I chose to go to a meeting tonight where certain brave men in Michigan were waging a war against biblical ignorance. Season seating without tickets is available to the battleground without any money or credit card information requested up front, but if you survived the battle, a donation toward the war effort is an option. Free parking is an added benefit for those who have the wisdom to avoid donations to unreasonably high salaries of professional sports players and coaches. Certainly, the time spent at 9 mile and Linwood was better than any offering the Fox Theatre has offered and is more informative than a political speech by the pompous Hillary Clinton if the desire of your heart is to be able to teach or hear and then obey the instructions for the living saints with the few other people who have escaped Egyptian and Roman spiritual traps and are in the process of sanctification.
What I saw tonight was a genuine effort of decent people who are part of the greater exodus from anti-commandment religions. I guess I differ from Monte Judah, because I don't believe that when the chosen people are called out of the Babylonian system that they will all end up in one location in the Jerusalem area. I believe that anyone who has escaped the traps of 'partial belief' in the Scriptures and has made it to full belief in the teachings and instructions delivered through Moses and the prophets has been born as if escaping a partial birth abortion. If only part of your body is able to escape the liars and the 'wolf in sheep clothing types', the body does not survive.
Although I look forward to seeing Nehemia Gordon again, hearing that Arthur Bailey and Michael Rood is also heading this way is only a chance for me to observe if the enemies of humility and strategic discernment have changed any of their ways. Arthur Bailey seems more like a wolf in sheep's clothing than a reliable servant of HVHY, and that opinion is based on his past presentations. i can no longer tell the difference between Michael Rood and Bob Barker since Michael Rood pushed an unholy, 'Miss Israel' into his film lines. The seeds that one good teacher might plant are sometimes uprooted as soon as a religious opportunist tries to hatch asp eggs in an unsuspecting congregation. Eventually, I will have to decide if I can teach or learn more on Friday nights sitting in a humble synagogue or keep gathering with the odds and ends of the hockey assemblies trying to help them overcome fear of the concepts of Israeli tribes and breastplate patterns. A tough choice is better than no options of people to gather with safely during the 7th day, and I trust the spirit of prophesy to guide me on a daily basis.
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