and the baker relayed to Joseph.

It seems as if the baker had plenty of bread, a food supply, that was supposed to be delivered to Egyptian people but the butler was careless, the food was not protected and the food supply was snatched away by birds who should have been eating bugs, seeds, fruits and unclean animal carcasses. This is a common scenario in the USA, since the good food supply is continually wasted by unthankful citizens and illegal aliens in the USA. If the outcome of the baker was terrible,  the outcome of people who are careless with their food supply will also be terrible. The butler was hanged on a tree and birds ate his carcass, and that procedure would not be an acceptable was to punish a person according to true Israelite laws because the Egyptian method is too cruel. Stoning is more merciful than being eaten alive or crucified in Roman style. The 3 baskets of food supply over the corrupt baker are very much like the executive, judicial and legislative gatherings in the USA because they are careless with what they are supposed to be in control of. Such servants should not expect angelic protection and should either repent and change or be willing to accept the 'curse' the earned eventually.

It seems as if the butler, who dreamed he had 3 grape vines over his head, had a better prophesy come his way even though he forgot about Joseph. The butler did get out of prison to continue to serve his Egyptian government, but the grape products he was in control of  in his dream got to the proper destination rather than being consumed by dogs, frogs and illegal aliens. The butler did not receive a 'curse' type outcome even though he was punished in prison for a period of time. Justified imprisonment is not a curse, but is an Egyptian method of punishment.  The butler's 3-branched vine system was allowed to continue and eventually the butler remembered Joseph. If the USA corrects its current 'baker-type' esystem, the USA might get restored to its original status. Keep in mind that the original status was anti-Christmas, pro-commandment and pro-Bible instruction in design, just as Joseph was while he was in Egypt. trying to survive away from his fellow brethren, the Israelites .

The butler and the baker's products in their dreams are also what typically is distributed at a Catholic service, namely bread crumbs and wine. The Vatican still does not obey the God of Moses, Eldad and Medad and the do serve more of an Egyptian Pharaoh-type figureheads who are adversarial to the God of Joseph ben Jacob.

The Genesis chapter 40 issue was the topic at a very decent gathering of people who trust the God of israel at 11 mile road and Stanford Street in a suburb of Detroit. Jude verse 6 was also brought up again after hearing a bad song with lyrics suggesting that some deity should 'break all the chains'.  I knew enough not to utter those words, just as I wouldn't utter them in Holmes County, Ohio when Bill Cloud made an irregular appearance at the Berlin Resort. The 'shephard' Obadiyah, who led the Genesis 40 study on Stanford Street, is careful, not careless and very reasonable with questions and suggestions from strangers and from his regular flock of sabbath-keeping saints.

Current events do matter. I stayed on the tour bus rather than go to the temple mount area in Jerusalem because I did not think it was proper for me to go their without proper male leadership. It's actually better not to go anywhere near the temple mount in Jerusalem if you've been ingesting unclean animals, so I'm not going to insult the USA president if he doesn't go to the 'western wall' area in Jerusalem.  Proper fear of holy areas that have good pro-Yehovah  rules and good regulations is what too many USA occupants lack. Once again let me remind other believers were are supposed to pray for and try to protect our president, even if he married a strumpet who might repent of her past sins sooner than pigs fly out of the Wittenberg, Wisconsin school lunch program or the Wittenberg Lutheran church..

I had a very bad dream about Robin Michael Ortiz last night and I don't Joseph to interpret it for me. Now, because it is a work day not a rest day, here is a bowling strike legend to pass onto bowling ball room assemblies:

 Each X represents a ten-pin bowling strike; this is a non-binary non-secret code.

X=a joker, such as Tom Hendricks with Thor
XX= a penguin, such as Jaromir Jagr or Patrick Lebeau
XXX = a jive turkey such as any Ohio Players game birdie
XXXX= a robin, such as  Robin Ortiz or Burt Ward
XXXXX= a redwing, such as  Vyacheslav Koslov or Sergei Federov
XXXXXX= a blackhawk, such as  Paul Coffey or Johnny Oduya
XXXXXXX= an eagle, such as Michael Vick or David Akers
XXXXXXXX= an oriole, such as Cal Ripken Jr. or Ryan Lavarnway
XXXXXXXXX= a duck, such as Sergei Krivokrasov or Sean Hill
XXXXXXXXXX= a thrasher, such as Dustin Byfuglien or Chris Chelios
XXXXXXXXXXX= a dove, such as Ronald Soreanu
XXXXXXXXXXXX= a raven, such as Jamie Sharper

12 strikes is the most you can get in any 1 bowling game. Think carefully and avoid being like the bakers who love and bake for Egyptian birthday parties but who reject the healthy WEEK of pesach and knowledge of  unleavened bread.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Instant Bureau Of Lynn Dickey Identification

Horrible Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal sports writers seem to think it is good English starting off a sententce with 'But', however, no sentence should be started off with the word 'but'. Paid professionals often do not do a good and thus will never even pass a 'UW SIEVE' exam.

