Saturday, May 21, 2016

Leaving Teammates Stranded Is A Problem

After being somewhat intrigued by an NFL television program which relayed many details about the life of Barry Sanders, once again the lack of mention of his children's mother became a point of spiritual concern. Men who decide to single out by getting divorced for reasons other than the marital infidelity of the respondent end up being followers, not trustworthy leaders for lost sheep . People who might have been trusting Barry Sanders as a leader should have found out what I did,  and either kept their leadership position at a spiritual type of  2nd or 3rd base or try to advance those on 2nd or 3rd by staying on  good and strong offense to get teammates 'home' .  Followers can eventually get behind a proper and holy leader if they choose to, but only a few choose to 'get saved' by pursuing holiness rather than pursuing happiness. Indeed, some people appear to be happier after they obtain their divorce, but do not think that happiness leads to holiness.  A faithful spouse who has been rejected   and mourns the loss of their first love until a better and truer love reaches them and lifts them up is a  potential good and faithful leader.

I probably attack the area of divorce with tenacity because it is a CURABLE disease pattern that needs a real adversary.  Because a divorce is public information, let me try to illustrate how a man like Barry Sanders might be able to go on to be a leader:

A) In order for Barry Sanders name to get cleared for another chance to be  'bat man' at home plate, his former wife, Lauren Campbell,* would have to publicly admit she had been unfaithful to him and eventually mated with another human being. It would not be surprising to anyone that a female who desires media attention and cameras might stray or be lured away from her position at home plate FOLLOWING a good husband.
B) Keeping 'A" in mind, if a guilty divorcee does not publicly confess their errs, they eliminate their own chance of redemption.  A guilty divorce petitioner often is so hard-hearted that they spend their life trying to prevent their ex-spouse from being able to remarry in peace, because thye cast lies or cast doubt in the community about their ex-spouse's marital faithfulness.
G) If a unfaithful petitioner never clears the name of his former spouse, the former spouse might choose to live a life of holiness and isn't that concerned about happiness anymore. Happiness is NOT a warm puppy. Even a dead dog remains warm for a period of time.
D) There might be a lot of similarities between Barry Sanders and Shane Hendrikson when it comes to football and duration of a marriage. Barry Sanders is clearly a more attractive man than Shane Hendrikson to the non-racist eye and hopefully, Barry Sanders is not a liar and a the Shane David Hendrikson type of employee who stole from me and lied about me in and out of courtrooms. No wise, redeemed single woman in her proper holy mind would consider marrying a previously divorced man who wasn't publicly cleared as having a holy reason for a divorce.  I took a chance on Shane Hendrikson because he was the respondent in a divorce case and the mother of his children did not hide her adulterous choice of Jim Costa. Shane Hendrikson did not use his chance up at bat properly, despised the mercy he was shown and the grace he had been given, and singled himself out rather than making it around the bases and leading his family to a secure life at 'home'.
H) It would  take courage and  the repentance of the lover of an unfaithful spouse to come forward and proclaim his or her guilt in an adulterous affair with the formerly married person in order to clear a person who filed a petition for divorce.  Sadly, there are too few people who are willing to confess their sins, and that is why so few people actually 'get saved' after an adulterous affair. It is impossible for me to publicly 'clear' any of my former husband's for remarriage based on my personal knowledge of my actions in public and private. If a woman is raped or is tempted but repents before the temptation leads to voluntary mating with a person she is not married to, that is not grounds for a good man to divorce her, but might be used as an excuse by a unloving and unredeemed man.

If Mr. Barry Sanders is ever cleared for remarriage due to a 'guilty' plea from the lips of Lauren Campbell , good for Barry Sanders; he might be one of the elect in that case. Walking away from a football game is not a sign of weakness, but walking away  from an 'unhappy family' to an attorney's office is a sign of lack of  courage, hope and faith the size of a mustard seed in the midst of a  serious spiritual battle.


Leaving teammates confused is also a serious problem, even if they are confused at home, 1st, 2nd or 3rd base.

I do not know why Monte Judah is so unclear about passover mealtime, but as my closer on this 28th day of the omer count, I will be as clear as the difference between a green 14 an maroon15 billiard ball.

In proper  historical order, the pesach lamb is slain on the morning of the 14th day, roasted during the day and the passover meal is quickly held in the closing hours of the same 14th day, just before sunset.  The moon might be as visible as the huge ivory area on the 14th billiard ball. There are instructions that the meal in the closing minutes of the 14th day has to be completed before sundown, and a memorial exit strategy from your household can and I would say SHOULD be kept as a practice and reminder that leaving is sometimes a necessary act to preserve life. That time slot for the passover meal has not been changed, even if you are unable to raise,slaughter and roast your own lamb. Days 15, 16, 17, 18,19,20 and 21 are the 7 days of the feast of unleavened bread, and Monte Judah seems accurate about that point. Accuracy of the 14th day depends on the sighting of the new moon and the ripening of the barley, and F-14's do not determine the natural sighting of the moon or ripe barley. The addition of a large scarlet thread around the 15th billiard ball is significant, and PINK is not the color of the blood of a animal necessary for  the atonement of sins.

* 'Lauren Campbell' information was noted as 'point 17' on a Wikipedia report in the Barry Sanders section.  Do not confuse Brian Campbell, the Badger who became a Panther, with Lauren Campbell or a 'Michael Baldwin' soap opera character.

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