Monday, May 2, 2016

It's Not Always Funny Finding The Wrong Person

Today I deviated from sightseeing to an attemp to find a person of interest to me based only on information I found on the internet.  This isn't much different than trying to find a missing person with oonly local public information available. I'm not impressed by Prince Harry publicity stunts, since Prince Harry types are about equal to Marilyn Monroe mentally and are not even as wise as Jeff Sauer in spiritual matters and daily decisions that require humility and hard work. Setting up games and televised entertainment competitions  is  like a circus on many occasions which means it is a temporary escape from dealing with reality and the promoters financially profit just like 'Dancing With The Stars' stupidity. Don't expect 'Prince Harry' to be on the same side of  Michael the Prince who stands up for Israel and is aligned with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords described in the Scriptures.  My defense of a gas station in Milwaukee may end up being more important on a 'bravery' resume than the Afghanistan war games that haven't resulted in any peace or safety.

When television start a form of fictional encroachment on real names, they are wading in the terrritory of the beast, not purifying themselves and preparing themselves for Truth that will not be lead toward idiots that seek or stalk Tom Cruise types. I certainly am not stalking anyone, but wantint to talk to someone who is of interest to me even for a short brief conversation is not a crime. If I do not achieve my goal and find the person of interest, I lose interest in the person and continue on with my holy life; maybe the person of interest will try to find me someday.

Since I already made it St. Jerome, I decided to 'bing' the other Lebeau mentioned by the ice rink personnel; namely Stephan LeBeau. Stephan is listed in the 4000's in the ESPN disorderly records section, and Patrick is listed as 3810.  It APPEARED as though Patrick Lebeau had gone into the real estate market in the Hull, Quebec area. After a failed attempt to meet Patrick Lebeau at 101 Avenue De Gatinue, I proceeded with a rather impolite lead to 711 Joseph Street. Past the door marked 'Jasmine', I walked into a Century21 3D office across from a 'Goshen' marking and met a very attractice man who also claimed to be Patrick Lebeau, but denied being the former Montreal Conadiens born on March 17th. I explained my background, we exchanged a bit of trivia information, and I left satisfied that I could still make my way around in a strange place locating strangers, and thankfully this was not an emergency situation. What I did today was not much different than trying to clear up cases in the MIlwaukee Police Department missing persons bureau, and some skills are good to retry. Some people do word searches, I decided to do a human search today.

Stopping into a Walmart, I refused to buy anything because of all the Star Wars trash being promoted. I also refused to buy a MOntreal shirt after hearing that riots had occurred there yesterday; and rioting is not how the angels of HVHY try to accimplish the small or huge tasks set before them on a daily basis. I tried my first Harvey's burger, bad communications and I ended up with a meat and grain mixture that tdid not have good flavor, and eventually found my way into a bakery where I dropped some money into the local small business section. Seiing "Xavier' pop with a buck on it wasn't too amusing but I bought it anyway just to get the number on it.  It seems that whie wearing a Mihael Bennet Viking jersey, the combination of Xavier without any Rhodes bread in sight seemed like a good place to pick up an identifying marker rather than getting tattoed.

I sense my return home to the United States will once again be sad because it is as lonely and often  seems as hopeless when all I seem to accomplish is holy living, breathing, eating and waiting for some good news to come my way or to have someone start to seek me for all the right reasons rather than to deceive me or frighten me or try to get money from me that they have not earned.  The toen of Hull, Quebec is as strange as the east side of MIlwaukee, and thankfully no riots or plagues  have ruined my trip.. I plan to try to find a place that I might want to travel to during next year's spring feast and am prepared to mourn again rather than to rejoice on 'Mother's day'.  A candle is wasted when there is no purpose to light up an area or to add a bit of hope inside of a house from time to time. Being seen under a Marilyn MOnroe umbrella is far worse in the sight of holy angels than being seen in a yellow visor and a Michael Bennett MInnesota Viking jersey. When the best choice is not able to be seen, making the best choice of how you are seen by others does matter in spiritual warfare.

One last look around Ottawa and a slow drive back to Michigan is better than being stranded Israel and returning to a household where the leader desired Playboy items more than he desired to see the Sea of Galilee. The days between Passover and Pentecost were days of struggles and uncertainty for the people being led by Moses, just as the word Mesha' is found in Joshua 13:26'  more easily than Stephan Lebeau is found on the face of the earth. Reassuring myself I can survive alone in unfamiliar settings without becoming overly anxious or frightened reaffirms my soundness of mind. A sound mind is lacking in those who conitually come up with fiction rather than speading the Truth and trying to convinve others that a lifestyle of sin never leads to a sound mind, but might lead you to a 'jack of spades' at a casino table which never can save you in peace time or in times of tribulation and sorrows.

I did see Gatineau police squad numbered 19 today, and such a sight is better for a person who obeys laws than seeing a giant fake or real cockroach named 'Bethany' go into Apt. 2206 in a 'Ghostbuster' movie. Quite obviously, I do not like the name 'Bethany'.

I made myself laugh today and also accomplished a small goal, even though I did not find Patrick Lebeau of St. Jerome yet.

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