Since I received notice I have a probable case of ' hockey lace bite', I was advised by a professional hockey equipment expert to refrain from playing hockey for a bit. Since his advice seemed reasonable, I  shifted to a different form of physical and mental therapy, namely bowling today. The extremely evil representative of the state of Michigan, Sherry Bailey, might try to claim that bowling is not physical and mental therapy, but she would be as wrong as Wittenberg's Roland Hendrikson again.

I arrived at the bowling alley in my proper omer count attire, and was interrogated by a confident brown male in plain clothes. After explaining my anti-Eisenhower jersey#34, the brown male asked me if I was a 'Packer fan'. and I eventually stated I was a Chicago Bears fan and a Pittsburgh Steelers fan because I didn't want to utter a falsehood. The brown male was in some sort of bowling competition and I had my own 1st through 4th down bowling competition on lane 8. Eventually, the brown male, who looked like the 2nd cousin of Lester Hutchins of MIlwaukee South Division, claimed he played for hte Green Bay Packers. He showed me quite a few images, none of which looked like Buddy Ebsen#42 and Max Baer, Jr. #59. Eventually, he showed me a picture of a Green Bay quarterback and I properly identified Lynn Dickey.

The confident brown male, Maurice Harvey, now 61 years old, was eating in the Pfister Hotel in the early 1980's while I was trying to find legal ways, including working in Milwaukee gang turf as a cashier and Superamerica store manager, to put decent food on my Milwaukee apartment plate.  By providence, we ended up in the same building in Shelby, MIchigan today and he seemed to be more coherent and reasonable than Richard Isaiah Hendrikson, an evangelical Christian anti-Israelite and close relative of mine who does not think it is important to treat me kindly or spend time with me even though I am his mother.

Maurice Harvey was leading and spending time with a group of men who had personal struggles, both spiritual and physical. Indeed, Maurice Harvey might be on his way to sainthood based on his defensive performance today, and my conversation with him was much more helpful than anything I ever saw or heard from Leroy Butler at Weston Lanes in Wisconsin.  Maurice Harvey's Ball State education was  not the same as the system  Denita Ball and I went through, nor is it the Kerr Putney school system......yet. I'm sure if we had more time to compare expertise, we might have made a pretty decent offensive team to go up against fools like John Larkin or Sherry Bailey. I didn't need to flash pictures of myself to Maurice Harvey for him to believe the truths that I told him. What is most important for Maurice Harvey to try to understand that real non-Catholic saints in a purification process detach themselves from 'Mr. Ilitch' types and align with Issachar types eventually, unless they choose to take some other non-Roman road test and see where their anti-crime anti-sin deity leads them.

There was a time I was able to 'cheer' for the Detroit Lions as easily as I used to be able to 'cheer' for Shane David Hendrikson in a YMCA race. When teams or individuals start encouraging and aligning with  Army girls with Playboy cologne, unholy dance boys and whorish pompom squads, Las Vegas casinos and then continue to sin by participating in conduct so corrupt they obviously have rejected the warning of real prophets, I no longer can 'cheer' for them and have to continue to be on defense against them. Maurice Harvey played for the Datroit Lions in an era I do not recall very easily, but his behavior and dress today was good, not evil in my sight.  I'm confiident Maurice Harvey is wiser tha the' Steve Martin and Martin Short' useless comedy combo when it comes to 'familiar spirits' that go all the way back to 'Tricky Bob' the monkey and Steve McQueen movies.

The character of 'Bartlett Finchley' on 'The Twilight Zone' was nothing like 'Max' in 'The Sound of Music' even though the same actor chose to be in both roles , so be careful when you use machines to communicate, since machines can sometimes be your worst enemy.  I had to reject a Chicago Bull Michael 'Jordan 23' jersey pusher today but did locate and purchase some other very good used decent Pentecost gifts to give to my family and friends for the next scheduled  sainthood celebration. Try to remember that 'Christmas' is not a scheduled sainthood celebration and properly was prohibited by President George Washington and a few other wise Bible students.

