If you think the Microsoft Cloud will guide you properly by day or by night, you are a fool getting swayed by the wrong candy bar association. The 'Microsoft Cloud' is more likely to bring drought and disaster to your community than protection from the elements or criminals. Once a human being puts any information into a computer system or in public view, they no longer are able to protect their 'intellectual property'. If you UNINTENTIONALLY put false information online or in a book, be prepared to try and explain your error to the offended party, expecting to be forgiven for unintentional error. If you intentionally put extremely confusing or complicated systems in your car or house windows, expect the enemy to be in derision because they cannot comprehend intelligent life, Penguin or even good riddle plans. If you want to protect your intellectual property, play dumb and do not speak what you are planning to do OR do not reveal exactly how you figured out certain answers to questions that you had. The more open you are with your theories and intellectual findings, the less likely you will be targeted by hackers or 'spied upon' by intelligent life such as Canadian or United States Border Patrol personnel.
There are a huge number of shows that fall into the 'lukewarm trash category', especially on the Hallmark Channel, and they will prove to be as hazardous to your spiritual health as a blue cow head in a Macomb Maverick system or the word 'ONYX' in a location that has already chosen to embrace the unholy and to despise the spirit of the biblical tribe of Joseph. Once you understand how serious marriage really is in the sight of a true and holy God, seeing actors and actresses making more 'mock marriages' in front of television cameras becomes spiritually revolting and worse than 'immature' by definition. First of all, start to appreciate mascot systems that haven't contrived some unrealistic looking figurehead. For instance, an insect such as a hornet or a dog such as a huskie is a better mascot than a blue ox or a tire with wings attached. People who are spiritually immature often are unable to properly discern spirits and therefore make huge errs in the selection of a spouse, just as they get too attached to teams that will never represent 'goodness and kindness'. Clearly, the fake marriages that abound in movie theatres and on television are really just part of the apostasy.
Fiction always leads to strong delusions. I managed to complete another golf outing and stayed substantially under my self-imposed maximum of 154 for 18 holes. Other people might have thought I was 'immature' with a stuffed bear alongside me in golf cart #32, but the immature people are out cheating on their scores, spending money on huge recreational boats and jet skis and sometimes cheating on their spouses in the process. The DARE program certainly does teach a person that a dumb (speechless) stuffed bear can bring a smile to your face sooner than a Hallmark card will and the stuffed bear is less dangerous than a can of Budweiser when you have to make decisions without a second opinion available.
If you finally acknowledged that the biblical new year started on April 10th, you're only up to day 52 tomorrow, and those who are up to 793 are probably spiritually matured if they have kept a proper passover meal in their house 3 years in a row. Proper means you followed the instructions as closely as possible in your individual circumstance. The counting of the omer is very important to the God of Eldad and Medad, and fake marriages on television are as bad as people pretending to be police officers on television, since in both cases they are presenting lies to the audience rather than Truth. Sometimes you have to keep an eye on the liars, but certainly there is no reason to protect or defend them when their lies eventually get them into serious moral and spiritual trouble.
A couple of humans mentioned 'Pine Valley' course on 31, but Pine Valley in central Wisconsin is just another 'double problem' which still makes a day of real golfing better than sitting in front of the television set watching Joshua Morrow and Phyllis Stafford swap the spit of demonic spirits. I decided to forget Omaha Beach crews next Tuesday and name my next golf outing 'The Bert Osterhaut Memorial Open', since Bert and his wife Martha did welcome me into their home and even fed me when I was a stranger in Charlotte. The Osterhauts also were not ashamed to admit that they had friends who were Jewish, just like my grandmother Mary Raczek was not afraid to admit that her grade school friend was Jewish. The marriages of Bert and Martha, my parents, my grandparents and siblings do matter and are much better to hear about and remember than wasting your time being tricked by the Hallmark Channel once. When a real human man keeps his vows, he becomes a hero to many people in the family. Likewise, when a real human man intentionally breaks his vows, he becomes worse than a 'zero' and pulls his entire family name and reputation into a pit that sometimes seems as though it is bottomless. Just as it was in the garden of Eden, the bigger responsibility in a family ultimately belongs on the men's shoulders, whether their families do good or their families do evil. In the cases of remarriage, The last man that weds a woman who had been divorced should consider himself to be the burden bearer of the woman's children. When Cheryl Stenzel decided to get remarried, her new husband(s) should have made sure that they realized adoption papers aren't necessary to take over parenting roles, and I certainly am not going to blame my brother for the way his ex-wife's children turned out. No judge in his proper frame of mind should have let Cheryl Bentley reassume my family name without my brother's consent. 'Womanizers' like James Costa of Wittenberg can take credit or blame for the way that Eric David Hendrikson and Ashley Maria Hendrikson turn out. I look forward to the day when I might no longer have 'Hendrikson' on my official paperwork, but I chose to keep it in order to make it IMPOSSIBLE for my ex-husband to remarry me and make him unable to deny that he divorced me due to his own lust for another female.
The transition 'dependent' game is not something that should be taken as lightly as a soccer ball or a golf ball, but those who do not really fear the LORD step into households after they have intentionally disrespected the marriage and the family that existed previously. I still contend that a petition for divorce is as much a reason to lower a flag in a state or a nation as is the death of a president or similar human. Indeed, there is time for good humor and romance in a real, good marriage, but a real and good married couple is not going to be seeking out television and movie crews to videotape them. Real and good marriages do seek out the approval of real angels so that they are better able to defend their families against unholy intruders.
Revealing the truth seems to set me free from besetting sin problems. :)
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