Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mike Eagles Day Shift Reminders For Legal Communications

When it comes to news briefs from Monte Judah, he seems to be predicting the worst case scenario rather than hope that iwse law-makers can encourage love of God speech in Canada or if a miracle occurs, in the United States.

I already know situations and the future is not going to be favorable toward France. However, MOnte Judah failed to communicate the fact that the city of Montreal does have an active Israeli culture and that certain anti-Jewish comedians were  being publicly criticized for their 'hate speech' against Jews.

If you consider a small smooth Lapis Lazuli like a miniature version of one of the Blue Mountain elevations, I am able to move tribe of Dan mountains on a daily basis.  Since the second month has started, it is important to start to remember what was chosen to be seeond in many legal world, earth and  management  systems:

A) The second letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the beit, was chosen to became the first letter at the far right of beginning of the Books of Moses.

B) The second round in a necessary defensive situation might be important to men such as Chief Paul Pederson, especially if his many men have a Ruger 9mm or a bowling ball for their defense. A spare idea is still a good way to level the playing field of bowling pins.

G) Since certain phrases might get me arrested in Canada, it is fine that MOnte Judah releases the 'Do no say ' list in Canada. Since A good saint can get around shrubbery safely while picking up litter int heir neighborhood, a good saint can also boldly proclaim in Canada or any Muslim nation on earth'I love heterosexuals and God loves heterosexuals too!' You can also safely say in Canada 'Thankfully Bruce Jenner and Shania Twain aren't hanging around my neck if you havc properly chosen to stone yourself with good rock pointers, such as a sardius or a jasper.

D) Use the alternate to 'positive hits' with negative hits, such as the desire to be 2 below is what Eagles golf is like.  Since MIke Eagles is number 241 according to ESPN, a group which predominately spreads hate of morality and love of gambling, it is legal to give sinners the silent treatment but flash them the stern eye os Simeon if it appears they have disregarded official signs from Mount Sinai. The more non-contact physical signs you can relay without a speech, the less likely you are to get misquoted or arrested in God-fearing nations.

H) Take your own comedy club with you if Eagles clubs are too much like Marquette University boxers for you.  The spirit of Elijah is still loosely tied to the Henry Ford museum at #19, so numbering codes can work to your advantage if you are caught in a legal cribbage  hand situation rather than an illegal Yzerman and Coke Zero game which might involve bribery problems and  illegal monopoly err lines.  Maybe an 8 is a comedy club for some people, and it is fair and just  to say ' Jaroslav Spacek is not a Sissy or Brian Keith joke' and then laugh out loud until a serious LORD shows up with a 'Ne Pas Jeter' sign or some other private house or legal business rule sign.

V) Second place is better to be thought of as Satan than Simon Peter is you want to properly discern archangels from apostles in second place. 'Get behind me Saran' is like double checking on Yul Brynner's final state of mind after playing a role in .The Magnificant 7' or remembering that James Coburn and Charles Bronson were not the first man out of the dirty tunnel sectionals in ;The Great Escape'. Telling someone to get behind you is not a hate speech, and if someone refuses to get behind you, it might be because they want to shield you or they want to go on White belt self- defense for a change.

Z) Simeon is second in birth order but 7th in  anti-Nazi church foundation order. If you have to mess with Texas for D=4 for James Cleveland's sake, and  you wisely do not believe the audibles of Tim McGraw, Carrie Underwood or Shania Twain, make sure you do not try to oppose Simeon, since jail time was already served by him under Joseph's order and he was allowed to go free as a goat in the wilderness. This is a good clean comparison between Judah and Simeon, since a tribe of Judah member was chosen to be slain rather than jailed and released for the good of Israel's long term redemption policy.  Simeon did get credit for time served in Egypt according to the Secretary of 'JeSuis'.

*) Active players are sometimes a risk, just like Ham was a problem for Noah. Whenit comes to great 8th day tactics, I suggest remaining in a Holy Locust Street Legal Super Visor system OR the Chief Beryl Brains, which is a cornerstone in the Ephod system but not a cornerstone in some other systems.  8th nation rules are as important as oxygen and more important than Jumbo Ellis Island fanatics who are too attached to Dan Akroyd and Windows systems and not well grounded in badger skins and Chief Sequoia systems loosely tied to Unites States Coast guard life line and fresh water line guards.

T)I hope you realize now that the New Brunswick flag is in fact tied to a spare bowling game and that sailboats are more like Zebulon and Max Pacioretty systems in a Maurice Sendak book than a Nautique and  movie theatre will ever be.  It seems like the character drawn up in a wolf-suit had no father figure in the household to discipline him, but his mother still supplied his soup. It is not wrong to chase a dog out of your house with a fork, but it is wrong to threaten to eat or  intentionally injure your own mother except in cases of self-defense. In quietness and times alone in a hockey rink, the mind is able to grasp what it might feel like to be Moses after he was sent into the wilderness alone, not knowing there would be God-fearing tent dwellers that would help prolong his life and strengthen him for difficult leadership roles in his future.

X) I often forget I am not 'at home' when I am in a comfortable rented room trying to recover from another difficult year in macomb, Michigan, possibly because I understand that the international law-abiding 'threshold' rule means I have to be welcomed into a place that I do not own, rather than force my way into it and demand the owner obey my rules. It is a compliment to many or a few in the nation of Canada that I do feel a love and a very serious connection to Canada because its citizens have displayed love and concern for me many times. I am not so foolish to ask for or accept $50 a day from the nation of Canada for my food expenses, and as that would be a sign of greed for any refugee to receive more than they deserve just because it is OFFERED to them against the will of many other taxpayers. A wise Syrian refugee would say 'I can live on $10 a day for food as long as you provide me a place that I can be a house servant in to ensure I have safe shelter.  It is wise for Canadian politicians and those taking more than they are giving to reconsider the trend of the immigration lines that might anger  or provoke those who have served Canada for much longer periods of times without receiving a 'free lunch'. I despised being on food stamps in the United States because my son was fathered by a man who was a heretic and a deceiver; understanding that good works generate the best literal and spiritual rewards and also prevents you from obtaining a spirit of greed and over-indulgence that the money lenders and gamblers acquire as their besetting sin pattern.

Y)' Blackhawks7' is like a  quadruple bogey on a Crane Mwadows par 3 billiard ball course designed with George Washington's Philadelphia singles game in mind but without James Wyman's advice during the construction of the tee box area.  This is known as the 'Ruth Johnson' addendum and  unclean dust bunnY idiom to the I-39 system that wisely avoids trusting an uncomfortable and unholu Eisenhower jacket for its protective covering system.

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