I hope you enjoyed 'Ashbel' (Aleph Shin Beit Lamed) and anti-Slade day #405.  The Benjamite remnant doesn't ignore names like Lavarnway or Becher for a real Israeli history reason.  It's now another Cal Ripken Jr. day 789 and day 35 in the omer count,  I don't expect to have Maurice Sendak, Maurice Richard, Maurice Chevalier, Maurice Drew-Jones, Drew Hendrikson, Nelson Wahl or Donald Jackson ruin my weekly sabbath keeping procedures.  My precious gifts from Canada remind me that a Lombardi trophy isn't as good as a teacup with herbal tea in it and that a Olympic medal is not as good as a natural uncut beryl pendent.

By the 'Get Smart' way, Maurice Harvey was the 86th pick of the Oakland Raiders according to NFL online records. My non-horse bowling entry, 'Darius Caution Flag', won the Ashbel Memorial bowling tournament  with a score of 177. 'Day 405 High Point' took second with 157 and 'Locust Street Tech' finished 4th with a 145.  I took 3rd place with a score of 147.  None of us saw 'Agent 13' in any tree today, but we did see a 'Jagr 68' jersey.  Double coverage (more than one full coverage upper body garment) is always a better choice than going topless if you know what's good for society and for sanctification processes. Sometimes,  a sorrowful mother knows best how to handle serious situations  during table talk and other times a joyful MIlwaukee Tech Trojan class knows exactly what Dennis Ware, Michael Bennett and Richard Belmore are capable of under duress.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The James Menger Ten17 Golf Memorial Results

There are many times it is better to be an amateur athlete than a professional athlete. However, it is never better to be a pretender or professional fakes like Tom Selleck, Nicole Kidman or Ernie Hudson, than being a real police officer trying to accomplish a serious and necessary task before or after real crimes occur.

When you are under contract to stay in a position, it is best not to 'back up' strangers who have no etiquette. For example, today some pussy-whipped Detroit Tiger fans insulted my Jamie Sharper jersey, even though it was very decent and cleaner than Carrie Underwood's human openings. It seemed like the golf play almost came to a stop after moving along quite nicely for the 1st nine holes at Cedar Glen. I wondered where the 'hold-up' was and after finishing the 10th hole, I had to get past hole 16 before it was clear ahead. yes, there are times when it is wiser to get off of a golf course stay wedged between 3 forms of extremely rude  males ahead of me and cigarette-smoking Coca-cola buyers behind me.

As bad as today might have been for young goalie John Gibson, he should be thankful he never was married to Shane David Hendrikson on May 16th and that he is too decent to be married to Carrie Underwood or Nicole Kidman. Unfortunately, when men are under contract to be in positions they wanted, they might even hear blasphemy from onlookers. For instance, Nashville is actually a horrible place to play hockey if you DON"T want to play in front of ticket holders who excel at childish verbal onslaughts rather than having decent hockey cheers that exhibit knowledge of the sport.

A far as my Ten17 tournament went, I won with an 87, even though I took an honest 15 on the 3rd hole. 2 pars helped keep my score down, and skipping holes 11 through 16 helped me prevent sunburn or injuries from too many mosquito bites. Without Michale Keckeisen or Tom Hendricks to help me go on offense against the idiots who insulted my 'Sharper 55' jersey, I remembered 'safety first'! and realized sometimes even golf isn't fun to play when surrounded by enemies.  I started with a couple Noodle balls, and only lost 1 in the water.  A Ten17 tournament is something you intentionally start and then finish in a rush for an important reason.

Now for a Vashti recall...
Robin Michael Ortiz had a 1st wife who he wanted to stop smoking cigarettes to reduce health problems for himself and his children. His 1st wife, a medical professional, refused to obey his request. If the 'Queen Esther' cheerleaders actually believe Vashti's husband had the right to divorce Vashti for refusal to obey his request, then the Polish National  Catholic Church did the proper move in granting Robin Michael Ortiz and annulment. Smoking cigarettes in a household is dangerous to the entire household. Vashti was not a danger to herself or others when she did not want to be put on display in front of a bunch of males who most likely were under the influence of too much alcohol.

