Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Beauty Without A Beast: Jerome the Giraffe

( viewers caution:I don't recommend going beyond the video posted here, since linked videos have not been screened.)

Replacement therapy can be useful if a bad memory is overpowered by a good memory.   Tim McGraw and Faith Hill is now properly designated as a sickening act of outright blasphemy, and 'the Wizard of Oz' is as deranged and anti-Christ in it's message as 'Harry Potter'.  The parenting that I received as a child was excellent compared to what most children experience today because many parents have become computer junkies rather than teachers of decent arts, cooking and gardening at home. As I watched 'The Friendly Giant' today, a show that I must've seen many times as a child,  what my ears heard was truly beautiful on this May 17th,2016, so much so that tears came to my eyes just as it had when I heard David Lanz play 'Dream of The Forgotten Child'  while he was in Milwaukee.  Indeed, images and sounds presented to children are like anchors in their mind, and if the images and words are as disgusting and vulgar as most of what is on the radio and television programming today, it is no wonder that young people are morally sinking their own family ships rather than being obedient, kind and helpful to their parents, neighbors and teachers.

It is more than a curious fact to realize that the most beautiful fireplace I designed and eventually picked (and scrubbed) stones for from my family land for was extremely similar to the one I had seen as a toddler watching 'The Friendly Giant', a Canadian Broadcasting show.  'Rusty the Rooster', a substitute image for an actual harp player, might also be why I chose wallpaper with roosters on it for my childhood bedroom. What I did not know as a child was that the rooster and the giraffe were clean animals, not unclean, as I watched a drawbridge rise and fall in a fashion that may have been similar to Noah's ark.  Once Noah and family exited the ark, they knew the ark was only a temporary dwelling even though it took years to perfect. I had once thought the house and buildings that I designed at 1602 Mary Lane in Knowlton, WI would have been my last location in life on this planet, with a view of cornfields and deer appreciated rather than a view of skyscrapers. My family and I had to leave what we all worked so hard to complete when an evil lawyer and unjust government systems assisted a man who chose to be a greedy and cruel man,  namely Shane, achieve one of his unrighteous goals. I'm sure my brother and parents have not forgotten the viscious and beast-like behavior of Shane David Hendrikson as his anger flared on the day he got exactly what he desired in his heart: a divorce and plenty of money in his pockets as an obese Marathon County sheriff backed him up like a Nazi goon squad.  My family was not properly allowed to gather my belongings  in peace and dignity as Shane David Hendrikson decided with a very hard heart to permanently discard and intentionally ruin every bit of hope, love and kindness that had come his way from my family for years and as a result, he probably still believes his own lies.

One of the reasons much kindness and childlike faith remains in me, as it is in a remnant of people with hearts and minds  that  are  decent, is that a few people intelligently designed  sets, music, characters and wardrobes like 'The Friendly Giant' and  chose to use technology for good rather than for evil.

Many of the names on 'The Friendly Giant' credits are familiar to me,  including Homme and Whyte. I now have been reminded of what a beautiful  television theme song sounds like and I plan to cherish that music as much as I cherish 'It Is Well With My Soul' and 'Holy god We Praise Thy Name' and the beautiful decent music that has come from my father's concertina.

The sight of the full moon was a reminder to me that two significant biblical memorial days start at the time of the full moon, namely the week of unkeavened bread and the feast of booths, just as the words often heard in cribbage do: "fifteen for 2'. Even if no one reads my blogs, it is better to leave out on the open thoughts that are true even if they are painful rather than spread or hide lies and unrealistic fantasy worlds in a diary.  It  is always better to weep with a saint than laugh with a group of unrepentant sinners. I still am able to wipe my own tears from my eyes without getting a prescription for pain killers.

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