Once 2 married people start taking part in Israelite practices, such as passover week, Yom Kippur or Sukkot celebrations, both should realize that the exit strategy out of a marriage should also comply with the rules of their chosen 'God' or they risk being permanently cut of from a position of receiving mercy since they took the name of Yehovah in vain.  Thus, requesting a divorce unless adultery has occurred and been not only reported but proven puts the petitioner in a position of  an anti-Christ, not a faithful part of the body of the Judaic 'Christ'.  Unfaithful, unbelieving spouses sometimes admit to their adultery and then petition for divorce, making it easier for the 'truth' to set the faithful  free but not eliminating the pain and suffering the covenant breaker caused to the faithful.

People who claim to be Israelites really should not be encouraging 'Jewish' women to marry Persian or Babylonian men who have no intention of obeying existing  Israelite laws.  Certain men in Israel's history were considered evil for marrying women who worshipped a different 'god', so in order for their to be just scales applied, Esther should have refused to be the bride of a man who did not worship the God of Israel.

I'm not defending Robin Michael Ortiz because he didn't defend me and HE stated our relationship is irretrievably broken. I had more than enough evidence to seek a divorce from my son's adulterous father. Interestingly enough, I am defending what the Polish National Catholic Church did since their standards were even tougher than what typical Bible readers and Jewish historians have applied to the Vashti/Esther transition.

Anti-blashpemy closing anti-pork, pro-Pey King duck editorial:

I'm quite sure John Gibson doesn't 'suck', and that Carrie Underwood and Nicole Kidman do suck and swallow many animal parts and bodily fluids they shouldn't.   A concrete statue of 'Stonewall Jackson' is smarter than Keith Urban, Tim McGraw or Mike Fisher at mind.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Focus on Your Father Not Your Fiction

I am one of the few daughters who can listen to the song 'Great is Thy Faithfulness' and I easily think of my natural father, Edwin Swedowski.  For example, I only need to sing 'Edwin' rather than 'O God'. My father Edwin relied on advice from other men such as Catholic priest Donald Reiff from time to time, but Donald Reiff was never a 'Lord' of my household or my property. I certainly could never refer to Donald Reiff as an 'O God' even though for some reason we were allowed to call him 'father Reiff'.  Indeed, my actual father Edwin is the same hard-working, fair, tough when necessary, kind, decent and honest  family leader he has always been, even though his outward appearance and rate of speed might have changed a wee bit over the decades.  Were it not for my father, today might not be a thankful daughter's day. My former father-in-law figures were  not even as wise and kind as Donald Reiff by their  choice and the failed spiritual testing when it wasn't all fishing fun and wrestling games.

If you can't relate well to your father you can see or refuse to face, how do you relate to another 'God' or judge or officer of a system you turn to  in a time of crisis?

Great is Thy faithfulness, Edwin my Father,
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not
As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be.
“Great is Thy faithfulness!” “Great is Thy faithfulness!”
  Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided—
    “Great is Thy faithfulness,” Lord, unto me!
Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above,
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!

State Of Israel Starts the 70th year, Not the Church of Israelites

Tri 'Happy' does not describe me as a mother,  but at times I am a joyful saint.  If your role as a mother figure has been dishonored by your children or the father of your children is no longer part of your life, it is foolish to party on 'Mother's Day'.  It is better to mourn on 'Mother's Day' if your children, no matter how old they are, are not decent, hard-working law-abiding citizens who deliver real forms of love in ACTION to their parents.

If your children or the father of your children clearly does not love you and actually hates you, many days end up being a 'Sleepy Daughter Day'.  Daughters with good mothers often put on a smile to reassure their mother they appreciate their mother's skills and love delivered to them over the years. Exhaustion from trying to survive financially and physically after a divorce leaves many daughters hoping for some sort of spiritual miracle promised to them by their Israelite church religious leaders. Wise daughters know the political and state systems are like crumbling curtains that contain more criminals within them than holy God-fearing servants.

The Remnant Church of the Suffering Faithful Israelites is much older than 69 years and has no central building to work out of other than their brain and their domestic dwelling place which should be called a house of  daily worship not a 'den of thieves'. Many petitioners that have left their faithful or Israelite spouse went on to start a den of thieves with attorneys who are criminals by practice such as Stuart Rottier. If you, as an attorney, did not make sure the respondent got at least 50% of the total value of marital property, you are a loose criminal in Wisconsin not a good citizen.

Some people get caught and released, such as Sheldon Souray, Barabas or a spotless animal called an 'azazel'. What you do after you are 'loosed' matters, and often it is people who hate you that catch and 'release you'.  A person who loves you might have to let you go because love is never meant to be a one-way system or  misuse of emotional and physical forces. Can you imagine living in the same household with a person who refuses to speak with you? My Elohim(teacher) still speaks to me through his written word, and other members of my family speak to me by telephone or in person, even if we are sleepy, exhausted siblings with sleepy, exhausted parents.  Good and bad news still needs to be delivered.

Bad news: Cable television is as bad to have in a household as a magazine rack in  the typical gas station. Only a few living saints are extremely disciplined enough to resist sin and depraved media, and those few might be able to warn others what to avoid in their 'choice' process. Shame on Virginia and fools like Mike Signer for trying to eliminate confederate general images which are more decent than a 'Victoria's Secret' store and better than a 'Sports Illustrated' swimsuit model at mind. Yes, a concrete replica statue of a decently attired human is safer and better in content than a whorish woman who is morally depraved.  Reggie White people have the right to defend and protect their history as much as other anti-attorney people have the right to try and defend their wedding gowns at divorce time or their $5.00 bill with  Abraham Lincoln's terrible image on it before they exchange it for something useful  and beautiful such as organic carrot juice or a Schlitz beer.

Good news: I had good, decent holy jersey choices to wear today, and thankfully none of them were labeled 'Hendrikson' since 'Hendrikson' is only how legalists look at my past and current burden of legal paperwork.' Divorce' even happened to Rod Carew, but his '29' is an omer count reminder and a perfect cribbage hand reminder.  Divorce happened to  'Krivokrasov', but like the 17th hole in a golf course, it was  another 17th Hebrew letter 'pey' day in this second month.  'Byfuglein' because I still love the Minneapolis area, the number 245 is as cool as an 8th round locust, he's tough and has made me laugh many times.  I hate Halloween as much as Dustin byfuglein does, and I know my Adonai hates the behavior of terrible strumpet mothers such as Carrie Underwood,  hates the blasphemy of  wicked anti-Christ figures such as Tim McGraw, Anthony Wickersham's deputies, Sandra Marcus and any other anti-Righteousness system of anti-Israelite forms of power as much as I do.  It is good news when 'hate' means 'I reject you, I am prepared to defend myself against your type of wickedness and evil forces, I refuse to become unholy like you and I won't worship your false gods'.

Stevens Point trivia point: Jacob and Esau were twins, not Leah and Rachel. I also did not open my mail from 'Gyna Craigo', since that name means nothing to me.  Caution matters, especially in dark energy matters.

It does seem like its been about 1/2 hour since May of 1998 if a thousand years is like a day.  I hate what evil intentions Shane David Hendrikson had planned against me in the years after he 'caught me' , but evil men do not let you know in advance that they intend to break a covenant with their spouse or intend to commit felonies against  their neighbor.  Meanwhile, my first child is still named Qeseth Charise Swedowski and I have learned to love her as much as I love 'Yeshua' who I have never seen, but believe obeyed the commandments of his father to the best of his ability .

Thursday, May 11, 2017

'Dumping Off' or Moving In Grandchildren?

I have the opportunity to view quite a few of 'family' situations over the years, both on duty as a police officer and later on duty as a saint in various stages of progress. When I had only one child that I needed help caring for because his father abandoned us, I few people such as Jill Zillner's family and my parents helped me the most. Eventually, I wisely decided that I would have no more children, partly because I knew my parents didn't need to raise another potentially fatherless child while I was doing the best I could to provide financially for my son's needs.

I did move in with my parents for a period of time, and I have recently seen another family who is struggling financially move in with their maternal relatives. When parents allow children to move into their home as adults, the children can still honor their parents by helping with chores, family meals and contributing what they can to the household budget, which should be at least 10% of their income. Because one or both of the parents are still in the household, the grandparents have more freedom to go and do what aging people need to do to age gracefully, which includes getting away from grandchildren who are not always easy to control even if they are  disciplined properly by pro-commandment parents.  As long as the father of the struggling family is doing his best to get or stay employed at least full time, the struggling family should have more optimism than I had in my 20's.

Sadly, there were times I left my son with my parents as I tried 'replacement theology' while I dated other men I thought might be a better father figure than Theodore Reynaud Jackson was, but replacement theology failed. My father did not fail in doing the best he could to help me after I had been abused and abandoned by my son's natural father.  The covenant breakers I ended up settling for  made a bad situation worse eventually,but when I agreed to be their wife I still had some hope of improving a very sad and lonely situation caused by my first husband.  I loved (past tense) my second and 3rd husband even though they eventually proved they did not love me, but they also did not love the God of Israel and neither did I at the time that I decided to enter into a second and a third attempt at marriage. Once a person decides to become you enemy and withdraws his former outpouring of love, your natural affections should go elsewhere. Loving your enemy can be as difficult as choosing not to destroy him after he has sinned against you.  Especially if your enemy owes you money, it is not the best choice to destroy him since if he repents properly, he will pay you back at least double the amount stole from you.

In a sad truth I recalled, a man who dwelled in across from Hollyday Court in Charlotte, NC was viciously verbally attacked and mocked by neighborhood FEMALES, and then when the victim of the verbal abuse tried to defend himself and scare off his attackers, he was destroyed by Charlotte police officers who for some unwise reason hadn't previously thought of using a TRANQUILIZER GUN on him rather than a deadly weapon.  The horrible  situation  was initially started by cruel human females in the neighborhood, not by bitches on dog leashes, and that is according to a reliable veteran source, Martha Osterhaut. If peace officers have adequate barriers and body protection, a tranquilizer dart is a wonderful option to 'detain' as suspect who might actually be an innocent victim reponding to a crime sooner than the police officers were able to.

Just as it has been written 'Esau I have hated' and nearby it was written ' Jacob I have loved'. What is written in PAST tense means it is not the current situation.  For earthly instance, I used to' love' Leinenkugel's beer products but now I hate Leinenkugal's beer products because of the marketing strategies.  Now, the possibility and probability is that the God mentioned in the 'old testament' loves Esau  now and might hate Jacob now.  In such a case, natural affection and additional support might be going to the descendents of Esau, since Esau did not destroy his brother Jacob even though he had considered it and had the opportunity and the ability to do so.

I now see what is an even worse situation than moving adults with children into their elderly parent's home: dropping off numerous grandchildren while both parents go to 'work'. This happens in the household to the west of me, and makes me thankful I had raised my son to respect my parents and never wanted to burden my parents in their retirement years with children I couldn't raise alone because I was divorced. Probably because of his father's anti-commandment method of operation, my son is not teaching his children to respect their grandparents, which does include me as a grandmother, and his family will suffer negative spiritual if not literal consequences eventually. It is even a bigger shame to have both parents working and see their children dumped off at various locations to become someone else's responsibility, no matter how much they are hiring the babysitters for.  Bad grandparents do not discipline their grandchildren as they should, and the signs show in the toddlers response or lack of response to the grandparents requests. Some grandparents are too cowardly to tell their children to stop producing more children they already WON"T or can't take care of on a daily basis, and the grandparents end up in a state of mind that is not healthy for them as they age, especially if their finances or lodging space is already quite limited or they have a serious disease.

If you have never suffered through periods of verbal abuse you could not get away from because you did not want to break your marriage vows, you have been blessed with a good spouse.  It is very reasonable to actively try to counter-attack or  if you can, completely avoid people who refuse to stop their vile mouths from spewing obscenities at you when they want to exhibit their lack of a Holy Spirit or exhibit their serious sin problem in your presence.  There are times when someone starts to release their demonic speech my way that I hurl a few choice words back at them, but I would rather that humans learn good and decent language and prepare their minds to conduct reasonable exchanges of information, whether it is a good time or a bad time, a time of sickness or a time or necessary apology.

A written letter coming from an enemy is easier to handle properly than a face to face verbal battle. There are times that I have written letters to my enemies, sometimes to rebuke them and other times to ask them for forgiveness and a 'mulligan'.  I know that when I write on this site, I am sometimes hoping my enemy reads what I have written, and that my friends or wise strangers read my blog to get the benefit of  MY FREE COUNSELING SKILLS they consider valuable to their sanctification progress.  I suppose that is why the Holy Scriptures compiled over the years still exist in various formats, namely so that the enemies of Yehovah can still receive the written charges against them and the directives for corrective actions without an anti-Messiah attorney present to try and help them 'get away with' more sins.

It's the 26th day of the Omer, and I still love the  big cities of  Milwaukee, Charlotte, Ottawa, and especially Pittsburgh for many good reasons. The little cities I love, such as Sheboygan,  Marine City, Keswick, Owen Sound, Collingwood and Wasaga Beach,  are too numerous to list today.